Sunday, October 27, 2024


Tuesday, May 28, 2024. Lake County Board of Commissioners’ regularly sched­uled meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m. by Lake County Board Chairperson Rich Sve. Chair Sve led the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance. Unless otherwise stated, all actions have been approved by a unanimous vote. Lake County Board members present in the Lake County Service Center, Split Rock River Room (SRRR), 616 Third Avenue, Two Harbors, Minnesota: District 1 Commissioner Joe Baltich, District 2 Commissioner Derrick “Rick” L. Goutermont, District 3 Commis­sioner Richard “Rick” C. Hogenson, and District 5 Commissioner Rich Sve. Board members absent: District 4 Commissioner Jeremy M. Hurd. Also present: County Administrator Matthew Huddleston, Coun­ty Attorney Russ Conrow, Land Commis­sioner Nate Eide, GIS Analyst Amy Lewis, Environmental Services Director Christine McCarthy, and Clerk of the Board Laurel D. Buchanan.

MOTION HOGENSON, SECOND GOUTERMONT: 01 – Approval of the agenda. Absent: Hurd

Lake County Board Chairperson Rich Sve opened the floor for public comments. Sev­eral members of the public were present. No public comments were provided.

Lake County Attorney Russ Conrow is at­tending today’s meeting as his last county board meeting as County Attorney, before his resignation takes effect and he returns as Assistant County Attorney, working remotely. County Attorney Conrow pro­vided an annual report on behalf of the Office of County Attorney. He reviewed current personnel positions in the office. He discussed the various caseload types: criminal, child protection, mental health, child support, tax appeals, estate recov­ery, civil injunctions, and real estate. He also discussed the case management file system, the change from physical to elec­tronic files, systems that we have used in the past, the system we are currently us­ing, and a recommendation for a change to a different system. Mr. Conrow provided updates on some open projects.

Lake County Land Commissioner Nate Eide provided an update on Moose Habitat planning efforts.

The Moose Habitat Planning Project is a collaborative planning project funded by a grant from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation’s America the Beautiful Chal­lenge program. The grant was awarded to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MN DNR) Division of Fish and Wildlife with in-kind contributions from the 1854 Treaty Authority, Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa, and MN DNR. The project is bringing together tribal, fed­eral, state, county, and non-governmental organizations to identify and address chal­lenges hampering large-scale moose hab­itat restoration in northeastern Minnesota and then developing an implementation plan to enhance moose habitat over the next 5-10 years in three 10,000-to-50,000- acre areas. These project areas will pro­vide an opportunity to apply strategies identified in collaborative workshops. The learnings from the implementation and monitoring of planned treatments will be used to inform future coordination and habitat work.

The project was initiated in June 2023 with the MN DNR hiring a project man­ager entirely funded by the grant. The primary activities of the project include a series of five facilitated workshops with partici­pants from 17 partnering organizations. This Midpoint Project Update provides a review of the activities and findings from the three workshops that have been held to date. Treatments and tools used to enhance moose habitat benefit Minneso­ta’s moose population and provide other benefits such as forest diversity for sus­tainability and climate resiliency, revenue production, fuels reduction, other species’ habitat, and ecosystem management. Several challenges include coordination, economics/operations, research, public, political and organizational support, and environmental. Mr. Eide showed discussed project areas and the next steps for the project area working groups.

Lake County Administrator Matthew Hud­dleston provided an update on several items of county business. GIS Analyst Amy Lewis was present for any questions on her request for board action for the County Board to authorize her to be our license coordinator for the Natural Heritage Infor­mation System (NHIS) Licensing system through the Minnesota Department of Nat­ural Resources (MN DNR).

Land Commissioner Nate Eide advised that his department looks at NHIS data on the Northern Long-Eared Bat when we are setting up timber sales. This was an exam­ple of how this data is used. Environmental Services Director Christine McCarthy pro­vided brief updates for her department.

MOTION HOGENSON, SECOND BAL­TICH: 02 – Approve Consent Agenda as presented:

1. Approve Board of Commissioners’ regular meeting minutes of May 14, 2024.

2. Approve Health and Human Ser­vices claims payments in the fol­lowing amounts:

a. Administrative Payments $ 5,243.14

b. Region III Payments $751,848.43

c. Special Payments $ 5,057.36

3. Approve and authorize the Lake County Information Technology De­partment to allow GIS Analyst Amy Lewis to sign the Minnesota De­partment of Natural Resources (MN DNR) LA 2023-002 Amendment on behalf of Lake County, for the purpose of acquiring Natural Her­itage Information System (NHIS) licensing and NHIS data. Per the agreement, the DNR is the Licen­sor, Lake County is the Licensee, and GIS Analyst Amy Lewis is the License Coordinator. Further resolved, Lake County authorizes GIS Analyst Amy Lewis to sign MN DNR documents as the license executor. NHIS data provides infor­mation on Minnesota’s rare plants, animals, native plant communities, and other rare features.

4. Approve County Board Chair and Land Commissioner to sign Co­operative Agreement for ATV Trail System Master Planning, Route Planning, and Land Acquisition with St. Louis County acting as fiscal agent and contract administrator for Northeast Regional ATV Trail Joint Powers Board.

5. Authorize the County Board Chair to sign the Memorandum of Under­standing for Cooperative Frequen­cy Use between Lake County and the USDA, Forest Service Superior National Forest.

6. Approve resolution designating Lake County Human Services Director, Lisa Hanson, to sign on Probate Account for Lake County as Personal Representative of the Estate of Charles Brian Stromquist, and to perform the duties of Per­sonal Representative, including but not limited to deposit, withdraw and sign on the account as Estate Per­sonal Representative of the Estate.

