Sunday, February 9, 2025
HomeBusinessLagom by DEPT.two: Finding the Perfect Balance in Two Harbors

Lagom by DEPT.two: Finding the Perfect Balance in Two Harbors

Monday was one of the coldest days we’ve had in quite some time. Despite the chill, when I reached out to sched­ule an interview with Chrissy Scandin about her new shop in Two Harbors, she was busy at work at her salon, DEPT.two.

“Everybody wants their hair cut,” she laughed when I caught her after hours. “Even on a cold day!”

Scandin, a Two Har­bors native, is pas­sionate about helping people feel better, look their best, and embrace healthier lifestyles. Driven by this mission, she recently expanded her endeavors with the opening of her second local business, Lagom by DEPT.two.

Lagom, a Swedish term meaning “not too much, not too little, just right,” reflects an approach to life that Scandin has embraced in her business philos­ophy since opening her salon in August 2019. DEPT.two offers more than just a salon expe­rience—it also serves as a versatile venue available for events.

“Everything I do, I try to make it multi-functional,” she said.

Lagom, opened in June of 2024 at 809 7th Avenue in Two Harbors, is another example of her doing just that. With a goal of providing, accord­ing to their website, “a welcoming space for all to shop, celebrate, relax, and unwind while positively im­pacting our communi­ty.”

The space offers all this and more. The boutique, open daily, showcases Scandin’s keen fashion sense, specializing in sus­tainable and affordable women’s clothing and accessories. It also fea­tures a curated selec­tion of hair and skin­care products, along with locally crafted art and unique gifts.

“We’re trying to do the lagom thing and have just the right amount of everything,” said Scandin.

Lagom offers more than just retail ther­apy. The space also hosts Lanna Schwab of Agate Acupuncture, providing acupuncture therapy, and Chelsie Grayhawk, owner of Heavens Earth Mas­sage, who is also avail­able by appointment.

“I definitely wanted to create a community centered more around awareness and kind­ness and health,” said Scandin. “I truly want to inspire and connect with people.

Scandin also col­laborates with Stacy Nightwine of Lake Effect Yoga, who typically holds yoga classes in the upstairs studio on Wednesdays. The space additionally functions as an Airb­nb, primarily limited to weekends, and is available for events.

“The space is big and open,” said Scan­din, who added that the room can also be used for photographers and photo shoots. “The light is absolutely phe­nomenal.”

On the third Saturday of each month from February to May, Lag­om will host Wellness Weekends, offering a little bit of everything related to health and wellness—and then some.

Visitors can enjoy a variety of activities, including yoga classes, community acupunc­ture, chair massages, plant bingo, healthy mocktail demonstra­tions, and a range of engaging workshops.

Natalie Jackson has led Wellness Reset workshops featuring journaling, meaning­ful conversations, and movement. Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Jamy Rae brings an uplifting energy to her presen­tations, often incor­porating dance, as she shares insights on self-love and embracing every part of yourself.

“People can come and do all the things, or they can pick and choose what they’d like to do,” said Scan­din, who provides a calendar on Lagom’s website.

I’ve marked my cal­endar for the upcom­ing Wellness Week­ends, but from what I’ve seen online, I’m already eyeing some of the boutique’s clothes. I might just have to stop by and see Kirsten, Scandin’s “Everything Coordinator.” Maybe she can help me coor­dinate a new outfit—I could certainly use the assistance!

To learn more about Lagom and its offerings, visit lagombydepttwo.com or call Kirsten!


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