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HomeUncategorizedLovin’ Lake County Wins Explore Minnesota Tourism Award for Most Outstanding Video

Lovin’ Lake County Wins Explore Minnesota Tourism Award for Most Outstanding Video

TWO HARBORS, MN (February 19, 2025) — Lovin’ Lake County, the destina­tion marketing orga­nization (DMO) for Lake County, Minne­sota, was recognized for excellence in tour­ism marketing at the 2025 Explore Minne­sota Tourism Confer­ence. The organization received the Outstand­ing Video Award for its “Nature’s Rhythm, Center Stage” vid­eo campaign. It also ranked as a finalist in two additional catego­ries: Outstanding Mar­keting Campaign and Outstanding Destina­tion Website.

The Outstanding Video Award recog­nizes tourism organi­zations that produce unique and innovative video content show­casing their destina­tion’s distinctive fea­tures. Nominations were assessed based on the creative pro­cess, the video’s ef­fectiveness in market­ing campaigns, and measurable results achieved. This award celebrates the role of video in inspiring trav­el and driving economic im­pact.

Finalists also included Visit Fargo-Moor­head and Visit Duluth.

“We’re hon­ored to be rec­ognized by Explore Min­nesota for our marketing ef­forts,” said Janelle Jones, Lovin’ Lake County executive di­rector. “Since our launch in 2021, our small but passionate team has worked hard to establish our brand and showcase the beauty of Lake County. The award reflects the dedication of our team and the invaluable support of our local businesses, residents, and elected officials. Tourism is an essential economic driver for our region, and we’re proud to contribute to its growth and sustain­ability.”

Award-Winning Video Campaign: “Nature’s Rhythm, Center Stage”

In June 2024, Lovin’ Lake County launched its “Nature’s Rhythm, Center Stage” cam­paign, a multimedia marketing initiative featuring Minneso­ta singer-songwriter GB Leighton. Parthe Productions, based in Superior, WI, direct­ed and produced the series with a talented team of videographers and storytellers.

The entertaining series follows Brian Leighton as he ex­plores the region and connects with locals. It showcases Lake Su­perior’s North Shore’s adventure, beauty, and serenity. The videos entertain and educate, inspiring people to engage in outdoor ac­tivities, support local businesses, and expe­rience the North Shore culture.

Lovin’ Lake Coun­ty promotes the vid­eos across YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, television, and OTT platforms to reach families, outdoor enthusiasts, and nature lovers. Viewers can visit and subscribe to Lovin’ Lake County’s YouTube chan­nel and watch the videos on Lovin­LakeCounty.com and various so­cial media.

About the Explore Minnesota Tourism Conference

The Annual Ex­plore Minnesota Tourism Confer­ence gathers tour­ism profession­als, destination organizations, and industry leaders to discuss travel trends, network, and cele­brate tourism’s pow­erful impact on Min­nesota’s economy and communities.

About Lovin’ Lake County

Lovin’ Lake County is Lake County, MN’s of­ficial destination mar­keting organization. The organization pro­motes tourism through strategic marketing and events to stimulate economic growth, en­hance residents’ qual­ity of life, and protect the region’s natural re­sources.

Learn more at LovinLakeCounty.com  and follow them on:

YouTube & Facebook: @LovinLakeCounty

Instagram: @lovin_lake_county

TikTok: @lovinlakecountymn


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