Attendance: Colby Abazs, Russ Vance, Paul Hartshorn, Karl Klinker, Doug Perfetto, Mike Nikula, Amy Nikula, Danielle Hefferan, Anna Lasky, Lise Abazs, Randy Josephson, Stacy Breden, Gary Olson.
II. Paul called the Special Meeting of the Crystal Bay Town Board to order at 3:30 pm with the Pledge of allegiance.
III. Special Business
A. Grader Major Repair Payment
1. Clerks report attached.
2. MOTION: To use NSFCU to acquire a bond to pay the grader repair bill. Motioned by Russ, Seconded by Paul, No Ahe votes motion fails.
3. Community discussion: How did we get into this situation of having such a large bill on a new to us grader that we are still paying off? Were competitive quotes collected for this repair? Doug was advised by other government entities to use Ziegler.
4. Doug and Paul checked out the grader before purchase. There was a cracked manifold. Purchased through McCoy Forestry.
5. Can we look into any implied warranties?
6. There are potential legal avenues where the Town and tax payers dollars would not have to pay this bill. This would require further looking into by a lawyer.
7. MOTION: to retain a lawyer to look into the recent grader purchase and repair and what remedies might be available to the town. The Clerk will engage with Troy Gilchrist (800-788-8201), Peter Tiede (651-964-2518), and Costley (218-834-2194) to attain hourly rates and expected costs for this work. Motioned by Paul, Seconded by Russ, Passed by unanimous consent.
B. Clerks Transition:
1. MOTION: to appoint Stacy to fill the upcoming vacancy of Clerk. Motioned by Russ, Seconded by Karl, Passed by unanimous consent.
IV. MOTION: to adjourn the meeting at 4:07 pm until May 16, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. at the Finland Community Center. Motioned by Russ, Seconded by Paul.