Friday, February 14, 2025
HomeBusinessOperation Continuous Improvement

Operation Continuous Improvement

Spring has sprung, the snow has melted (al­most), and you do not need someone else pro­viding you obvious weather observations. At times, I may provide you with what seems like known or repetitive information. It is a way to assist you when your CVSO is not available; connecting you with resources while that famil­iar face/voice is recharging, advising others, or running clandestine operations.

Veteran Crisis line dial 988 then press 1 (any­one can dial 988 for suicide or crisis help)

VA’s “front door” hotline 1-800-698-2411 (connect to all VA resources)

VA benefits hotline 1-800-827-1000 (connect to disability or pension resources)

VA health regional line 1-866-414-5058 (con­nect to local health resources)

I have hinted at my popularity and ever-grow­ing workload. To continue the mission of educat­ing and connecting Veterans to earned benefits, a few challenges must be addressed. Operations will continue in the background. The following is a statement temporarily affecting Lake Coun­ty.

Lake County Veterans Services assists Vet­erans, their families, caregivers, and survivors with benefits related to military service. Updated laws and expanded benefits have resulted in a sig­nificant increase in requested services above the current capacity of the available resource. While working to implement a permanent solution and in order to preserve the highest level of service possible, the difficult decision has been made to temporarily limit the availability of the Coun­ty Veterans Service Officer (CVSO). This will provide dedicated time to process the backlog of claims and requests.

The Veterans Services office will be temporari­ly closed from 05/22/2023 to 06/02/2023. In-per­son services will not be available, and phone and email responses will be delayed. Everyone is encouraged to continue submitting requests and questions via the Veterans Services phone num­ber and email address. Please use the available voicemail or email to leave a message.

On 06/05/2023, the office will reopen on Mon­days, Wednesdays, and Fridays for in-person ser­vices (appointments are strongly encouraged). Services will be limited Tuesdays and Thursdays allowing the CVSO to continue processing the backlog of claims and requests. The days may vary depending on holidays or other scheduling conflicts. The temporary, modified operating days will be in effect while solutions are being put into place to continue providing the highest quality of services our Veterans have earned and expect.

Your patience and understanding are truly ap­preciated during this transitional and temporary period.

Brad Anderson is the Lake County Veterans Service Of­ficer and can be reached at 218.834.8326, or cvso@co.lake.mn.us

Karen Christianson is the Cook County Veterans Service Officer and can be reached at 218.387.3639, or karen. christianson@co.cook.mn.us


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