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HomeNewsZeleznikar’s next Town Hall Meeting in Two Harbors March 19, 2023

Zeleznikar’s next Town Hall Meeting in Two Harbors March 19, 2023

From the desk of Rep. Natalie Zeleznikar (R) District: 03B
Two Harbors March 2023

Dear Friends,

On February 19th, I met with 50+ citizens in Two Harbors from 3:30-5:00 p.m. The top­ics on the agenda were the following bills: House File 100, Cannibus/Marijuana/Pot.; House File 2, Expanding FMLA to 24 weeks max paid annually, beyond the Federal FMLA of 12 weeks unpaid (employees can use their PTO, SL, Vacation), and 2nd amendment, House File 14, 15, 601, and 396. It was great to have the Chief of Police from Two Harbors as well as the Lake County Sheriff.

I will always support the 2nd amendment. Regarding, Paid FMLA, I do not believe a mandate for 24 weeks is sustainable for busi­nesses with 1 + employee, or those with part-timers, and seasonal as the bill is written. Cur­rently, the Federal Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) allows for 12 weeks, and employees can use their sick, vacation or PTO to have some paid time. In the aftermath of Covid, with many businesses closed it is imperative that mandates do not further restrict the abil­ity of businesses to remain open. If this bill remains as written now, I will not support it.

While products are available with THC now after last years legislative session, the Chief of Police outlined the difficulties for officers to detect levels of THC, as the cur­rent testing only indicates if THC is present in system, so it would be impossible to know level of impairment of when it was used. All of these bills will be debated, and the bills could end up with amendments before voting occurs. Time will tell.

The next Town Hall will be on March 19th 3:30-5:00 in Two Harbors (location to be de­termined) likely High School and Senator Grant Hauschild will join me. The topics will be Education, updates on Local Government Aid and other tax items.

If House File 1377 moves through, Two Harbors is slated to receive $401,408 more than they currently receive. The GOP just did a press conference stating the importance of eliminating social security tax once and for all, reducing lower tier taxes by 1%, reducing property taxes, allowing child tax credits, and returning to the science of reading, with pho­nics since 50% of MN public school kids in MN cannot read at grade level comprehen­sion. It has been a busy session, and I love it when you stop to say hi when visiting St. Paul.

The highlight of my week was touring Lou­isiana Pacific. LP has an amazing plant, and I loved my field trip in the woods watching the loggers, and watching how the process pro­duces smart board siding. I have this beau­tiful product on my own home, and we love it. Thank you, LP, for making an incredible product for the US. The Lion’s breakfast was amazing, and this farm girl will never turn down pancakes, eggs and sausage. It was an amazing event for the Winter Frolic.

Please contact me at Rep.Natalie. Zeleznikar@house.mn, and follow me on my Facebook Page and Twitter.

Let your light shine,
Rep. Natalie Zeleznikar, 3B


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