Thursday, March 27, 2025


To the Editor:

This letter is to call atten­tion to a public discussion before the city’s planning commission on Tuesday, October 1, at 5:30 in the city council chambers.

I have lived in Lake County for over 40 years and although not a city resident, I strongly iden­tify with Two Harbors and love walking its wa­terfront. As a veteran of the early-2000s era Save Lighthouse Point move­ment, I stepped up again more recently to help pro­tect the Point from becom­ing another townhouse blight such as we are wit­nessing on Duluth’s Lon­don Road.

I have welcomed and followed with interest the Friends of the Waterfront (FW)’s design project (aka the CIRD project) which proposes maintaining but enhancing the natural and recreational potential of the DNR waterfront land soon to be transferred to the city. I’ve been encour­aged by the city’s coop­eration and engagement with the project, at no cost to city taxpayers.

The recent revelation of the possible sale of other city property for the de­velopment of a hotel and conference center didn’t come as a complete sur­prise, since there have been months of closed council meetings about the possible sale of those parcels. It might come as a surprise to some that I and several other water­front enthusiasts actually welcome this proposal, at least on some scale. The reasoning is that it should relieve the pressure for commercial development on the rest of Agate Bay’s waterfront.

Certainly, the city coun­cil as well as the develop­ers themselves can see the attraction for tourists, lo­cals and hotel/convention visitors of a natural area with unobstructed view of the lake and active ore docks, exactly along the lines of the concept being put forth by the FW’s de­sign team. There is plenty of room for commercial development along 1st and 2nd Avenues to attract and charm the visitors.

The public discussion next Tuesday at the plan­ning commission is target­ing the business commu­nity, although “members of the public are invited and encouraged to attend.” The FW’s design project offered months of oppor­tunity for public input of its vision for the water­front. The response over­whelmingly supported the DNR land remaining natural green space, im­proved in many ways for everyone’s benefit, but not developed commercially.

It is important for that public sentiment to be re­iterated before the plan­ning commission one more time, especially by business owners apparent­ly, to be sure the message gets through.

Fran Kaliher
Rural Two Harbors

I am writing to express my disappointment in the person with the very small hands that cut up and de­stroyed the Harris for Pres­ident and Schultz for 8th District Representative signs in my yard.

If you would like to dis­cuss the merits of my sup­port of a DECENT per­son running for these seats please feel free to stop by and talk to me face to face. Bring help.

Fred Tarnowski
Veteran US Army Medic
Larsmont, Mn

In regard to last week’s letter from Marlys Wisch about mailboxes on Swan­son Rd. in Larsmont area, I find it very upsetting that after road work was com­pleted, the Two Harbors Postmaster “Victoria” has refused to allow the mail­boxes to be put back in the original location which was a safer place for them to be for to residents retrieve their mail. All involved includ­ing county employees who would move them back are on board except Victoria. The new location is on the opposite-side of the road in a spot subjected to speed­ing cars near a curve mak­ing them less visible. How would she feel if someone gets hurt in this new loca­tion?

Why would a public ser­vant be so recalcitrant and rigidly unwilling to just allow the return move to where they more safely sat before. Why would a public servant be uncooperative in solving a problem she creat­ed? This is an opportunity to be the “good guy” and work with the people in the com­munity she his supposed to serve. I wonder, who is she taking her marching orders from?

Doris Davidson
Two Harbors


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