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HomeCommunityMN Adult and Teen Challenge Prepares to Visit Baptism River Community Church

MN Adult and Teen Challenge Prepares to Visit Baptism River Community Church

On Sunday, Novem­ber 3, a group from the MN Adult and Teen Challenge (MnTC) program will be com­ing to Baptism River Community Church, ELCA in Finland for the 10 a.m. service. “The visit is in support of their mission and presentation of the fine work they are doing in our communities with individuals,” Pastor Michael Poeschl of Baptism River said.

The MN Adult and Teen Challenge mem­bers will be singing as a choir and “clients will be sharing testi­monies of transfor­mation,” according to Karen Strother, De­velopment Coordina­tor for Northland MN Adult and Teen Chal­lenge. The representa­tive for MnTC Duluth will share “a little of our history and a vid­eo containing a brief overview of a day at our campus as well as events our donors can attend and further support our clients,” Strother added.

Teen Challenge was founded in 1961 by David Wilkerson, an Assemblies of God pastor, author of The Cross and the Switch­blade, and founder of Times Square Church. In 1958, Wilkerson left a rural Pennsylva­nia pastorate to work among teenage gang members and social­ly marginalized peo­ple in New York City. Teen Challenge’s first residential program began four years later, in December 1962 in Brooklyn, New York.

The MN Adult and Teen Challenge was established in 1983. In 1993, Rich Scher­ber became Executive Director and opened the first home with six clients. In the 31 years since then, MnTC has expanded to 18 cam­puses: teen boys in Buffalo; adult men and women in Minne­apolis, Rochester, and Brainerd; women and children in Mankato; and men in Duluth.

Today, Adult and Teen Challenge has over 200 centers in the United States and 1400 centers worldwide. “The staff and volun­teers of Adult and Teen Challenge are helping people find freedom from life controlling issues,” Karen Strother shared. In a video tes­timonial, former client Brianna shared how she went through 10 treatments before com­ing to MnTC, battling drug addiction. Today Brianna has a stable job and gets to see her daughter regularly. Former clients Collette and Ryan also shared in a video testimonial of how they went from incarceration to rais­ing their two children (born after their gradu­ation from MnTC) in a stable household.

The visit coincides with Baptism River Community Church’s “Casual Sunday”, defined by Pastor Poeschl as a time “where we meet and share our own thoughts and ideas while celebrating our unity in Christ”. Pastor Poeschl anticipates for the program to be “beneficial to families in Finland, MN, and our North Shore Community”. To find out more about Teen Challenge visit teenchallengeusa.org or in Minnesota mntc.org.

Haley Searls
Haley Searls
Hello! My name is Haley Searls. I’ve loved writing from an early age, though my nonfiction writing at five years old consisted mainly of weather and gardening reports. I still have some of those early articles: “It’s sunny.” “It’s still sunny.” “It’s raining.” I’m glad to say my writing has improved since then. I wrote a guest post for the Silver Bay Public Library blog, and was the writer/editor of the newsletter for my American Heritage Girls troop. I have been writing for the North Shore Journal since June 2022. Besides writing, I love reading, drawing, photography, music, and spending time with family and friends. Two books that have really influenced my writing are Reforming Journalism by Marvin Olasky and Writer to Writer by Bodie and Brock Thoene. As a journalist, I want to share positive community interactions and inspire people to make lasting connections. Article topics that interest me are ones which show community activities and involvement. Such articles include community events, youth accomplishments, library programming, small businesses, local history, local artists and authors, art programs, and cultural events such as theater and dance. If you have an article idea, email the North Shore Journal with my name in the subject line! I look forward to hearing from you!
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