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HomeSportHigh SchoolB-Ball Catch-Up

B-Ball Catch-Up


When we last report­ed on the Lady Agates basketball team, they had secured a 54-40 victory over Interna­tional Falls on January 11th. Since then, the team has continued their strong play, go­ing into the last days of January on a high note.

On January 16th, Two Harbors defeated Carlton/Wrenshall 61- 37, but their four-game winning streak came to an end with a 53- 29 loss to Floodwood in a home game. The Polar Bears froze out the Agates, but Two Harbors bounced back with a dominant 61-31 win over Esko on Jan­uary 23rd.

In a recent game, the Agates bested Denfeld 53-38 and will face them again on Feb­ruary 7th in a home game. The JV team also won early that evening against the Ti­gers.

“JV is roughly 12-2 on the season and playing great team basketball,” Varsity Head Coach Gavin Bopp noted.

The Duluth Tribune highlighted varsi­ty standouts Rachel Bopp, who scored 27 points in the Denfeld game, while team­mates Belle Bolle and Olivia Haglund each chipped in 10 points.

“Three players in double figures tonight, which is great to see,” Coach Bopp posted. “Great job, Agates!”

The Silver Bay Mar­iners celebrated their first win of the season with a 45-41 victory over Duluth Denfeld on January 10th. That momentum carried them into a compet­itive game against Greenway, where they narrowly lost by just nine points.

In their game against Littlefork-Big Falls, the Mariners lost 54- 60, a significant im­provement compared to their season opener, where they were de­feated 54-9. This close game underscores the team’s growth and their ability to com­pete more effectively in the latter half of the season.

In an article John Sandstrom wrote (Northshore Journal December 20, 2024), he stated, “I have seen them play several times this season. Each and every game I see progress. I can’t re­member seeing a team play defense with this intensity. They play with great passion.”

That passion has definitely paid off in some close games for the Mariners!

Silver Bay played Cook County at home on January 30th. Cook County, who recently earned their first win of the season with a 69- 48 victory over Fond du Lac Ojibwe, will be another challenge for Silver Bay.

Boys Basketball: Two Harbors Agates vs Cook County Vikings. (Photo by Lisa Malcomb)


Two Harbors took on Cook County at William Kelley High School, giving the Sil­ver Bay players on the Agates roster a chance to play in their home­town. I’m sure Cook County didn’t mind the shorter commute either! The Agates won 72-51 in a solid performance.

Since my last up­date, the Agates have had some thrilling matchups. After tough away losses to Clo­quet and McGregor, they secured a home win against South Ridge, with a final score of 71-52.

One of the most exciting games was against Crosby-Ironton, where the Agates triumphed 56-55 in a nail-biting finish. Although they fell to Proctor, Two Har­bors bounced back with a 67-41 victory over Carlton/Wrenshall. The Agates faced a tough loss to Esko, falling 53-84, but re­bounded strongly with a 72-40 win over In­ternational Falls.

Looking ahead, the Agates will play their next three games at home, offering the com­munity plenty of chances to come cheer them on at Two Harbors High School.

Cook County has been on a winning streak, with three consecutive victories. They defeated Hill City 84-74, Floodwood 81-29, and Mesabi East 73-50. The Vikings will travel to play the Hornets in mid-Feb­ruary.

During the Floodwood game, Cook County hosted their first annual Coaches vs. Cancer event in the Pam Taylor Gym­nasium. Fans, players, and families were encouraged to wear pink, and the team col­lected donations for the American Cancer Society.

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