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HomeNewsSheriff's ReportSHERIFF’S REPORT


Monday, September 11, 2023

Inmate Population: 4

  • 0225 Deputy checks on property on watch list. All ok.
  • 0233 Deputy checks on residence on house watch list. All secure.
  • 0240 Deputy checks on residence on house watch list. All secure.
  • 0249 Deputy checks on Finland business.
  • 0322 Deputy responds to a medical on Bell Circle. One was trans­ported to LVMH by ambulance.
  • 0745 Deputy at THHS for the start of the school day.
  • 1633 Deputy responds to a report of juvenile trouble.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Inmate Population: 4

  • 0143 Deputy makes a traffic stop on Hwy 61. Warn for head­light.
  • 0155 Deputy makes a traffic stop on Valley Rd. Warn for failing to signal.
  • 1239 Deputy responds to a report of theft on AirBase Rd.
  • 1245 LCRS responds to a medical on Hwy 2. One was transported to LVMH by ambulance.
  • 1330 Sergeant and Deputy assists the public with a ride to the store.
  • 1346 Sergeant and Deputy respond to parking problems in TH.
  • 1808 Deputy responds to a report of an ATV complaint on Shor­eview Rd.
  • 1957 Deputy serves papers at TH residence.
  • 2020 Deputy responds, along with SBPD, to a report of 2 peo­ple lost on trail near SB. Parties located and brought out safely.

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Inmate Population: 4

  • 0345 Deputy checks on residence on house watch list. All secure.
  • 0423 Deputy checks on Finland businesses. All ok.
  • 0445 Deputy checks on residence on house watch list. All secure.
  • 0634 Deputy assists THPD with traffic stop.
  • 0753 Deputy at THHS for the start of the school day.
  • 1058 Sergeant transports inmate from Chisago Co Jail to LCJ.
  • 1329 Deputy responds to a report of a disturbance in BB.
  • 1431 Deputy makes a traffic stop on Hwy 61. Warn for speed.
  • 1559 Deputy takes fraud report.
  • 1724 Deputy makes a traffic stop on Hwy 61. Warn for speed and license plate cover tint.
  • 1743 Deputy assists other agency.
  • 2049 Deputy makes a traffic stop on Main Street. Warn for speed.
  • 2123 Deputy out with party walking on Hwy 1. Party refused to ride.

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Inmate Population: 5

  • 0056 Deputy checks on Finland business.
  • 0230 Deputy responds, along with SBPD, to a report of a do­mestic disturbance on Edison Blvd.
  • 1203 Deputy makes a traffic stop on Hwy 61. Vehicle having mechanical issues, followed to Sonju.
  • 1302 Deputy takes a report of trespassing in TH.
  • 1549 Deputy serves papers at BB residence.
  • 1602 Deputy serves papers at TH residence.
  • 1606 Deputy attempts to pick up the party with a warrant.
  • 1621 Chief Deputy and Deputy respond, along with THPD, to a report of a disturbance on 9th Avenue.
  • 1622 Deputy responds to a security alarm in SB. All secure.
  • 1631 Deputy takes report of suspicious activity in Ely.
  • 1849 Deputy responds, along with SBPD, to a report of juvenile trouble in SB.
  • 1940 Deputy serves papers at SB residence.
  • 2050 Deputy makes a traffic stop on Outer Dr. Warn for head­lights out.
  • 2112 Deputy makes a traffic stop on Main St. Warn for no trail­er lights.

Friday, September 15, 2023

Inmate Population: 7

  • 0717 Deputy makes a traffic stop on Main St. Warn for speed.
  • 1832 Deputy responds to a report of a truck passing aggres­sively near TH. Cited for driving without a valid license and no vehicle registration.
  • 1848 Deputy assists THPD with a traffic stop on 7th Avenue.
  • 1933 Deputy responds to a report of suspicious activity in Fin­land.
  • 2021 Deputy responds to a request for a welfare check on Cra­mer Rd. Deputy gives party a ride to a friend’s house.
  • 2059 Deputy responds, along with THPD, to a report of a fight in TH.
  • 2132 Deputy responds to a report of suspicious activity on Hwy 61.
  • 2216 Deputy and LCRS responds to a medical on 8th St. One was transported to SLH by ambulance.

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Inmate Population: 6

  • 0532 Deputy makes a traffic stop on 7th Avenue. Warn for stoplight violation.
  • 0541 Chief Deputy and Deputies at Inline Marathon.
  • 0932 Deputy makes an ATV traffic stop on Hwy 1. Parties warned for riding on state Hwy and directed back to the trail.
  • 1254 Deputies training with K-9.
  • 1310 Deputy takes a report of harassment.
  • 1345 Deputies respond to a report of a 2 vehicle accident on Hwy 61. No injuries reported.
  • 1539 Deputy responds to a report of a truck vs motorcycle in Finland. No injuries reported.
  • 1835 Deputy makes a traffic stop on Hwy 2. Cited for expired driver’s license and expired registration.
  • 2030 Deputy makes a traffic stop of 2 vehicles on Hwy 61 near West Rd. Warn for speed.
  • 2042 Deputy serves papers in TH.
  • 2131 Deputy makes a traffic stop on Hwy 61. Cited for speed 85/55.
  • 2142 Deputy makes a traffic stop on Lax Lake Rd. Warn for white rear light to the.
  • 2323 Deputy checks on business in Finland.

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Inmate Population: 5

  • 0103 Deputy out with party walking on Hwy 1.
  • 0255 Deputies and LCRS respond to a report of a person lost in Isabella. Party located and transported to SLH by ambu­lance.
  • 1039 Deputy responds to a civil matter on Kawishiwi Trl.
  • 1158 Deputy provides notification in TH.
  • 1243 Deputy makes a traffic stop near Ely. Warn for operating dirt bike on highway.
  • 1314 Deputy serves papers at SB residence.
  • 1455 Deputy responds, along with THPD, to a report of a dis­turbance on 9th Avenue.
  • 1600 Deputy responds, along with THPD, to a report of a rob­bery.
  • 1620 Deputy responds to a report of an animal disturbance on Mill Rd.
  • 1634 Deputy makes a traffic stop on Hwy 1. Warn for speed.
  • 1707 Deputy makes a traffic stop on Fernberg Rd. Warn for speed.
  • 1854 Sheriff, Chief Deputy and Deputies respond, along with THPD, to a report of sound of shots.

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