Despite spring showers, the Two Harbors Community Clean Up on May 4th was a success. 25 volunteers gathered together on a rainy Saturday to help clean up Two Harbors. They gathered trash from local trails, the Burlington Bay Campground, Skunk Creek, the railroad tracks, beaches, the skate park, and the hockey arena. In total, 966.5 pounds of trash were gathered. Granite Gear, Lake County Soil and Water, the Friends of the Waterfront, and Lovin’ Lake County helped to put together the clean up, partnering with Castle Danger Brewery.

Thank you to all the volunteers and organizations who worked hard to clean up Two Harbors! Keep an eye out for next year’s community clean up, and in the meantime, take a bit of time to regularly help keep Two Harbors and the North Shore beautiful. “Community is about doing something together that makes belonging matter,” author and influencer Brian Solis once said. Making your community more beautiful — that does matter.