Sunday, February 9, 2025


Annual Statement of Ownership: 1. Publication Title: Northshore Journal, 2. Publication Number: 03, 3. Filing Date: September 23, 2024, 4. Issue Frequency: Weekly, 5. Number of Issues published annually: 52, 6. Annual Subscription price: $45.00, 7. Complete Mailing Address of Known Office of Publication (not printer): Bayside Printing & Northshore Journal, 27 Evans Circle, Silver Bay, Lake, MN, 55614, Contact Person: Christine Mallory, Telephone: 218.226.3335, 8. Complete Mailing Address of Headquarters or Gen­eral Business Office of Publisher: Same as above, 9. Full Names and Complete Mailing Addresses of Publisher, Editor, and Managing Editor: Publisher; Bayside Print­ing & Northshore Journal, 27 Evans Circle, Silver Bay, MN 55614, Editor; Christine Mallory, 27 Evans Circle, Silver Bay, MN 55614, Managing Editor; Christine Mallory 27 Evans Circle, Silver Bay, MN 55614, 10. Owner: Christine Mallory, 27 Evans Circle, Silver Bay, MN 55614, 11. Known Bondholders, Mortgagees, and Other Security Holders Owning or Holding 1 percent or More of Total Amount of Bonds, Mortgages, or Other Securities: None, 12. Tax Status; N/A, 13. Publication Title; Northshore Journal, 14. Issue Date for Cir­culation Data below; September 20, 2024, 15. Extent and Nature of Circulation, (a) Total Number of Copies (1) mailed outside county paid subscriptions Average 115/Ac­tual 115, c. total paid distribution Average 115/Actual 115. d. Free or Nominal Rate Distribution (3) free or nominal rate copies mailed at other classes through the usps Average 10175/Actual 10175. (d4) Free or nominal rate distribution outside the mail Average 310/Actual 310. (e) total free or nominal rate distribution Average 10485/ Actual 10485. (f) total distribution Average 10600/Actual 10600. (h) total Average 10600/ Actual 10600. (i) percent paid Aver­age 1.085%/Actual 1.085%. 16. electronic copy circulation; NA, 17. Publication of Statement of Ownership. If the publication is a general publication, publication of this statement is required and will be printed in the September 27, 2024 issue of this publication. I certify that all information fur­nished on this form is true and complete. I understand that everyone who furnishes false or misleading information on this form or who omits material or information requested on the form may be subject to criminal sanctions (including fines and im­prisonment) and/or civil sanctions (includ­ing civil penalties). 18. /s/ Christine Mallo­ry, Owner/Editor, September 23, 2024.


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