7. Authorize payment to Stantec Consulting Services Inc. for In­voice #2215329 in the amount of $9,250.00 for the landfill expansion bid document preparation consult­ing services.

8. Authorize payment of $15,827.34 to TheGPSStore.com for the pur­chase of 16 Handheld GPSes and accessories. (Invoice No. 1740606A) This will be purchased with the Operation Stone Garden fiscal year 2021 grant.

9. Authorize the Highway Engineer to sign the Special Event Permit for Grandma’s Marathon scheduled for Saturday, June 22, 2024 and locat­ed on Scenic Highway 61.

10. Authorize Highway Department payment to St. Louis County Public Works Department at a cost not to exceed $95,000.00 for Project SAP 038-030-012, 2024 State Aid Pave­ment Marking Maintenance.

11. Authorize Highway Department final payment to St. Louis County Public Works Department at a cost not to exceed $40,000.00 for Proj­ect CP 910-024-001, 2024 County Road Pavement Marking Mainte­nance.

12. Authorize Highway Department final payment to St. Louis County Public Works Department at a cost not to exceed $31,671.40 for Proj­ect CP 910-023-001, 2023 County Road Pavement Marking Mainte­nance.

13. Authorize Highway Department payment to St. Louis County Pub­lic Works Department at a cost not to exceed $60,000.00 for Projects SAP 038-630-002, SAP 038-635-003, and SAP 038-638-001, 2024 Pavement Maintenance – Seal Coat Project.

14. Authorize Highway Department purchase of winter road salt from Morton Salt, Inc. through State CPV Contract 230570 (Contract Release S-763(5)) in the amount of $70.90 per ton delivered to the Two Harbors highway shop and $78.46 per ton delivered to the Finland highway shop, payable upon de­livery through May 31, 2025, for a maximum estimated purchase total of $114,700.00.

15. Authorize the Highway Department to advertise for bids on project CP 105-022-001, 8th Street Resurfac­ing and Odegard Trail upon final State Aid Plan approval and com­pletion of plans, specs, and bid proposal. Absent: Hurd

MOTION GOUTERMONT, SECOND BAL­TICH: 03 – Approve the probationary ap­pointment of Andrew DeBeltz to Highway Maintenance Worker at the Step 2 rate of $23.59 per hour effective May 29, 2024. Absent: Hurd

MOTION HOGENSON, SECOND GOUTERMONT: 04 – Approve the 67-day temporary appointment of Daniel Martinez, Engineering Intern for Highway Depart­ment, at $18.00 per hour effective June 3, 2024. Absent: Hurd

MOTION HOGENSON, SECOND BAL­TICH: 05 – Approve the appointment of Russell Conrow to Assistant County Attor­ney at the Step 11 rate of $48.96 per hour effective June 3, 2024. Absent: Hurd

MOTION BALTICH, SECOND GOUTER­MONT: 06 – Approve the interim appoint­ment of Lara Nygaard, Assistant County Attorney, to County Attorney at the annual salary of $119,000 effective June 3, 2024. Absent: Hurd

MOTION HOGENSON, SECOND BAL­TICH: 07 – Approve the retirement of Timothy Johnson, Deputy Sheriff, effective June 25, 2024. Absent: Hurd

MOTION GOUTERMONT, SECOND HO­GENSON: 08 – Approve the recruitment for one full-time Deputy Sheriff. Absent: Hurd

MOTION HOGENSON, SECOND GOUTERMONT: 09 – Approve the Lake County Elected Officials First Amended and Restated Health Care Savings Plan Policy. Absent: Hurd

MOTION GOUTERMONT, SECOND HO­GENSON: 10 – Approve and authorize the County Auditor to transfer $99,218.42 of Lake County’s Affordable Housing Aid to the Lake County Housing and Redevel­opment Authority (HRA) on Phase 1 of the county-owned Lakeview Apartments reha­bilitation project. Absent: Hurd

MOTION HOGENSON, SECOND BAL­TICH: 11 – Adopt the findings by the Plan­ning Commission (PCR-24-006) and deny the Interim Use Permit (Interim Use Appli­cation I-24-006i) for Taylor and Charissa Hall at 960 Deerview Lane, Two Harbors MN 55616. Absent: Hurd

MOTION GOUTERMONT, SECOND HOGENSON: 12 – Adopt findings and conditions by the Planning Commission for Interim Use Application I-24-009r, and approve the Interim Use Pemit for Mavrik Joos at 770 Larsmont Road, Two Harbors MN 55616. Absent: Hurd

MOTION GOUTERMONT, SECOND BAL­TICH: 13 – Authorize the Board Chair to send a letter of appreciation to St. Louis County (SLC) Commissioner Paul McDon­ald and SLC Land and Minerals Director Julie Marinucci for their advocacy on behalf of Minnesota counties for Tax For­feiture Settlement Legislation, HF5246/ SF4936, related to the U.S. Supreme Court Decision in Tyler v. Hennepin, and their advocacy for legislation HF4822/ SF4985 (policy bill) to change the state tax-forfeiture law to a constitutional pro­cess. Absent: Hurd

MOTION HOGENSON, SECOND GOUTERMONT: 14 – Adjourn Board meeting of the Lake County Board of Com­missioners at 3:05 p.m. Absent: Hurd

The Lake County Board of Commissioners will convene for the following meetings in the Lake County Service Center, Split Rock River Room, 616 Third Avenue, Two Harbors, Minnesota.

– Agenda meeting at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 4, 2024

– Regular meeting at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 11, 2024


Laurel D. Buchanan

Clerk of the Board

Rich Sve, Board Chairperson

Lake County Board of Commissioners

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