Wednesday, February 19, 2025
HomeHealth & FitnessJust Kids Dental Continues Partnership with Essentia Health

Just Kids Dental Continues Partnership with Essentia Health

Just Kids Dental (JKD), a local 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization, is excited to an­nounce the continuation of its partnership with Essentia Health, a longtime supporter of the nonprofit organization’s “Healthy Kids Need Healthy Teeth” initiative.

JKD partners with 30 rural elementary, middle, and high schools, as well as over 75 rural community sites throughout Lake, St. Louis and Carlton Counties, MN and Doug­las County, WI, to increase access to dental care and education for our region’s low-in­come uninsured and underinsured children.

JKD is thankful for its strong partners, such as Essentia Health, which allows the nonprof­it organization to provide 100% of its services at no charge to families.

If your child is enrolled in MN or WI State Medical Assistance (Medicaid) or is unin­sured and qualifies for free or reduced school lunch, they may be eligible to receive pre­ventive dental care on-site at school, at no cost to you. Please contact your child’s school to find out if they partner with JKD and to register.

“JKD provides positive dental experiences for children in the Twin Ports area,” said Dr. John Conry, DDS, Just Kids Dental collabo­rative practice dentist. “We collaborate with school districts and the wider health care community to deliver preventive services and screenings, and are staffed by trusted professionals.”

Essentia Health has long supported JKD, including more than $489,000 in grants since 2011. Essentia’s most recent grant of $40,000 will help bring needed dental care and edu­cation to thousands of underserved children who otherwise wouldn’t have access to these resources.

“We are so proud to partner with organiza­tions like Just Kids Dental, which provides crucial care to people who need it most,” said Tonya Loken, community relations director at Essentia Health. “This is just one more way for Essentia to support the communities we’re privileged to serve.” Learn more about Just Kids Dental at just­kidsdentalinc.org. To learn more about Es­sentia Health, visit EssentiaHealth.org.


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