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HomeNewsZeleznikar and Skraba Take Oath of Office as 2025-2026 Legislative Session Begins

Zeleznikar and Skraba Take Oath of Office as 2025-2026 Legislative Session Begins

St. Paul, MN – Minneso­ta’s 2025 Legislative Ses­sion officially began Jan­uary 14th as Rep. Natalie Zeleznikar, R-Frendenberg Township, and Rep. Roger Skraba, R-Ely along with 65 other state representa­tives took the oath of office during a ceremony at the State Capitol in St. Paul.

“I am looking forward to another year representing you, your family, and our communities in St. Paul,” Zeleznikar said. “With a looming $5 billion deficit, it is imperative that all legis­lators come together to find solutions to ensure Minne­sota has a budget that ad­dresses the $500 million in fraud and deficit spending.”

Zeleznikar’s top priority for the first month of ses­sion is making Minnesota affordable which is one of the six pillars House Re­publicans will be focusing on this session. This in­cludes ensuring an energy plan that includes propane, natural gas, coal, wind and solar for reliable and af­fordable energy. Reducing taxes and ensuring no new taxes. Supporting family and free-standing childcare providers to grow. And en­suring a strong commercial tax base to build strong communities and lower the individual and family tax burden for property taxes which fund core services in our communities.

Zeleznikar encourages area residents to contact her if they have any legislative questions, concerns, or ideas. She can be reached by phone at 651-296-2676. She can also be contacted via email at rep.natalie.zeleznikar@house.mn.gov  or via U.S. Mail at 2nd Floor, Centennial Office Building St. Paul, MN 55155.

Rep. Zeleznikar also invites residents to subscribe to her email newsletter, where she will periodically share thoughts and information on happenings at the State Capitol. To sign up, visit Rep. Zeleznikar’s member page at www.house.mn and click on the “Email Updates” section. She also encourages constituents to “follow” her on Facebook at www.facebook.com/RepNatalieZeleznikar.  

Skraba will serve on four house committees: Cap­ital Investment, Housing Finance and Policy, Trans­portation Finance and Pol­icy, and will serve as Vice Chair of the Legacy Fi­nance Committee. “Serving on these four committees is a privilege, as each one has a significant impact on our communities and those of us who call the Northland home.”

Skraba encourages area residents to contact him if they have any legislative questions, concerns, or ideas. He can be reached by phone at 651-296-2190. He can also be contacted via email at rep.roger.skraba@house.mn.gov.  or via U.S. Mail at 2nd Floor, Centennial Office Building St. Paul, MN 55155.

Rep. Skraba also invites residents to subscribe to his email newsletter, where he will share thoughts and information on happenings at the State Capitol. To sign up, visit Rep. Skraba’s member page at www.house.mn  and click on the “Email Updates” section. He also encourages constituents to “follow” him on Facebook at www.facebook.com/RepRogerSkraba


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