Sunday, February 23, 2025
HomeEditorialMaple Syruping Workshop in Cook County

Maple Syruping Workshop in Cook County

Sarah Waddle, Extension Educator,
University of Minnesota Extension,
swaddle@umn.edu or 218-387-3015

Grand Marais, MN. (1/22/2024)— University of Minnesota Extension is offering a series of maple syrup workshops across the state this winter. The workshop in Cook County will take place on Monday, February 19th from 12:30 – 3:30 pm.

Minnesota’s forests pro­vide wonderful gifts that can be responsibly harvest­ed, including maple syrup. Join this UMN Extension workshop to learn about the history of maple syrup, the process for harvesting sap and turning it into syr­up, and best practices for maple sugaring with tree health in mind. We will tour the Hoaglund Home­stead sugarbush and learn from local sugarmakers at this workshop. This work­shop is targeted at begin­ners but sugarmakers of all levels are welcome.

The workshop will be­gin at the Cook County Community Center at 317 W 5th St in Grand Mara­is. Following an introduc­tion and classroom pre­sentation, participants will travel as a group (using participant’s vehicles) to the Hoaglund Homestead sugarbush for an outdoor tour. The tour will involve walking through snow for about ¼ mile each direc­tion at the Sugarbush.

Registration is required for this free opportunity. Visit z.umn.edu/Maple­Syrup2024 and select the Cook County workshop to register. If there is inclem­ent weather, cancellation or confirmation of each work­shop will be communicated to registered participants on the morning of their se­lected workshop.

If you have mobility or any other accessibility con­cerns, please contact Sar­ah Waddle at swaddle@umn.edu  or 218-387-3015 preferably two weeks in advance of the workshop date so we can arrange for accommodations.

Additional workshops are being offered around the state. Visit z.umn.edu/ MapleSyrup2024 to see all available dates and loca­tions.

Funds for the maple syr­up workshops were provid­ed by a MN NCR SARE mini-grant.


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