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HomeCommunityOne Act Version of Antigone to be Performed in Silver Bay

One Act Version of Antigone to be Performed in Silver Bay

The cast and crew of the William Kelley High School One Act Play “Antigone” invite the public to come see their work on this classic drama Thursday January 26th at 4:00 or 6:30 PM in the WKHS Auditorium. The performance is free with a running time of approximately 30 minutes. Antigone is the WKHS entry at the SubSection 7A One Act Play Festival on Friday, January 27th at Two Harbors High School.

Antigone, an ancient Greek tragedy written by Sophocles circa 441 BC, is set in the city of Thebes following a bloody civil war. The city’s previous king, Oedepus, whose presence looms large over the city, willed his throne to his two sons, Eteocles and Polynices, to rule in alternating years. When Eteocles refused to relinquish the throne to his brother Polynices, the later hires an Argive mercenary army to attempt to wrest back control. A civil war ensues and both brothers are killed in combat. Now, in the aftermath, their uncle Creon has assumed the throne. Attempting to make an example for those who might rise up against his rule, he declares that one of the dead men should receive the honor of a state funeral and the other’s corpse be left to rot on the field of battle. Into this horrid situation steps Antigone, sister of the two slain men.

Antigone has been viewed as an examination of tyranny, the rule of law, civil disobedience, and the meaning of family honor by audiences for 2500 years. Translations and adaptations of the play have been performed around the world and in dozens of languages. One by Jean Anouilh was seen as an act of defiance in Nazi-controlled France in 1944, another was performed at the Robben Island Prison in South Africa in the 1960’s and featured a then little-known fighter against apartheid named Nelson Mandela. Mandela would later write that his experience with the play influenced his decision to run for election as the first president of post-apartheid South Africa.

The Silver Bay WKHS performance was adapted into a one-act play by Stewart Boston and is produced by arrangement with Lazy Bee Scripts. In typical Greek dramatic fashion, the play features a “chorus” of elders called “Ephors.” These ephors, played by senior Pierce Webb, sophomore Dani Webb, eighth grader Ollie Braun, and junior Tanja Thomas don’t sing, but they serve as narrators, advisors to the king and the voice of the community. Sometimes, as the word “chorus” suggests, they speak in unison. The title role of Antigone is played by junior Vesper Robinson. Antigone’s sister, Ismene, is played by junior Marley Schumacher. Creon, the king, is played by freshman Jack Virginia, while his son, Haemon, is played by junior Parker Lomsak. Freshman Camille Lovold portrays the ancient blind sage Tieresias, accompanied by her servant portrayed by freshman Kaedynce Gleason, who arrives to pronounce doom upon Creon’s tyrannical reign. Knechrid Lahti plays the royal guard. For this production sophomore Ria Soderstrom is the Stage Manager and eighth grader Willow Henschel is the Lighting technician. Teacher Daren Blanck is the director.

Performances: Thursday, January 26th – After School Performance @ 4:00 PM, Evening Performance @ 6:30 PM Friday, January 27th – Two Harbors SubSection 7A Festival Performance @ 1:50 PM

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