Monday, February 24, 2025
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Letter to the Editor

Comments at a recent community meeting and in an August 11 Letter to the Editor ex­pressed concerns regarding the placement of the Intermodal Trailhead Center in Silver Bay. Among concerns expressed were that benefits will go to the tourists, not residents, that additional taxes be needed to pay for law enforcement, and it is too close to Wil­liam Kelley School and the downtown. As a letter writer summed up his view, “When development comes in, no consideration ever goes to the current residents, the only import­ant consideration is to the dollar signs seen by those who will see their bank accounts grow…Where and when will the residents who won’t make money from this “develop­ment” actually benefit from it?”

In my opinion, the Trailhead Center will be a desirable addition to Silver Bay. It supports tourism essential to the long-term financial viability of the city. True, not all persons will benefit equally but all will benefit to the degree that there are net tax revenues from increased business activity. Those who have risked capital to start businesses may benefit more if they can capture additional sales.

The site is ideally situated at the junction of OHV trails and the Gitchi-Gami State Bi­cycle Trail which will soon be extended to Tettegouche State Park. It will provide access to nearby commercial services and provide toilets and public meeting space. We already have significant OHV and bicycle and pedes­trian traffic in this area near the school and arena. To my knowledge, there have not been complaints regarding safety of children so perhaps this is an overblown concern.

I appreciate the city leadership supporting the Trailhead Center.

Morris Manning
Silver Bay, MN


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