Sarah Waddle, Extension Educator,
University of Minnesota Extension, or 218-387-3015
Grand Marais, MN. (1/22/2024)— University of Minnesota Extension is offering a series of maple syrup workshops across the state this winter. The workshop in Cook County will take place on Monday, February 19th from 12:30 – 3:30 pm.
Minnesota’s forests provide wonderful gifts that can be responsibly harvested, including maple syrup. Join this UMN Extension workshop to learn about the history of maple syrup, the process for harvesting sap and turning it into syrup, and best practices for maple sugaring with tree health in mind. We will tour the Hoaglund Homestead sugarbush and learn from local sugarmakers at this workshop. This workshop is targeted at beginners but sugarmakers of all levels are welcome.
The workshop will begin at the Cook County Community Center at 317 W 5th St in Grand Marais. Following an introduction and classroom presentation, participants will travel as a group (using participant’s vehicles) to the Hoaglund Homestead sugarbush for an outdoor tour. The tour will involve walking through snow for about ¼ mile each direction at the Sugarbush.
Registration is required for this free opportunity. Visit and select the Cook County workshop to register. If there is inclement weather, cancellation or confirmation of each workshop will be communicated to registered participants on the morning of their selected workshop.
If you have mobility or any other accessibility concerns, please contact Sarah Waddle at or 218-387-3015 preferably two weeks in advance of the workshop date so we can arrange for accommodations.
Additional workshops are being offered around the state. Visit MapleSyrup2024 to see all available dates and locations.
Funds for the maple syrup workshops were provided by a MN NCR SARE mini-grant.