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HomeBusinessCrystal Bay Township Meeting and Termination of Friends of Finland Executive Director

Crystal Bay Township Meeting and Termination of Friends of Finland Executive Director

By Krista Starkovich

At the Crystal Bay Township meet­ing on August 20th, 2024 many topics were discussed; the budget, septic, recycling, FEMA and The Friends of Finland, just to name a few.

During the meeting Danielle Hef­feran, Treasurer of Friends of Fin­land, made a statement in reference to the ongoing situation dealing with Andrew Deyette and Honor Schauland.

Danielle Hefferan:

“We just wanted to give you all and the Supervisors some updates in response to the various complaints and comments that the supervisors have been receiving in regards to their relationship with the Friends of Finland and recent events.

So, over the past month, Friends of Finland has sought outside pro­fessionals to investigate how com­plaints were handled going back to 2019. As an outcome of the in­vestigation, the board has already taken steps to implement improved policies and processes, like an offi­cial internal/external grievance pro­cedure and a whistleblower policy. Those were adopted on Monday night (August 19th).

We’re also developing other pol­icies in relation to child protection and staff code of conduct and docu­ment retention.

And then, due to a mounting trust gap between the organization and the communities we serve, the board has decided to terminate the employment of Honor Schauland. We’re grateful for all the work that Honor has dedicated to this organi­zation. We don’t take this decision lightly, and we are very committed to rebuilding the trust the Friends of Finland has in this community.”

The board responded by thanking her for her statement and saying they knew it was a tough call for The Friends of Finland to make.

The floor was then opened for public comments, only a few com­mented compared to the last gener­al meeting.

The first 3 were in support of Honor Schauland. Here are their statements:

Gary Olson:

“I’m a longtime resident of Crys­tal Bay Township. It’s a very sad day… In regard to what took place at the regular township meeting in July, it was obvious to me that peo­ple had organized a campaign to smear Honor Schauland’s charac­ter and reputation as the director of Friends of Finland. I found the con­frontation towards Honor personal, vindictive, and humiliating. It was very disturbing to watch. Honor deserves better treatment than this. She has served this community well, with excellent skills and grant-writ­ing, fundraising, organizing events, and having her heart in the com­munity and community building. In closing, I would like to add that Honor is a great ambassador for this township and the Finland com­munity, and she was a person who could build bridges among people of all types that represent our com­munity… That’s what I have to say.”

Nancy Anselment-Olson:

“Much of what happened at the township meeting in July was un­fair, hateful, and possibly even ille­gal. It was an attempt to completely smear the reputation and cast doubt on the character of two people in the Friends of Finland. It was meant by some to be divisive and destructive.

There are people who don’t live in this community that want to take control over decisions that are made here, yet they have no stake in the outcome. They just want to win a years-old vendetta by insist­ing that the behavior of one individ­ual proves he is a sexual predator, rather than considering any other motivations. I accept that his work in the youth program is over. Ma­jor errors in judgment were made, but the public has heard mostly a one-sided story and it paints a very inaccurate picture of the truth.

Unfortunately, because of legal considerations, the facts can’t be presented at this time. I just ask that people reserve judgment of the accused until the legal process is completed. I love this community.

It’s a community that has stood by me during really tough times. When all of this is done, I hope we can find a way to heal.”

Paul Deaner:

“I’ve lived in the township … for about 30 years. Honor is someone I love and I’m so saddened by this. I wanted to see the process play itself out. Apparently, it has. The Friends of Finland have done their due diligence and made a decision … Andrew is a friend of mine. I had a great working relationship with him last winter. Very saddened to hear what happened. I read the newspaper articles and I got the hit sheet from the county, read all that. I’m the son of a cop, so I un­derstand law and order and the rule of law. But I’m just really saddened about that. I care about the guy and God knows what’s going to happen to him now… I know a lot of shit went down. I heard about it. I get it. But Honor and Andrew…I’m just feeling pretty bad. But thank you for listening, everybody. Nancy, you were right-at some point, may­be it’ll be a healing thing. Maybe.

Maybe not. This is part of it. It’s a wonderful community. This is how you deal. We’re a family, we got­ta deal with the shit, too. So thank vou.”

The last speaker applauded Dep­uty Jack Deitz for taking action and doing the right thing.

Matt Morris:

“I was born and raised here and I am a parent. I’d like to say thank you, thank you, thank you to Depu­ty Jack Dietz. Thank you, Jack.

