Wednesday, February 19, 2025
HomeOutdoorsHunter walking trails provide access to public hunting in northern Minnesota

Hunter walking trails provide access to public hunting in northern Minnesota

The Minnesota Department of Nat­ural Resources maintains hunter walking trails as easy ways to trav­el by foot through wildlife man­agement areas, state and federal forests, and other public hunting lands. Hunter walking trails wind through prime habitat for ruffed grouse, woodcock, wild turkey and deer. There are more than 600 miles of hunter walking trails lo­cated throughout the northern half of the state. Many of the trails are gated, allowing foot traffic only.

The Minnesota DNR offers a hunter walking trail tool (mndnr.gov/hunting/hwt) that provides information on trail locations by name and county. Hunters can also call area wildlife offices (mndnr. gov/areas/wildlife) for information about the trails, or hunting and wildlife viewing opportunities and tips.


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