Sunday, February 9, 2025
HomeBusinessSt. Luke’s and Lake View Unveil New Names And Logos

St. Luke’s and Lake View Unveil New Names And Logos

St. Luke’s and Lake View Hos­pitals have aligned with Aspirus Health, out of Wausau, Wisconsin. This merger is designed to bring expanded resources and support to rural hospitals and will allow for further investment in care models and services in small towns like Two Harbors and Silver Bay. As­pirus Lake View President, Greg Ruberg echoed the commitment to expanded, high quality health care at a ribbon cutting ceremony held last Tuesday. “You can be assured that we will continue the great medical care that we’ve always delivered with great customer ser­vice, even with our new names and being a part of the Aspirus system. We are excited about this new chapter and are looking forward to continuing to serve our patients as part of the Aspirus family”.

The Aspirus name comes from a combination of Latin words mean­ing “to breathe upon” and “as one”. The dew drop leaf icon in the logo symbolizes health and growth and the human figure emphasizes the nurturing of well-being. Aspi­rus Health is a nonprofit, commu­nity directed health system serv­ing northeastern Minnesota, north central Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Aspirus operates 18 hospitals and 130 out­patient clinics in its region and has a team of nearly 14,000 members, including 1,300 physicians and ad­vanced practice clinicians.

Two Harbors Mayor Lew Con­ner, Lake County Commission­er Rich Sve and other dignitaries were on hand to welcome Aspirus to the community.

Rick Evans
Rick Evans
My wife, Marsha Kinzer (a proud DEHS Greyhound, class of ‘77) introduced me to the North Shore on vacation in 2012. It became our regular escape when the stress of our careers in education became overwhelming, and it didn’t take me long to fall in love with the breathtaking scenery, the nice people, and “salad” containing Jell-o and marshmallows. So you can either blame or thank my loving wife for my being here, because when we needed to choose a retirement hometown, Marsha advocated hard for her beloved Duluth, and here we are, six months later. Yes, this will be my first northern Minnesota winter. Yes, I welcome thoughts and prayers. Government, public policy, and social justice weighed heavily in the curriculums I taught at the high school level over a thirty-eight year career. In addition, we were a laboratory school focused on critical thinking in conjunction with technical and scientific writing. So when I found myself adrift on the great ocean of retirement and spied a raft, I jumped at the chance to take up what I’d left behind…minus the bad teachers’ lounge coffee. My position at the NSJ allows me to combine my passions for government and writing, and it’s helping me to feel less out of touch in new surroundings. When I’m not being “Cubby” (Marsha’s favorite new nickname for this green reporter) I enjoy pointing at eagles and saying, “Look, honey. There’s an eagle.” I’ve had an active side hustle as a professional musician for almost as many years as Charlie Parr. As a guitarist/singer/songwriter, I graced the stages of clubs and festivals around southern Wisconsin, including an appearance on A Prairie Home Companion. Should I even mention A Prairie Home Companion, or am I the only one here old enough to remember what that is? Look! An eagle!

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