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HomeCommunityNorthwoods Volunteer Connection Seeks Volunteers for Trails Projects

Northwoods Volunteer Connection Seeks Volunteers for Trails Projects

May 2024—Northwoods Volun­teer Connection (NVC), a nonprofit organization based in Tofte, MN, seeks volunteers to work on Moss Lake Trail and South Lake Trail this summer.

Since 2014, Northwoods Volunteer Connection has promoted steward­ship of the Superior National Forest. This summer, that work brings them to these two trails near the Gunflint Trail in Cook County.

“Both of these trails have erosion issues we’re going to address,” ex­plains Jo Swanson, NVC Executive Director. “We’re working closely with the Forest Service to improve these trails.”

For work this summer, volunteers can expect a mix of tasks, including working on draining wet portions of the trails and improving the trail tread. Work will take place July 11-14 and August 1-3, with additional work to follow in 2025. Volunteers do not need any previous experi­ence, but they do need to be able to traverse rough terrain.

“Whether volunteers sign up for one day or all the days, it’s a great way to get involved and try out trail work in a really stunning location. It will be a fun project where volun­teers see immediate results of their work,” says Jo Swanson. “We’re really excited to get out there and make a difference.”

Volunteers will have the option to camp near the project site. All tools and training will be provided. Northwoods Volunteer Connection has more information, including sign-up forms, on their website at www.northwoodsvolunteerconnection.org/news-events  and links can also be found on the NVC Facebook page at www.facebook.com/MinnVolunteers.


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