Cook County is blessed with the second-highest concentration of people aged 65 and over out of Minnesota’s 87 counties. It also claims the second oldest median age of 51 years.
Care Partners of Cook County and Arrow-head Area Agency on Aging are hosting a three-week series of workshops titled Aging With Gusto.
Stressing how a positive view of aging and living a life with gusto can make it easier to be healthier and happier in the so-called Golden Years, the workshops are held from 1-2:30 pm on three Mondays, September 11, 18, and 25. The workshops will be at the Grand Marais Hub/Senior Center at 10 Broadway.
Discussions will revolve around which values and key contributors participants want to draw on to lead a more fulfilling life. The work-shops will also look at how ageism impacts the aging population.
Trained facilitators will run the sessions to guide discussions, offer ideas, and present questions for participants to consider and stimulate conversation.
There will be no charge to attend the sessions. All are invited to participate.
Organizers do ask that you register in advance if you plan to attend. Registration can be done by phone ((218) 387-3788) or online at