Sunday, October 27, 2024



I. Attendance: Stacy Breden, Douglas Perfetto, Paul Hartshorn, Amy Niku­la, Mike Nikula, Vaughn Hoff, Russell Vance, Christine McCarthy, Randy Josephson, Gordon Thorne, Honor Schauland, Terri Perfetto, Jerry Finley, Nancy Anselment Olson, Gary Olson

II. Paul called the Regular Meeting of the Crystal Bay Town Board to order at 7:00pm with the Pledge of allegiance.

A. MOTION: To approve the Agenda. Motioned by: Russ, Seconded by: Mike, Passed by unanimous con­sent.

B. MOTION: To approve the Reg­ular October Meeting Minutes. Motioned by: Mike, Seconded by: Russ, Passed by unanimous con­sent.

C. MOTION: To approve October’s Special Housing Meeting Minutes. Motioned by: Russ, Seconded by: Mike, Passed by unanimous con­sent.

D. Treasurer’s Report: See attached

MOTION: To approve the Treasur­er’s Report. Motioned by: Mike, Seconded by Paul Passed by: unanimous consent.

E. MOTION: To approve paying all bills and claims due. Motioned by: Russ Seconded by Mike: Passed by unanimous consent.

F. The board reviewed correspon­dence received by the Town.

III. Reports (5 minutes each)

A. Monthly Clerks Reports:

1. Minnesota Association of Town­ships Educational Conference and Annual Meeting December 7th-9th in St. Cloud if anyone would like to attend.

2. Insurance Claims: Zero Claims Out / Septic Rejection Report Received

3. Office Supplies: looking for a small office printer

4. I will not be at December or Jan­uary’s Monthly Meeting

5. Voter Survey Report: 266 Sur­veys mailed out / 112 were mailed back 111 were tallied = 96 voters in favor of staying mail in / 14 voters in favor of switching back to in person / 1 incomplete survey

6. Cartway payment of $422.00 received from Klun Law Office on behalf of Ms. Rothbart Let­ter received from Smith Law officially closing the Cartway. Wartman check was mailed in October and has cleared our account.

7. VISA increase has been approved after minutes were re­ceived from NSFCU and Doug and Stacy have received and activated new cards.

8. Rachel Fleming’s Grants and Partnerships contract is ready to sign. Honor, Tracy, Mike and I will be meeting with her on No­vember 30th to get her informed before the first Steering Com­mittee Meeting. I plan to attend the first Committee Meeting.

9. Clerk Attended the Monthly Finland MN Historical Society Meeting this morning to Gift the approved items from last month’s meeting.

a. two pairs of old metal hand­cuffs and the keys,

b. two calligraphy pens

c. one baton used by the con­stables,

d. two constable badges,

e. one Crystal Bay Justice of the Peace seal

f. two folded American Flags

g. one scroll dowel

10. Crystal Bay Township has one Justice of the Peace Court Docket Book Ranging from 1905-1930 and 4 death records from 1952. Since all the rest of Death Records are miss­ing. I suggest gifting them to the Minnesota State Archives. The State Archives has been directed by the MN Health Department/Office of Vital Records to not permit the transfer or donation of township birth and death records to a county or local historical society. Instead, birth and death records must be transferred to the State Ar­chives. I would like a motion to sign the Governmental Re­cords Depository agreement to be sent off to the state for the following

A. Finland MN Historical So­ciety Justice of the Peace Records from 1905 to 1930

B. To Minnesota State Archives Death Records from 1952 MOTION to approve the transfer of said documents to A. the Finland MN His­torical Society and B to the Minnesota State Archives. Motioned by Russ, Sec­onded by Mike, Passed by unanimous consent.

11. There is now a fully functioning office space for the Town Re­cords. A shelf has gone up To keep records off the floor. I have audited the whole office.

● Projects left are: type up an audit report

● Start managing digital files.

● As records come in from past officers or people’s homes they would then be Added to the Audit signed and filed with the Clerk’s file.

12. We received the Title for the New Dump Truck

13. Clerk needs Clarification on Contract found between Crystal Bay Township and The Finland Snowmobile Club. Is it current?

