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HomeUncategorizedBallet Magnificat! Teaches Workshop to Local and Visiting Dancers

Ballet Magnificat! Teaches Workshop to Local and Visiting Dancers

The evening of Sep­tember 16 saw Ballet Magnificat!, Ameri­ca’s premiere Chris­tian Ballet Company from Jackson, Mis­sissippi, come to Two Harbors to perform the ballet Prodigal’s Journey. The follow­ing day, dance stu­dents ages eight and up, with at least 1 year of dance experience, had the unique oppor­tunity to participate in a one-day work­shop taught by Ballet Magnificat! company members.

Dance students at­tended from multi­ple studios, including Wings of Eagles Bal­let Studio and Sterling Dance of Two Har­bors; Salt and Light Dance Studio and La Grâce Homeschool Ballet from Duluth; and Legacy Studio of Dance. Students also hailed from Ely, the Iron Range, Faribault, and Austin, Manitoba. Thirty-nine students in total attended, and were divided into Be­ginner, Intermediate, and Advanced levels based upon a combi­nation of skill, experi­ence, and age.

The first class taught to all levels was con­temporary. Some students had taken contemporary dance before, but for others it was a whole new world. Contemporary dance features a lot more floorwork, flu­idity, and expression than the strictness of classical ballet.

Next came a clas­sical ballet class, with work on technique at barre and at center. Ballet was the dance style most students were more familiar with, so for those un­used to contemporary, the familiarity of the ballet class structure was met with relief.

During the third session, advanced students who were en pointe had the oppor­tunity to take a pointe class, while beginner and intermediate/ad­vanced students each had a class termed “variations”. In this class, dancers learned parts of Ballet Mag­nificat!’s choreogra­phy. The intermedi­ate/advanced class learned parts of two selections from Prod­igal’s Journey.

The final class of the night was cre­ative worship, which began with the Ballet Magnificat! dancers presenting a simple dance acting out a few Biblical stories, with the theme of Biblical characters faced with a choice. This moved into a time of discus­sion and worship, and the evening ended with all three levels plus company mem­bers doing improv dance.

Student Britta D. en­joyed the workshop. “The performance was great, the work­shop was even better! I liked how the teach­ers were really nice, and that they taught us their dances. It was awesome.”

Other students also commented on the workshop. From Zayden S., “I really liked how they chal­lenged me.” “I liked learning new dances,” Lenora S. added.

Sisters Hanna and Hilda K. shared their thoughts. “Being around such a ded­icated group, I was inspired to try to be in Ballet Magnificat! when I am older. I love how they are so strong, and that they do it all for God,” Hil­da said. Hanna agreed, “It was so inspiring; I learned so much! It is so beautiful that they dance to glorify God! It makes me want to work harder at ballet. I am so grateful for this opportunity!”.

A heartfelt thanks from all the fami­lies goes out to Lo­vin’ Lake County for making the workshop affordable, Ballet Magnificat! for in­spiring young danc­ers, and First Baptist Church for the use of their facilities. Every­one is hoping to have this opportunity again next year!

Haley Searls
Haley Searls
Hello! My name is Haley Searls. I’ve loved writing from an early age, though my nonfiction writing at five years old consisted mainly of weather and gardening reports. I still have some of those early articles: “It’s sunny.” “It’s still sunny.” “It’s raining.” I’m glad to say my writing has improved since then. I wrote a guest post for the Silver Bay Public Library blog, and was the writer/editor of the newsletter for my American Heritage Girls troop. I have been writing for the North Shore Journal since June 2022. Besides writing, I love reading, drawing, photography, music, and spending time with family and friends. Two books that have really influenced my writing are Reforming Journalism by Marvin Olasky and Writer to Writer by Bodie and Brock Thoene. As a journalist, I want to share positive community interactions and inspire people to make lasting connections. Article topics that interest me are ones which show community activities and involvement. Such articles include community events, youth accomplishments, library programming, small businesses, local history, local artists and authors, art programs, and cultural events such as theater and dance. If you have an article idea, email the North Shore Journal with my name in the subject line! I look forward to hearing from you!

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