The Two Harbors Council conducted an efficient meeting on Monday night. Andy Brotzler of Bolton and Menk gave a brief project update on the design work being done for the Lighthouse Point Road project. The components of the project are moving forward and Brotzler stated that the proposed plan will be brought to the council meeting on March 24th. Actual work on the project is scheduled for 2026.
Work on the new airport terminal is almost complete and the building should be ready for public use in the next week.
The Two Harbors Public Arts Commission has been exploring the possibility of a mural project for some of the buildings owned by the city. As an example, the Council briefly discussed the possibility of having a mural created on the Agate Bay side of City Hall. Council members acknowledged that having public art on some of the buildings facing the Bay will enhance the Waterfront Development project as that work takes place. City Administrator Patrica Nordean met with the Arrowhead Regional Arts Council to talk about possible grant funding for such a project. More information about this will be available as plans develop.
A proposed joint powers agreement between the city and the Lake County HRA was on the agenda for Monday night’s meeting, but was tabled until the next council meeting so that two absent members of the council, who are on the City Housing Committee, can be part of that discussion.
Council members are exploring the establishment of a Social District for the downtown area of the city. For those who are not familiar with this idea, a Social District is a specific area which allows people to purchase and drink beer, wine, or a cocktail from a licensed business and walk through a defined area of the city including public spaces such as a sidewalk or street to allow for participation in a district event/activity. This is essentially what happens during Two Harbors Winter Frolic and Heritage Days, but the creation of a social district, by statute, would expand opportunities for public enjoyment of the downtown area.
Miles Woodruff, Donna Heil, Laura Goutermont and Barb Omarzu are running for the Two Harbors Councilor at-large seat. There is a candidate forum planned for March 19 at City Hall. Check the city website for the scheduled time for this forum.
Finally, the Planning Commission has recommended that a public hearing be scheduled for Monday, March 24th at 6:00 p.m. The purpose of the Hearing is to present and discuss upcoming ordinance revisions for short-term rentals, land use regulations, subdivision (platting) regulations, and sign regulations related to public art projects.
The next Two harbors council meeting is scheduled for March 24th at 5:30 p.m.