Friday, February 14, 2025


The Lake County Planning Commis­sion sat in session at 5:01 p.m. on this date and conducted hearings and other business.

I-23-017r– Motion by Hoops supported by Sve to table until July 26, 2023 at 4:15 PM the initial interim use application re­quest for a vacation rental home filed by James Craig Miller for the property lo­cated at 3466 Highway 61, Two Harbors and legally described as: that part of Lot 1 as desc in A19666 in Sec 14, Twp 54, Rge 9, 4.3 ac, zoned shoreland R-C/Resort Commercial, two-acre min, Silver Creek Township. PID 29-5409-14750.

I-23-016r– Motion by Sve supported by Hoops to recommend to County Board 1-year approval with conditions of a re­newal interim use application for a vaca­tion rental home filed by Lax Lake View Properties LLC for the property located at 5377 Lax Lake Road, Silver Bay and legally described as: That part of S-½ of Gov’t Lot 1, lying West’ly of Co Rd 402 as desc in doc A000198901; Sec 14, Twp 56N, Rge 8W, 3.62 ac, zoned shoreland (Lax Lake), RR/Residential-Recreational district, one-acre minimum, Beaver Bay Township. PID 26-5608-14395. Motion carried; Hoops, Sve, Bathke, Unzeitig, Ellefson, J. Ernest and B. Ernest voting in favor; none opposed. (PCR-23-026)

I-23-018r– Motion by Unzeitig support­ed by Sve to recommend to County Board 1-year approval with conditions of an initial interim use application for a vacation rental home filed by Mavrik Joos on property lo­cated at 770 Larsmont Rd, Two Harbors and legally described as: N1/2 of W1/2 of SW1/4 of SW1/4 of SW1/4 in Sec 16, Twp 52, Rge 11; 2.5 acres, nonshoreland R-3/Residential district, 2.5- acre min, UT #2. PID: 25-5211-16655. Motion carried, Hoops, Sve, Bathke, Unzeitig, Ellefson, J. Ernest and B. Ernest voting in favor; none opposed. (PCR-23-027)

I-23-019– Motion by Unzeitig support­ed by B. Ernest to recommend approval, with conditions, to the County Board an initial interim use permit application for a gravel pit filed by Nathan Kofstad for the property located at 6775 Mountain Trail Home, Silver Bay and legally described as: SW-¼ of NE-¼ less the W-½ of NW- ¼; Sec 18, Twp 57, Rge 6W; 35 acres, zoned FR/Forest-Recreational, 10-acre min, UT-1. PID 24-5706-18130. Hoops, Sve, Bathke, Unzeitig, Ellefson, J. Ernest and B. Ernest voting in favor; none op­posed. (PCR-23-028)

I-23-021i– Motion by Bathke support­ed by Hoops to approve, with conditions, an initial interim use permit request for a short term vacation rental property filed by filed by Knife River Cabins LLC (Wade Myszka) for the property located at 302 Superior Heights Road, Two Harbors and legally described as: S1/2 of NE1/4 of NE1/4 less the S’ly 10 acres as desc in doc T000042914 10, zoned R-1, 10-ac minimum, UT2. PID: 25-5211-19010. Mo­tion carried, Hoops, Sve, Bathke, Unzeitig, Ellefson, J. Ernest and B. Ernest voting in favor; none opposed. (PCR-23-029)

I-23-022i– Applicant, Sharon Klieve, withdrew the request for an initial interim use permit for a short term vacation rental property for the property located at 1802 Red Maple Lane, Two Harbors and legal­ly described as: NW-¼ of SW ¼, and the W ½ of NW ¼ of SE ¼, and SE ¼ of SW ¼; all in Sec 33, Twp 54, Rge 10; total 60 acres, zoned shoreland (unnamed creek), R-1/Residential District, 10-ac min, Silver Creek Township. PIDs 29-5410-33800, 29-5410-33670, and 29-5410-33490. The applicant will reapply later under the new ownership of a recently formed Trust.

I-23-023i – Applicant withdrew the re­quest. An initial IUP request was filed by T. Jefferson Properties (Keith Becker, agent) for the property located at 2398 Hwy 61, Two Harbors, and legally de­scribed as: “an undivided 1/10th interest, designated as Timeshare Interest 2, in and to the following real property: That part of Gov’t Lot 3, Sec 12, Twp 53N, Rge 10W as desc in Doc T49751;” 1.9 acres, zoned R-4, 2-acre min, shoreland, Silver Creek Twp. PID: 29-5310-12070.

With no further business, motion by Bathke supported by Unzeitig to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried, Hoops, Sve, Bathke, Unzeitig, Ellefson, J. Ernest and B. Ernest voting in favor; none opposed. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.


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