While Jack was on duty, he wit­nessed an event, the second week of June… that he knew was not right. And Jack took the appropriate mea­sures. Thank you, Jack.

Jack’s part in the matter is now, for the most part, kind of done. The matter isn’t done-far from do­ne-and the next phase of this matter is going to involve a lot of people who are sitting in this room right now. And I can only hope that the people, all of us, use Jack as a role model and do what is right. That’s my only hope.

I thank the board and I thank Jack Dietz. “

The crowd applauded after Mr. Morris made his statement.

People are free to share their opin­ions, however I do want to point out some facts. There were document­ed statements, incidents and reports dating all the way back to 2019 in reference to Andrew Deyette. In the Executive Director’s job de­scription there was a requirement to relay information about ongo­ing incidents, concerns and events that have taken place. They were to be reported to the Friends of Fin­land Board and the Crystal Bay Township. It was also stated by a Friends of Finland board member at a previous meeting that the Ex­cutive Director (Honor Schauland at the time) is held accountable for their actions and decisions by the board. There are legal proceedings taking place in regards to Andrew Deyette. When presented with the information, actions were taken due to the results of circumstances and incidents that had taken place. The public commented individual­ly due to their concerns about the youth, safety and the community as a whole. The Clair Nelson Cen­ter is a facility for all of Finland, Isabella, Beaver Bay, Silver Bay, Tofte, Lutsen and other surround­ing communities. To reference that the other communities are not af­fected by what has taken place at the Clair Nelson Center and Friends of Finland programs is simply not true. Many people, families and youth from all the surrounding ar­eas participate in activities offered by Friends of Finland and attend/ participate in activities at the Clair Nelson Center.

Prior to the statement from Friends of Finland, many other top­ics were discussed.

The Budget

Lisa Abazs (Treasurer) spoke about the budget. She had created a spread sheet of the budget for ev­eryone to view. In her findings they are currently over spending and are in the negative. They are going to have to make some adjustments for the remainder of the year so they do not become more in debt. The budget deficit is due to additional expenses in reference to the current situation with Friends of Finland’s contract and Andrew Deyette’s sit­uation. It has caused them to work extra hours, seek additional le­gal assistance and have additional clerk hours. There are many other reasons also, such as problems with the septic at the Clair Nelson Cen­ter, Storm disaster relief (FEMA) not to mention the actual damage from the storms, recycling program and various other issues that have arisen, which requires extra time, paperwork and special meetings. They are discussing and creating a plan to assist with their deficit. The funding has not been mishandled, however the costs are outweighing the revenue.


There is a disaster relief center in Virginia, MN, located at the St. Louis County Public Works Train­ing Room, 7823 Hwy 135, Virgin­ia, MN, 55792. Hours are 7:30 am – 6:30 pm, Monday – Sunday. It has been discussed if one could be open in Lake County. Those in charge of the program are looking further into it.

If you need assistance recovering from the severe storms and floods of June 16 – July 4, 2024 you can visit the recovery center, go on the website DisasterAssistance.gov, download the FEMA Mobil app or call 1-800-621-3362 for assistance. For more information visit www.fema.gov/disaster/4797.  

Matt Pullman, the Emergency services director is in charge of the operations for Lake County.

Septic issue at the Clair Nelson Center

The township has been working to rectify the problem with the sep­tic system. It is a long process. They are applying to IRRRB to assist in the repairs for the septic system. Currently there are “biffies” locat­ed outside the building for use. It will be a while until the septic issue is resolved. Most likely, it will not be until the spring. They will have a plan in place for use during the winter months. Currently, they are unable to make repairs of their own until funding has been approved through IRRRB.

Recycling Trailer

There will be a recycling bin lo­cated between the Finland Fire Department and the Finland Coop. There were concerns raised about putting other items in the bins oth­er than recyclables. Signs will be posted and the bins will be moni­tored for trash dumping. If prob­lems arise and continue to be an is­sue, the bins will be removed. The bins are supplied by Lake County in order to cut down on trash.

Cannabis Notice

The board had no comment re­garding the notice.

Cemetery Project

There is a new monument being constructed at the cemetery in re­place of the old monument.

Friends of Finland Contract

During a special meeting on Au­gust 13, 2024, the township and the Friends of Finland extended their contract for 2 months. The renew­al of the contract requires FOF to perform a full inventory and several other requirements prior to renew­ing a longer contract.

Further information can be found on the Crystal Bay Township web­site www.crystalbaytownship.org.  Zoom is no longer an option to attend the Crystal Bay Township meetings.


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