Friday, March 28, 2025


Czech it out! Castle Danger Brewery Supports Friends of the Two Harbors Public Library with Limited Edition Dark Czech Lager

Beer Release Party is Friday, November 22nd, 6-8pm and features live music and festivities In 1896, a number of Two Har­bors citizens began to work...

Ground is Broken for the New Airport Terminal in Two Harbors

On a beautiful Fall morning, City officials gathered, along with rep­resentatives from MNDOT, Bolton and Menk and others, to break ground for the new...

Know Your Candidates for Minnesota House of Representatives

Roger Skraba; Republican Candidate, Minnesota House 3A. As the sitting Representative and experiencing two years of trifecta rule, I am motivated to bring bal­ance back...

Snow Chances go up as Temperatures go down this October

by Northern News Now meteorologist Dave Anderson The September tornado around here was fairly big by our northern standards. The En­hanced Fujita Scale goes from...

Governor Walz Announces $6 Million Child Care Expansion

– Governor Tim Walz announced over $6 million in new grants to ex­pand access to child care for working families throughout Minnesota. The...

Minnesotans will Vote on MN Constitutional Amendment this Election

Amid all the elections for pres­ident, vice-president, and legis­latures, Minnesotans will also be voting on an amendment to the Minnesota State Constitution that will...

Know Your Candidates For Minnesota House Of Representatives

After a lengthy public service ca­reer as a prosecutor and trial court judge (including serving as the re­serve judge for Lake County) I was...

Hunter walking trails provide access to public hunting in northern Minnesota

The Minnesota Department of Nat­ural Resources maintains hunter walking trails as easy ways to trav­el by foot through wildlife man­agement areas, state and federal...

Reminder – Deadline to Apply for SBA Physical Property Disaster Loans is September 30, 2024

The U.S. Small Business Administration wants to remind homeowners, rent­ers, businesses, and private non-profits in Cook, Itas­ca, Lake, and/or St. Louis Counties that August...


Due to the historically wet weather patterns Minnesota experienced, Governor Walz amended his original peacetime emergency declaration after President Biden approved a major disaster...


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Notice is hereby given that the town board of Crystal Bay Township, Lake Coun­ty, Minnesota will hold a special board meeting on April 15th,...