Friday, September 20, 2024
HomeNewsSheriff's Report SHERIFF’S REPORT


Monday, September 2, 2024
Inmate Population: 4

  • 0812 Sergeant makes traffic stop on Marina Drive. Warn for speed.
  • 1553 Deputy assists public.
  • 1926 Deputy assists other agency with possible do­mestic.
  • 2052 Deputy assists other agency with suicidal fe­male.
  • 2143 Deputies respond to report of a disturbance on Gun Club Rd. One transported to SLH.
  • 2201 Deputy makes traffic stop on Hays Circle. Warn for stop sign violation.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024
Inmate Population: 4

  • 0734 Deputy at THHS for the start of the school day.
  • 0917 Deputy responds to report of a dog bite on Gu Club Rd.
  • 0943 LCRS responds to medical on Outer Drive. One transported to LVMH by ambulance.
  • 1031 Deputy takes fraud report.
  • 1143 Deputy responds to parking problem on Hwy 2.
  • 1149 Sergeant and Deputies respond to report of a trespasser on Main Street.
  • 1321 Deputy makes traffic stop on Fernberg Rd. Warn for speed.
  • 1414 Deputy checks on residence on house watch list. All secure.
  • 1647 Deputy responds to report of trespassing in Ely.
  • 2055 Deputy makes traffic stop on Toimi Rd. Warn for speed.
  • 2058 Deputy makes traffic stop on Hwy 61. Warn for speed

Wednesday, September 4, 2024
Inmate Population: 4

  • 0309 Deputies respond, along with THPD, respond to security alarm on Hwy 2.
  • 0730 Deputy at THHS for the start of the school day.
  • 1028 Deputy responds, along with SBPD, to report of unknown trouble on Hays Circle.
  • 1128 LCRS responds to medical at Tettegouche State Park.
  • 1319 LCRS responds to medical on South Avenue. One transported to LVMH by ambulance.
  • 1353 Deputy responds to request for an animal wel­fare check on Hwy 61. All ok.
  • 1503 Deputies at SBHS for end of the school day.
  • 1543 Deputy at THHS for the end of the school day.
  • 1653 Deputy takes report of neighbor trouble on Kaw­ishiwi Trl.
  • 2101 Deputy makes traffic stop on Hwy 61. Warn or speed.
  • 2107 Deputy responds to report of suspicious activity on Ironwood Rd.
  • 2122 Deput makes traffic stop on Main Street. Cited for driving after cancellation.

Thursday, September 5, 2024
Inmate Population: 6

  • 0147 Deputies assist THPD with traffic stop.
  • 0717 Deput at SBHS for the start of the school day.
  • 0729 Deputy at THHS for the start of the school day.
  • 0811 Deputy checks on residence on house watch list. All ok.
  • 0903 Deputy locates trash and an abandoned trailer. Attempting to contact owner.
  • 0918 Deputy out with vehicle in the ditch on Lax Lake Rd.
  • 1121 Deputies and LCRS responds to report of a psychological problem on Hwy 2. Unable to locate. Turned out to be in Bayfield County, Bayfield notified.
  • 1536 Deputy at THHS for the end of the school day.
  • 1712 Deputy serves papers at TH residence.
  • 1759 Deputy makes traffic stop on 7th Avenue. Warn for use of dirt bike on street and other issues.
  • 1904 Deputies respond to request for a welfare check on Larsmont Way. One brought to LCJ on warrant.
  • 2012 Deputies and THPD attempt pickup of party with multiple warrants. Unable to locate.

Friday, September 6, 2024
Inmate Population: 6

  • 0519 Deputy makes traffic stop on Toimi Rd. Warn for taillight out.
  • 0741 Deputy on ATV patrol in SB area.
  • 0845 Deputy at THHS for the start of the school day.
  • 0942 Deputy makes traffic stop on Hwy 2. Cited for speed 98/55.
  • 0943 Deputies and LCRS respond to medical on Rocky Wall Rd.
  • 1241 Deputy makes traffic stop on Outer Drive. Warn for speed.
  • 1517 Deputy makes traffic stop on Main Street. Cited for passing in a no passing zone.
  • 1540 Deputy makes ATV traffic stop no Outer Drive. Warn for riding on roadway.
  • 1607 Deputy makes traffic stop on Penn Blvd. Warn for speed.
  • 1627 Deput checks on residence on house watch list. All secure.
  • 1830 LCRS responds to medical on 13th Avenue. One transported to LVMH by ambulance.
  • 1947 Deputy serves papers at TH residence.

Saturday, September 7, 2024
Inmate Population: 5

  • 0235 Deputy checks on residences on house watch list. All ok.
  • 0754 LCRS provides traffic control for bike race.
  • 0859 Deputies respond to report of suspicious activity on Hwy 61.
  • 1128 Deputy removes debris from Hwy 61.
  • 1241 LCRS responds to medical on 11th Avenue.
  • 1248 Deputy assists SBPD with traffic stop.
  • 1352 Deputy takes report of theft on Hwy 61.
  • 1626 Deputy makes traffic stop on Hwy 1. Warn for speed.
  • 1912 Deputy serves papers at TH residence.
  • 1943 Deputy serves papers at TH residence.
  • 2028 Deputy makes traffic stop on Scenic Drive. Warn for speed.
  • 2221 Deputy responds to report of a party with under­age drinkers in Ely. 9 cited for underage consump­tion.

Sunday, September 8, 2024
Inmate Population: 5

  • 1401 Deputy makes traffic stop on Hwy 2. Warn for speed.
  • 1431 Deputy makes traffic stop on Toimi Rd.
  • 1600 Deputy serves papers at SB residence.
  • 1639 Deputy checks on residence on house watch list. All secure.
  • 1655 LCRS responds to medical on Hwy 2.
  • 1938 Deputy serves papers at TH residence.
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