Friday, March 7, 2025


I. Immediately Preceding this regular board meeting the Board participated in the County Committee of the Whole meeting. A recycling and composting feasibility study was discussed. The proposed new rules around short term rental homes and homestead tax changes were also discussed.

II. Attendance: Colby Abazs, Russ Vance, Honor Schauland, Paul Hartshorn, Karl Klinker, Doug Perfetto, Mike Nikula, Amy Nikula, Kaare Melby, Terri Per­fetto, Dave Geist, Danielle Hefferan, Anna Lasky, Lise Abazs, Randy Jo­sephson, Stacy Breden, Andrew Dex­ette, Roxanne Kosevich(Zoom), Chuck Meeks(Zoom).

III. Paul called the Regular Meeting of the Crystal Bay Town Board to order at 7:16 pm with the Pledge of allegiance.

A. MOTION: To approve the Regular March Meeting Minutes. Motioned by Karl, Seconded by Russ, Passed by unanimous consent.

B. MOTION: To approve the Trea­surer’s Report. Motioned by Russ, Seconded by Karl, Passed by unanimous consent.

C. MOTION: To approve paying all bills and claims due. Motioned by Karl, Seconded by Russ, Passed by unanimous consent.

D. The board reviewed correspon­dence received by the Town.

IV. Reports

A. Clerks Odds and Ends: Colby

B. Road and Bridge: Doug

1. The big truck flashing lights quit working and they are $1200ea and the truck needs 2.

2. Nikolai Rd is washed out again and needs bigger culverts.

3. Silver Hill Rd has 3 culverts that need replacing from last spring’s wash out but they are in a trout stream so needs to be coordinated with the DNR.

C. Community Center: Honor

1. Wood fired pavilion grants have been applied for. Regular activ­ities continue wonderfully. Sum­mer farmers market starting in mid June.

 D. Cemetery: Vaughn

E. Housing Project: Erik

1. Vacation Rentals: Lake County Planning Commission will con­duct a public hearing on Thurs­day, April 27, 2023, at 6:00 PM in the Lake View Conference Center, 325 11th Avenue, Two Harbors, Minnesota, for the pur­pose of considering proposed amendments to Sec. 27.06 A. Vacation Rental Home require­ments in Lake County Land Use Ordinance #12. Public com­ments may be submitted in writ­ing to Environmental Services Specialist Melissa McIntyre, at melissa.mcintyre@co.lake. mn.us or by mail Lake County Environmental Services Depart­ment, 601 Third Avenue, Two Harbors, Minnesota by 4:30pm April 24th.

2. Erik is not here tonight because his partner just had a baby, but we have been working together on a plan to do extensive com­munity outreach around taking the housing project idea further. We want the residents of the township to guide what hap­pens with this. Beyond the sur­vey the township is doing, the plan is to go to every commu­nity business and group we can think of and gather information on housing needs from those folks as well as invite people to come to a couple of larger pub­lic meetings in July and/or join a steering committee that would begin to meet sometime after the meetings in July and that will guide this project as it be­gins to become more concrete.

3. Friends of Finland will be help­ing Erik with outreach to the community groups and busi­nesses, and publicizing the meetings and getting the word out to get folks to join the steer­ing committee. I’d like to invite everyone present to join that fu­ture steering committee. If you have people you would recom­mend, send them this way too – Erik is starting a preliminary list. ephelgesen@gmail.com

4. We are planning to work with a professional facilitator to help guide this process and ensure that the public meetings are run well and that everyone’s input is taken and recorded for use by the steering committee.

V. Old Business

A. Local Board of Appeal and Equal­ization: May 4th @ 1pm

B. Reminder MAT Regional Meeting: May 3rd 6pm

C. Mail Survey

1. MOTION: To include pre-paid envelopes for folks to return filled out surveys. Motioned by Russ, Seconded by Karl, Passed by unanimous consent.

VI. New Business

A. Road and Bridge Insurance and Claims: Colby

1. Garage Door repair invoices sent in for reimbursement.

2. Tow bill sent in for $250 reim­bursement

3. Lee window repair – 22GL015

a) No new info.

4. Plow replacement – 23IM033

a) $7500 was spent on the new plow which should be reim­bursed minus deductible. This will be done this one time under misc items but plows need to be scheduled in the insurance going for­ward.

5. Building Storm Damage spring 2023 – 23CP042

6. Pickup body repairs – 22BA00002 est=$2718.07

a) Work has not yet been done.

B. Grader Major Repair Payment

1. The cost so far is $118,000. Payment will be due May 10th.

2. There was additional work beyond the $30k expected to replace the transmission.

3. MOTION: to inquirer with NSF­CU about terms for adding this repair to our existing loan for the grader. The Town will also inquire with Park Bank about what competitive terms they might be able to offer for the total of the current loan and the new repair. Motioned by Russ, Seconded by Karl, Passed by unanimous consent.

4. There is an interest in looking at what similar townships are spending on roads on a per mile basis and exploring alternative ways Crystal Bay can maintain Town roads in a more eco­nomically viable way. This will provide the information needed to develop a road plan for the Town.

C. Clerk’s Letter: Colby

1. MOTION: to accept Colby’s resignation as Clerk of Crystal Bay Township (resignation letter attached). Motioned by Russ, Seconded by Karl, Passed by unanimous consent.

2. MOTION: Post and advertise in the Northshore Journal seek­ing a clerk to be appointed to fill the new vacancy. Motioned by Russ, Seconded by Karl, Passed by unanimous consent.

D. MOTION: The Town Board calls a special Meeting of the Board to address grader repair financing and continued work regarding the Town Clerk transition. Motioned by Russ, Seconded by Karl, Passed by unanimous consent.

E. Karl will be resigning May 5th as he is moving to Two Harbors.

F. MOTION to appoint Mike Nikula to fill the upcoming Supervisor va­cancy created by Karl’s resignation. Motioned by Russ, Seconded by Karl, Passed by unanimous con­sent.

G. Pumping of the RV dump station costs about $1000 per year and it has a loud alarm and light when it is full.

VII. MOTION: to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 pm until May 16, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. at the Finland Community Center. Motioned by Karl, Seconded by Russ.


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