14. Correspondence with Benjamin Tsai and Andrew Fahlstrom

Re: End of Breezy Lane. Breezy legally ends up at Tim Haselows Property. I gave them Wendy Gregg Caroons contact information to discuss access. Wendy was looking for more in­formation on when Breezy Lane was established.

15. Currently I am working an average of 28 to 36 hours a week.

Motioned by: Mike Seconded by Russ: Passed by unanimous consent.

B. Road and Bridge:

Doug needs surgery on his carpal tunnel. He needs to have a replace­ment to plow snow while he is laid up. Colin Bischoff has expressed an interest to fill in temporarily. Colin should see Stacy to fill out paperwork. MOTION:To hire Colin Bischoff to fill in temporarily while he is out recovering from his sur­gery at $20.00 an hr. Motioned by Russ, Seconded by Mike Passed by unanimous consent.

C. Community Center:

( See Attached Report)

D. Cemetery:

Families bought plots and no names were recorded in the plot at the time so Vaughn is unsure how to proceed. Resolution from 2000- 3 seems outdated? Stacy Noted it is not signed therefore it might not be active. Russ mentioned To look in the minutes to see if it’s noted in there. Vaughn will look over the contract and Stacy will look at the records. Vaughn is reaching the end of his limits with the Cemetery and has said as much.

E. Housing Project Update:

First Steering Committee Date is set for December 15th from 5 pm- 7 pm at the Clair Nelson Community Center.

IV. Old Business

A. Septic Update:

1. Heaters were purchased and in­stalled, electric was hooked up, Chase will bill after he Is billed from the electrician.

2. F.O.F has acquired a snow fence, volunteers welcomed to help put it up contact Kyle

3. MATIT Sent a Declination Letter on the Septic: See Attached

4. Scott Robinson Inspection Re­port: See Attached

5. Clerks Septic Records Report: See Attached

6. Update on Septic Pumping: Holding Tank Pump 2500 gal­lons from Tank 1 gallons from tank 2, Pump 100 gallons from tank 3- Kyle Called

Many discussions were had: Russ talked about the wording Scott used in the inspection Report. Russ has reached out to Scott for clarification with no response. Russ would like to have our Lawyer look over the inspection report to see of there is Error. Motion made no second, Motion Failed. A Lot of talk around whose fault The septic failure is. Gary Olson not­ed there is no real way to find out. Clerk provided A detailed report from 2006 to present on all the septic issues for the town and board to Look over. Christine McCarthy noted given the report the clerk provided its evident that There is plenty of blame to go around and point­ing fingers is wasting time.

Clerk notes there was one oth­er motion on the table made by Russ but due to confusion amongst the board members and clerk. No seconds were made, motion Failed.

B. Recycling Trailer:

1. MOTION: Board Amends the Motion to put the Recycling Trailer at the County Garage Instead moving forward with Recycling Trailer at the Clair Nelson Center In Spring of 2024, Lake County Environ­mental Services will provide a (Memorandum of Understand­ing) between parties involved, identifying the partnerships responsible and volunteers to staff the trailer. Motioned by Paul, Seconded by Mike, Passed by unanimous consent.

C. Gravel Contract: Total Due: $23,837.54 Salt & Sand= $434.85

Pudgy had used approximately 500 cu yd of Lake County’s gravel pile in Little Marais Pit prior to this crushing contract getting started. I have noted the 500 cu yd return on this invoice. With payment on this invoice, Lake Co. takes ownership of 1,100 cu yd of material out of the new pile of Class 1 gravel.

1. Lake County will also take own­ership of the 5,000 cu yd pile in the Cramer Pit as noted in the credits.

2. Lake County will invoice Crys­tal Bay the remaining 5% of the crushing contract upon payment to the contractor next year.

3. Salt & Sand Mix 50 Cu Yds = Sand/ 45 CuYds & Salt/ 5CuYds

D. Voter Survey Conclusion: Board says the results speak for them­selves. Bring to the Annual meet­ing.

E. Local Road Improvement Program Russ: No Update

F. Triangle and Cemetery Lighting Update: Mike is getting nowhere with CLP on a break. Moving for­ward with solar lighting, Vaughn will order the 2 lights and one pole for cemetery and be reimbursed with receipt. Different options for the rock.

