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FinnFest’s North Shore Tour Brings Visitors to the Larsmont School

Finns, and fans of Finns, flocked to Duluth last week for the annual FinnFest celebration. The five-day event draws folks from all over the country to immerse themselves in Finnish culture. The press release for the event touts “Everyone is invited to experience the fami­ly friendly FinnFest, North America’s premier event featuring the fabulous Nordic life and in­gredients of happiness from music and movies to saunas and shopping.”

According to the event schedule, all of the above is included as well as workshops, key­note speakers, seminars, and tours.

As our North Shore has a great Finnish heri­tage history, many festival goers made the deci­sion to jump on the bus and check out the sites. I met up with the tour as they stopped in Lar­smont on Wednesday, July 26th to check out the one-room Little Red Schoolhouse built back in 1914. (Larsmont is named after Larsmo, Fin­land.)

I had not been to the school, currently a Com­munity Center and used to educate students about local history, and wasn’t really expecting it to be in such beautiful shape. It is easy to tell the building is well-loved and cared for. As I entered, I noticed it was a bit like Dr. Who’s Tardis, magically bigger on the inside than it appeared on the outside.

By the time the bus arrived, I had received a bit of information about the history of the building from Marlys Wisch, secretary/treasur­er of the club, and club president, Bill Tranah. Though the building has remained, mostly, the same throughout its lifetime, it’s gone from a school to a church to a missionary training base to a Volunteer Fire Department and now a com­munity club. It’s been meticulously maintained; siding has been replaced and new sheetrock re­placed some of the plaster that was not in good shape.

Many events have been held at the location throughout the years. Marlys recalled that, as a teen, she would be a server at “fishcake feeds” for the community. In the building, there are his­torical documents and pictures lining the walls, as well as antiques that give visitors a feel of what it might have felt like to be a student in the early 1900s.

As the FinnFest visitors began to file in, you could see they were as impressed with the school as I was. When I spoke to Ruth Koehler and her daughter, of New York Mills, MN, about the tour, they both said it was fun to see the dif­ferent sites along the shore.

Ruth is a proud 100% Finn. Her mother had come over from Finland and Ruth’s first lan­guage was Finnish. She attended a country school for six years, herself. It may have been a bit bigger than Larsmont’s, but she said it was “not as elegant,” marveling at the tall ceilings in the building.

Larsmont School doesn’t have a bathroom and neither did Ruth’s school. However, they were installed later in her school years. (I shiv­er to think of those outhouses in the Minnesota winter!) She is now a retired schoolteacher, the school she taught at being much much larger than the one she had attended as a child.

Arnold Alanen, of Madison, WI, organized the tour. He has done similar tours previously and has a lot of knowledge about the North Shore and the communities along it. Originally from Northeast Minnesota, Arnold is a retired profes­sor who taught in the Department of Landscape Architecture at Madison University for forty years. Bringing students to the cultural and his­torical sites was a valuable and engaging way to bring history to life. The schoolhouse is a favor­ite stop. “This building is one of the best-pre­served schoolhouses of its era anywhere in the state. It’s really a true treasure,” he said. “Lar­smont has such an interesting history.”

Arnold has written a few books on local his­tory, including Finns in Minnesota which was published in 2012 and includes information about Larsmont. Another book is in the works as Arnold says he is very interested in the his­tory of the people who live on the North Shore and what they have built. The upcoming book is, according to Arnold, “really a history of voices and people of Northern Minnesota.”

When asked what the most interesting thing that he has learned in his studies of the area, Ar­nold talked about the development of what we now call Scenic 61 and how far back it has been traversed. Native Americans, slave trades, car­riages, a basic road, and now a national scenic byway.

After coffee and rolls, cheesecake, and/or gi­ant muffins, the tour loaded back onto the bus to continue their way further north. When my new friend Arnie asked if I could join them on the journey, I was tempted to play hooky from my day job to go up to Grand Marais, have a Finn­ish lunch at the Finland Historical Center, and check out all the sites along the way.

If you would like to learn more about the Lar­smont School, visit www.larsmont.org. Thank you to Marlys, Bill, and Arnold for teaching me so much in such a short time. I am definitely looking up Arnold’s books and I hope you do, too.

Feel free to contact me at sarahwritesnsj@yahoo.com with any news we should news about!


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