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U.S. Department of Education Launches Title IX Investigations into Two Athletic Associations Minnesota and California Associations Indicate They Plan to Violate Title IX Federal Law

[February 12, 2025] The U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) today an­nounced directed investigations into the Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL) and the California Interscholastic Federa­tion (CIF), both of which publicly announced plans to violate federal antidiscrimination laws related to girls’ and women’s sports. This in­cludes the possibility of allowing male athletes to compete in wom­en’s sports and use women’s inti­mate facilities.

“The Minnesota State High School League and the California Interscholastic Federation are free to engage in all the meaningless virtue-signaling that they want, but at the end of the day they must abide by federal law,” said Acting Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights Craig Trainor. “OCR’s Chicago and San Francisco regional offices will conduct directed investigations into both organizations to ensure that female athletes in these states are treated with the dignity, respect, and equality that the Trump Ad­ministration demands. I would re­mind these organizations that histo­ry does not look kindly on entities and states that actively opposed the enforcement of federal civil rights laws that protect women and girls from discrimination and harass­ment.”

President Trump’s Executive Or­der, Keeping Men Out of Women’s Sports, states that “it is the policy of the United States to rescind all funds from educational programs that deprive women and girls of fair athletic opportunities,” and to take “all appropriate action to affir­matively protect all-female athletic opportunities and all-female lock­er rooms and thereby provide the equal opportunity guaranteed by Title IX of the Education Amend­ments Act of 1972.”

Last week, OCR launched di­rected investigations into San Jose State University, the University of Pennsylvania, and the Massachu­setts Interscholastic Athletic Asso­ciation for reported violations of Title IX. OCR also made it clear that they are reviewing athletic par­ticipation policies at a number of schools to evaluate their compli­ance with Title IX protections for female athletes.

Background Information on the Directed Investigations:

In a public statement released af­ter President Trump signed his Pro­tecting Women’s Sports Executive Order, MSHSL and CIF announced their intentions to abide by state law as it relates to girls’ and wom­en’s sports in violation of federal antidiscrimination laws. Both state laws allow athletes to participate on teams based on an individual’s sub­jective gender identity rather than biological sex, even though biolog­ical sex is the basis for Title IX pro­tections. State laws do not override federal antidiscrimination laws, and these entities and their member schools remain subject to Title IX and its implementing regulations.


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