The Two Harbors City Council welcomed Sarah Swedburg to the position of City Planner at Monday night’s meeting. Ms Swedburg’s background includes working in urban regional planning and geographical computer analysis using Geographic Information Systems (GIS). She has worked as a lands rights researcher in rural Kenya and will be working half time for the city and half time for Bolton and Menk.
The Two Harbors Public Library has received a $10,000 grant from the Duluth, Superior Area Community Foundation. The funds will be used for children’s educational materials. Library staff are planning for the purchase and installation of six new computers and have reported that the Library was visited daily by 117 area residents throughout the month of January.
A representative from the environmental consulting firm, Carlson McCain, was on hand to talk with the Council about environmental and cleanup work that will need to be done on the site for the proposed waterfront hotel and event center. NAI Legacy will be developing the site. The land in question is just west of Waterfront Drive, near the present location of the Edna G. There is strong potential for grant funding for the site and the Council voted to authorize City Administrator Patricia Nordean, to explore all available grant funding opportunities prior to the work moving forward.
The Council accepted a proposal from DSGW to provide architectural services for the City Hall Facade Project in the amount of $23,769.50. The Council also accepted a bid from Astech Corporation for the 2025 Street Seal Coat Project.
The Council discussed plans for a Waterfront Task Force to help oversee and coordinate plans for the development of the Agate Bay waterfront and Van Hoven Park. Stay tuned for further information.
The next Two Harbors Council meeting will be held on March 10th at 5:30 PM.