G. Compensation Policy Review Up­date: Much talk was had about the Clerks Position. Currently the Clerks position is Salaried at $2110.00 every quarter. This divid­ed out by 3 months equals $750.00 (25hrs a month) Clerk relayed to the board that this position is cur­rently taking ( 28 hrs a week.)

In September the Clerk provided a letter to the board asking for a wage increase with a notice to look at Clerk Deputy wage due to con­siderations of hiring a deputy Clerk.

This has since been overlooked, when asked why, Russ stated it’s because the board cannot just have an open conversation due to open meeting laws.

Two of the current three board members meeting is a quorum and therefore prohibited. Making talking about this outside of a meeting impossible. Clerk Noted: Why this can’t be talked about in a meeting then? Russ advised this topic needs to be brought up at the Annual Town Meeting. Honor asked why. Pointing out that at the Annual Meeting Residents of the town can make suggestions but the board has to decide on a wage. Honor pointed out that The Board should compensate the Clerk better before they lose The current one.

MOTION: Board Members to meet with the Clerk and form an idea what the job tasks are: Then write up ideas for a clerk Job description outside of elected duties to present At the Annual Meeting. Motioned by: Russ, Seconded by Paul Passed by: unanimous consent.

V. New Business:

A. East Lake Clinic Update: Set the levy at 40,000.00

B. Donation Letter: Motion to donate $500.00 to the North Shore Storm Hockey Program Motioned by: Paul, Seconded by Mike, Passed by: unanimous consent.

VI. Public Concerns:

1. Email Reminder from Cecile Eagle Ministry reminding our snow plow driver to not plow snow Beyond Fire Tower Road.

2. Phone Call from Corey Holden concerned hearing around town that Crystal Bay Township has no mon­ey. I directed him to email his spe­cific questions to be answered and that way reports can be emailed to him. Clerk also directed him to attend a Township Meeting. Randy Josephson asked for an update on the NSFCU CD. Stacy answered that she passed info to the Treasur­er and hasn’t heard back. Randy also was curious about Insurance on temporary hire Colin Bischoff Stacy will call our Insurance com­pany and have him added to appropriate policies.

VII. Guests:

Christine McCarthy Lake County Com­prehensive Plan

See Attached:

VIII. Close Meeting:

MOTION: to adjourn the meeting at 9:08 pm until December 19th, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. at the Finland Community Center. Motioned by Mike, Seconded by Russ

Paul Hartshorn- Board Chair

Stacy Breden – Clerk

Michael Nikula- Supervisor

Russell Vance -Vice Chair

Honor’s Rec Hall Report, Township Meeting, November 21st, 2023

Grants and Projects – ***indicates action items

Snow Fence ordered and delivered – Kyle plans to put it up in the next week – various other folks have volunteered to help.

Tanks pumped November 16th.

RV Dump was closed up and pumped out for the end of season at the end of Octo­ber.

Events and Programs –

Recently received grant funds to help families with school supplies for their kids. We have distributed a lot, but we still have some funds available if you know anyone in need.

First Winter Market happened November 19th. Very successful. Once a month – the next one will be December 17th.

Regular weekly community activities:


• 9:15am Bonebuilders Exercise Class

• 10:30am Soma Yoga

• 7:30pm Alcoholics Anonymous


• 8:30am – 4pm Tuesday Talents Craft Group


• 9:15am Bonebuilders Exercise Class

• 10:30am Soma Yoga


• 6pm – 9pm Youth Night


• 7pm Magic Cards

Regular Monthly and other upcoming activities:

Community Thanksgiving November 23rd. Social hour at 3 pm, meal at 4 pm. We are providing turkey and mashed potatoes and gravy. All are welcome.

November Community Potluck will be the 26th. Social hour at 5 pm, dinner at 6 pm.

Finland MN Historical Society’s Pikkujoulu (Finnish Christmas) December 7th – start­ing at 5 pm

NSAP Senior Lunch has moved to the 2nd Wednesdays. Next one is December 13th. They are also starting a caregiver support group here in Finland on the same day – in the morning before the lunch 10 am – 11 am.

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