Wednesday, February 19, 2025
HomeBusinessLocalNet Gains: Two Harbors Soccer Club Continues to Grow

Net Gains: Two Harbors Soccer Club Continues to Grow

Soccer is one of the world’s most popu­lar sports, if not THE most popular, with a massive fan base spanning across the continents. Locally, its appeal is undeni­able, with around 300 kids participating in the Two Harbors Soc­cer Club (THSC) pro­grams, proving soc­cer’s strong foothold here as well.

“It’s pretty big,” said Ashleigh Swanson, president of THSC. “We have kids from the North Shore area, some Duluth players, all the way up to Sil­ver Bay and Grand Marais. We see sig­nificant growth every year, around 10% or so.”

THSC is in its 30th year as a club and is part of the Arrowhead Youth Soccer Asso­ciation. AYSA is an organization serving northeastern Minne­sota soccer clubs and helps with coordi­nating teams, refer­ees, coaches, practice times, field mainte­nance, etc. According to Ashleigh, “It’s diffi­cult to coordinate 100 teams. They do good work!”

Ashleigh has served as president of THSC for just over a year, af­ter having been a board member for years pri­or. Before stepping into her current role, she was the marketing coordinator.

“It was kind of a nat­ural transition to a lit­tle more leadership re­sponsibility,” said the former soccer player, who played for the Agates not too long ago.

As president, Ash­leigh says her respon­sibilities span “A to Z.” She handles adminis­trative work, market­ing, fundraising, co­ordination, and more. She also coaches the U12 girls team. Part of the club’s growth, she believes, comes from soccer’s accessibility. The financial burden is lower compared to other sports.


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