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HomeNewsSheriff's ReportSHERIFF’S REPORT


Monday, July 15, 2024
Inmate Population: 5

  • 0022 Deputy responds to medical in Ely.
  • 0811 Deputy assists MSP with vehicle in the ditch on Hwy 61. Vehicle towed.
  • 0836 Deputy takes report of fraud in SB.
  • 0844 Deputy assists DNR.
  • 1009 Deputies respond to report of a psycholog­ical problem in Ely. One transported to Virginia hospital.
  • 1528 Deputy and LCRS respond to report of a climber stuck at bottom of Palisade. Party res­cued and safe.
  • 2003 Deputy makes traffic stop on Hwy 61. Warn for speed and expired proof of insurance.
  • 2233 Deputy makes traffic stop on Hwy 2. Warn for speed.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Inmate Population: 5

  • 1444 Deputy makes traffic stop on Main St. Cited for speed 59/35.
  • 1516 Deputy and LCRS respond to medical on Gun Club Rd. One transported to SLH by ambu­lance.
  • 1623 Deputy serves papers at TH residence.
  • 1652 Deputy takes fraud report.
  • 1924 Deputy makes traffic stop on Fernberg Rd. Warn for speed.
  • 1933 Deputies respond, along with THPD, to re­quest for a welfare check. Unable to locate.
  • 2055 Deputy responds, along with SBPD, to re­quest for a welfare check in SB. Kids playing vid­eo games, all ok.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024
Inmate Population: 4

  • 0244 Deputy responds, along with THPD, to report of a domestic disturbance on 3rd Avenue.
  • 0251 Deputy responds, along with SBPD, to report of a person walking down the middle of Hwy 1.
  • 0612 Chief Deputy takes report of neighbor trou­ble in Ely area.
  • 1316 Deput and LCRS responds to medical near Split Rock Lighthouse. One transported to LVMH by ambulance.
  • 1322 Deputies execute search warrant at Finland business.
  • 1521 Deputy makes traffic stop on Hwy 1. Warn for speed.
  • 1530 Deputy makes traffic stop on Lax Lake Rd. Cited for Driving After Suspension.
  • 1552 Deputy makes traffic stop on County Hwy 5. Warn for speed.
  • 1642 Deputy responds to report of suspicious ac­tivity in KR.
  • 1715 Deputy responds to report of threats on Lax Lake Rd.
  • 2009 Deputy serves papers at TH residence.
  • 2030 Deputy serves papers at SB residence.
  • 2032 Deputy serves papers in TH.
  • 2052 Deputy serves papers at Finland residence.
  • 2221 Deputy responds to report of suspicious ac­tivity in Ely.
  • 2300 Deputy training with K-9.

Thursday, July 18, 2024
Inmate Population: 4

  • 0623 Deputy makes traffic stop on 7th Avenue. Warn for speed and no proof of insurance.
  • 0655 Sergeant assists other agency.
  • 0817 Deputy makes traffic stop on Penn. Warn for speed.
  • 1148 Deputy assists other agency with probation check.
  • 1313 Deputy responds, along with SBPD, to report of a disturbance on Hays Circle.
  • 1423 Deputy makes traffic stop on Hwy 61. Warn for impeding traffic.
  • 1506 Deputy makes traffic stop on Hwy 1. Warn for speed.
  • 1508 Deputy responds to report of indecent expo­sure.
  • 1540 Deputy makes traffic stop on Kawishiwi Trl. Warn for speed.
  • 1616 Deputy responds, along with SBPD, to ATV complaint on Banks Blvd.
  • 1842 Deputy responds to report of an injured deer on bike trail.
  • 2019 Deputy and SBPD training with K-9.

Friday, July 19, 2024
Inmate Population: 3

  • 1118 Deputy responds to report of trespassing on Airbase Rd.
  • 1201 Chief Deputy on ATV patrol in Ely.
  • 1235 Deputies respond to report of a vehicle in the ditch on Hwy 3.
  • 1308 Deputy responds to report of crossing arm issues.
  • 1425 Deputy out with vehicle on Hwy 61 with flat tire.
  • 1504 Sergeant makes traffic stop on Hwy 2 near Hwy 12. Warn for speed.
  • 1517 Sergeant makes traffic stop on Hwy 2 near Dufresne Rd. Warn for speed.
  • 1531 Deputy makes traffic stop on Kawishiwi Trl. Warn for speed.
  • 1540 Deputy assists SLC with paper service.
  • 1703 Deputy responds to report of neighbor trou­ble on Queen’s Bay Rd.
  • 1726 Deputy removes debris from Hwy 61.
  • 2119 Deputy makes traffic stop on Hwy 61. Warn for flashing colored lights.

Saturday, July 20, 2024
Inmate Population: 3

  • 0315 Deputy assists Ely PD.
  • 0909 Sergeant responds to report of an unwanted person on Hwy 61. Party trespassed.
  • 1006 Deputy serves papers at TH residence.
  • 1232 Deputy makes traffic stop on Lax Lake Rd. Warn for riding on state highway.
  • 1247 Deputy responds to report of trespassing on Airbase Rd.
  • 1714 Sergeant responds to report of a possible psychological problem on Hwy 61.
  • 1732 Deputy responds to report of car vs moose on Hwy 2. No injuries reported.
  • 1854 LCRS responds to medical on Laura Lane.
  • 2035 Deputy makes traffic stop on Hwy 61.

Sunday, July 21, 2024
Inmate Population: 3

  • 0904 Deputy makes traffic stop on Hwy 2 near E Alger Grade Rd. Warn for speed.
  • 1401 Deputy and LCRS respond to report of un­known trouble. Juvenile fell in water, got out safe.
  • 1421 Deputy responds to report of suspicious ac­tivity on E Bay Rd.
  • 1440 Deputy responds to report of motor vehicle property damage on Evans Circle.
  • 1513 Deputy responds to 911 notification on Big Rock Rd. All ok.
  • 1701 Deputy responds to request for a welfare check in TH.
  • 1805 Deputy and LCRS responds to medical on Superior Hiking Trail. One transported to Essentia by ambulance.
  • 1950 Deputy responds to report of smoke in the area of Cramer Rd. Unable to locate.
  • 2006 Deputy makes traffic stop on Hwy 1. Cited for reckless driving.
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