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HomeNewsSheriff's ReportSHERIFF’S REPORT


Monday, August 14, 2023
Inmate Population: 5

  • 0824 Deputy makes a traffic stop on Hwy 61. Warn for speed.
  • 1020 Deputy takes report of fraud in TH.
  • 1153 Deputy takes report of suspicious activity on Hwy 2.
  • 1316 Deputy out with vehicle on Hwy 2. All ok.
  • 1356 Deputy takes report of harassment in SB.
  • 1403 Deputy responds to report of a burglary near SB.
  • 1522 Deputy makes a traffic stop on Hwy 2. Warn for speed.
  • 1626 Deputy responds to report of a 2 vehicle accident on Hwy 61. No injuries reported.
  • 2041 Deputy responds to report of suspicious activity on Air­port Rd.
  • 2315 Deputy makes a traffic stop on 11th Avenue. Warn for speed.
  • 2354 Deputy checks on residence on house watch list.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023
Inmate Population: 4

  • 0008 LCRS responds to medical on 2nd Avenue. One was trans­ported to LVMH by ambulance.
  • 0125 Deputy checks on residence on house watch list.
  • 0339 Deputy responds, along with THPD, to request for a wel­fare check on 2nd Avenue. All ok.
  • 0356 Deputy checks on residence on house watch list.
  • 0602 Deputy transports to SLC prison bus.
  • 1044 Deputies respond to a report of neighbor trouble in Isabel­la.
  • 1057 Deputy out with vehicle in the ditch on Hwy 3. Vehicle towed out.
  • 1106 Sergeant makes a traffic stop on Hwy 61 near Sh0rt Rd. Warn for speed.
  • 1328 Sergeant, Deputies and LCRS respond to water emer­gency on Isabella Lake.
  • 1652 Chief Deputy and THPD out with vehicle on 5th Street.
  • 2027 LCRS responds to medical on Hwy 1. One was transported to SLH by ambulance.
  • 2136 Deputy and LCRS responds to medical on Larsmont Rd. One was transported by ambulance to hospital.
  • 2223 Deputy responds to a driving complaint on Gun Club Rd.
  • 2245 Deputy responds, along with THPD, to report of a distur­bance on 8th Street.
  • 2335 Deputy responds, along with THPD, to report of an open door on TH business. All secure.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023
Inmate Population: 3

  • 0750 Deputy on water patrol in SB area.
  • 1152 LCRS responds to medical on Main St. One transported to LVMH by ambulance.
  • 1412 Deputy and LCRS responded to SOS in BWCAW. Acci­dental push.
  • 1910 Deputy assists other agency in an attempt to locate a possi­ble intoxicated driver in Ely area.
  • 2022 Deputy responds to report of an unwanted person in Ely area.

Thursday, August 17, 2023
Inmate Population: 3

  • 0743 Chief Deputy and Deputy respond to report of an un­wanted person on Hwy 61. One brought to LCJ for disorderly conduct.
  • 1052 Deputy serves papers at TH residence.
  • 1338 Deputy makes traffic stop on Old North Shore Rd. Warn for speed.
  • 1517 Deputy serves papers at Finland residence.
  • 1638 Deputies and LCRS respond to request for a welfare check on Lake Superior. All ok.
  • 1915 Deputy assists other agency in Ely area.
  • 1938 Deputy and SBPD training with K-9.
  • 2028 Deputy responds, along with THPD, to report of juvenile trouble.
  • 2137 Deputies respond, along with SBPD, to security alarm near SB. All secure.
  • 2231 Deputy responds, along with SBPD, to report of a distur­bance on Main Street.
  • 2308 Deputy responds to medical on Hwy 61. One was transport­ed to SLH by ambulance.

Friday, August 18, 2023
Inmate Population: 3

  • 0440 Deputy responds to report of suspicious activity on Kaw­ishiwi Trl.
  • 0713 Deputy out with vehicle on Hwy 3.
  • 0732 Deputy makes traffic stop on Hwy 3. Cited for speed, Driving after cancellation, no insurance and expired registra­tion.
  • 0936 Deputy responds, along with THPD, to report of a do­mestic disturbance on 7th Street.
  • 1034 Deputy takes a report of fraud.
  • 1150 Deputy provides notification in TH.
  • 1217 Deputy makes a traffic stop on Forest Hwy 11. Cited for speed.
  • 1411 Deputy takes a report of theft in TH area.
  • 1421 Deputy responds to a report of damage to property on Hwy 3.
  • 1502 Deputy responds, along with SBPD, to report of suspi­cious activity.
  • 1517 Deputy makes a traffic stop on Hwy 1. Cited for speed. 93/50.
  • 1518 Deputy assists public with directions to hiking trail.
  • 1536 Deputy makes a traffic stop on Penn Blvd. Warn for speed.
  • 1547 Deputy training with K-9.
  • 1621 Deputy makes a traffic stop on Hwy 1 near Ostman Rd. Cited for driving after revocation, warn for light out and expired insurance.
  • 1634 Deputy responds to a report of an injured deer on Williams Drive.
  • 1650 Deputy makes a traffic stop on Hwy 1. Warn for driving ATV on state rd.
  • 1731 Deputies attempt to pick up or party with a warrant.
  • 1840 Deputies and LCRS respond to requests for a welfare check in Finland area. All ok.
  • 1944 Deputies respond to a report of damage to property on Cooper Rd.
  • 2004 Deputy responds to a report of a disturbance on Canyon Rd.
  • 2231 Deputy assists other agency.

Saturday, August 19, 2023
Inmate Population: 3

  • 0037 Deputy responds, along with THPD, to a security alarm on Hwy 2.
  • 0820 Deputy serves papers at TH address.
  • 1346 Deputy makes a traffic stop on Park Rd. Cited for driving after suspension.
  • 1531 Deputy responds to a report of threats in Ely area.
  • 1728 Deputies respond to a security alarm on Scenic Drive.
  • 2101 Deputy checks on a vehicle in the ditch on Hwy 61.
  • 2107 Deputy makes a traffic stop on Hwy 2 near E Alger Grade. Warn for speed and white lights to the rear.

Sunday, August 20, 2023
Inmate Population: 3

  • 0828 Deputy out with vehicle on Hwy 61. Party had flat tire, tire changed and on their way.
  • 0831 Deputy responds, along with THPD, to report of a miss­ing child. Child located safe.
  • 1054 Deputy responds to report of damage to property on Val­ley Rd.
  • 1106 Deputy takes report of suspicious activity on Airport Rd near Hwy 12.
  • 1326 Deputy assists public changing tires on Outer Drive.
  • 1345 Deputy assists MSP with vehicle stuck on Hwy 61.
  • 1356 Deputy assists MSP with vehicle in the ditch on Hwy 61.
  • 1500 Deputy responds to a report of suspicious activity in TH gravel pit.
  • 1646 Deputy responds to a report of damage to property on Hwy 3.
  • 1950 Deputies and LCRS respond to report of a 1 vehicle roll­over on Lax Lake Rd. One transported to Essentia by Life­Link.
  • 2043 LCRS responds to report of a suicide threat on 1st Ave­nue. One was transported to LVMH by ambulance.
  • 2200 Deputy makes traffic stop on Hwy 2. Warn for speed.
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