Take a survey, use the interactive map, and stay informed. www.mndot.gov
ST. PAUL, Minn. – The Minnesota Department of Transportation invites Minnesota residents, businesses, railroad fans and stakeholders to provide feedback that will help set the vision and policy guidance associated with future public investment in the rail system in Minnesota. All feedback will be used to update the Minnesota State Rail Plan.
Minnesota is home to more than 4,000 miles of freight and passenger rail lines. The MSRP provides an overall vision for future development of the freight and passenger rail system, identifies priority rail corridors, and helps guide future rail-related decisions, including investments that enhance freight and passenger rail movements in and out of Minnesota.
How to provide input and keep up to date
MnDOT is committed to hearing from Minnesotans about their experiences with railroads as the agency considers the role of railroads and their impact upon the state’s multimodal transportation system. Minnesotans can provide feedback through spring 2024 in the following ways:
Take the five-minute online survey to share your experiences with both freight and passenger rail in Minnesota. https://talk.dot.state.mn.us/state-rail-plan/surveys/state-rail-plan-initial-survey-of-public-perceptions
Use the interactive map to provide feedback on specific rail crossings, stations and locations. https://talk.dot.state.mn.us/state-rail-plan?tool=map#tool_tab
Subscribe to State Rail Plan email updates to participate in future public meetings or events. Subscribing typically takes about two minutes. https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/MNDOT/subscriber/new?topic_id=MNDOT_880
Learn more about the Minnesota State Rail Plan project and how you can stay involved and up to date. https://talk.dot.state.mn.us/state-rail-plan
The Minnesota State Rail Plan is part of MnDOT’s Family of Plans that supports Minnesota GO, the 50-year vision for our state’s transportation system. The State Rail Plan builds on the Statewide Multimodal Transportation Plan and provides direction for the role Minnesota’s freight and passenger railroads will play in achieving the overall vision.