Friday, March 28, 2025


Trump / Biden – Harris and the Economy

As the November election approaches, wouldn’t it be nice if important policy is­sues took precedence in news coverage over stories about who in­sulted whom?...

Two Harbors Native Eric Fransen Co-Founder of Charlotte Start-up DEVYN: AI Venture Building Autonomous Agents for Sales & Marketing

Charlotte, NC - Nestled in the vibrant heart of North Carolina's tech ecosystem, a start-up is developing software that is powering Autonomous Agents for...

Digital Marketing 101: Navigating the Basics for Small Business Success

Hello! I’m Eric Fransen, a digital marketing consultant and business owner. With over two decades of experience in digital marketing, I’ve gathered a wealth...

Cleveland-Cliffs and the United Steel Workers Reach Tentative Labor Agreement for Northshore Mining Operations

CLEVELAND -- (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Cleveland-Cliffs Inc. (NYSE: CLF) an­nounced today that it has reached a tenta­tive agreement with the United Steelworkers (USW) on...

Two Harbors Entrepreneur Acquires the newly renamed Pineville Porcupines

By Julie Borshak Former Agate and part-time Two Harbors resident Eric Fransen acquired a stake in the newly renamed Pineville Porcupines of the Old North...

Local Communities Struggling with Northshore Mining Closure

Northshore Mining, a subsidiary of Cleveland-Cliffs, Inc., was shut down in May of this year, laying off several hundred full-time employees. Northshore includes the...

Cost of Drive-offs at Fuel Pumps lead to Payment Changes

Drive-offs are a form of theft where motorists intentionally drive away without paying for the fuel they pumped into their vehicle. Often times they...

Free Parking Available for Duluth Landline Passengers

Duluth, MN, Sep. 22, 2022 -- The Landline Company is excited to announce that beginning September 21st, passengers on any airline starting their journey...


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Notice is hereby given that the town board of Crystal Bay Township, Lake Coun­ty, Minnesota will hold a special board meeting on April 15th,...