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HomeCommunityTwo Harbors Heritage Days Schedule Of Events 2023

Two Harbors Heritage Days Schedule Of Events 2023

Heritage days is funded in part by Lovin’ Lake County, Co-op Light and Power and Two Harbors Moose Lodge 1463. (Schedule subject to change) All events are weather permitting.

Thursday, July 6

Dairy Queen sponsored medallion hunt-clues at Dairy Queen. Continues until found, $100 prize to winner. Helicopter rides begin 2 pm until dark. Two Harbors quilters group at Thomas Owens Park. Lake County His­torical Society Keep the Light Lit campaign at band shell 6:00 – 8:30 pm.

6:00 pm car cruise begins at Waterview Shores

6:00 pm kids games at Thomas Owens Park sponsored by American Legion Auxiliary

6:15 Pm Kiddie Parade line up at 1st Ave and 7th street, sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary

6:30 pm Kiddie Parade step off to Thomas Owens park

6:30 pm ice cream social-thomas owens Park, sponsored by Park State Bank

7:30 pm Two Harbors City Band perfor­mance – Band Shell, Thomas Owens Park

Friday, July 7

Dairy Queen sponsored medallion hunt con­tinues until found. Helicopter rides 11 am til dark. Golf tournament at Lakeview Mation­al Golf Course. Bounce houses and barrel train begin 10 am. KTWH Dunk Tank 9:30 am – 5:00 pm at community center. Vendors open at 10:00 am until 5:00 pm. Tours of the Edna G. Tugboat; tickets $10 adults, $5 children under 10.

11:30 am Ethan Schoof-Heritage Days Stage

12:00 – 3:30 pm Lake County Historical So­ciety Keep the Light Lit campaign (Com­munity Center area)

12:30 pm Tracy Parks Heritage Days Stage

2:00 pm – 4:00 pm Two Harbors Ukulele Group- Heritage Days Stage

4:00 pm Lutefisk Toss- Heritage Days Stage

6:30 pm – 10:00 pm Street Dance featuring the award winning Northwood’s Band – First Avenue at Waterfront

Saturday, July 8

Dairy Queen medallion hunt continues un­less found. Vendors open at 10:00 am until 5:00 pm. Bounce houses and barrell train 10 am. Helicopter rides continue 10 am until dark. KTWH Dunk Tank 9:30-5:00 pm at the Community Center. Tours of the Edna G. continue; $10 adult, $5 under 10 years old.

7:00 am until noon Pancake Breakfast at the Fire Hall

8:00 am until 3:00 pm car show at County Lot/Emmanuel Lutheran 4th Avenue at 7th Street (registration 8:00 am ends at 11:00 am)

9:00 am 2nd Annual Family Fundraiser Walk/ Run. Break wall parking lot. Pre-registra­tion needed for t-shirt. May register on site. Grab bag for kids and participating pets. Adults $30, children 6-17 $10, 5 and under free. All proceeds to North Shore Horizons.

10:30 am – 11:45 am Gina Lee at the Heri­tage Days Stage

11:00 am Two Harbors City Band at the Band Shell in Thomas Owens Park

1:00 pm Two Harbors Heritage Days Parade will begin on First Avenue and continue to 7th Street turn and end at 6th Avenue.

3:00 pm Skarlett Woods Heritage Days Stage

3:00 pm Jeremy Lepak and Friends- Ven­triloquist @ Thomas Owens Park Band Shell until 5 pm

4:00 pm Skarlett Woods Heritage Days Stage

5:00 pm Cheap Trixx Band at the Band Shell Thomas Owens Park

Sunday, July 9

Vendors open at 10 am. Helicopter rides con­tinue beginning at 11 am. Bounce houses and barrell train open. Tours of the Edna G. Adults $10, children under 10 $5.

7:00 am – Noon Pancake Breakfast at the Fire Hall

9:00 am Emmanuel and United Church ser­vice at Thomas Owens Park Band Shell

12:00 pm Jake Birdseye Heritage Days Stage

12:00 pm Little Waldo Farm Pollinators and honey tasting at Band Shell, everyone welcome!! (Until 3 pm)

1:00 pm Jake Birdseye Heritage Days Stage

2:00 pm Jake Birdseye Heritage Days Stage

2:00 pm Kelvin Saline Magician Thomas Owens Park

3:00 pm Ricky Sundstrom Heritage Days Stage

4:00 pm Mc Cullough Brothers Heritage Days Stage

6:00 pm Closing Church Service at Thomas Owens Park

Thank you to the many citizens that donate through the annual utility bill request and: Cedar Coffee, Dairy Queen, Sonju, the American Legion 109 & Ladies Auxiliary and the Heritage Days Committee of Bri­anna Sundstrom, Ruth and Bill Rabold and Cheryl Sundstrom. We couldn’t do it without everyone!


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