Wednesday, March 12, 2025


 I. Attendance: Vaughn Hoff, Lise Abazs, Anna Lasky, Colby Abazs, Noah Wolf, Gary Olson, Nancy Anslement-Olson, Dave Geist, Russ Vance, Mike Niku­la, Amy Nikula, Randy Josephson, Terri Perfetto, Douglas Perfetto, Ben Klemmer, Paul Hartshorn, Honor Schauland, Stacy Breden

II. Paul called the Regular Meeting of the Crystal Bay Town Board to order at 7:00 pm with the Pledge of allegiance.

A. MOTION: To approve the Agenda. Motioned by Russ , Seconded by Mike, Passed by unanimous con­sent.

B. MOTION: To approve the Regular June Meeting Minutes with correc­tions. Motioned by Paul , Seconded by Mike, Passed by unanimous consent.

C. MOTION: To approve the Treasur­er’s Report. Motioned by Russ, Seconded by Mike Passed by unanimous consent.

D. MOTION: To approve paying all bills and claims due. Motioned by Russ, Seconded by Mike Passed by unanimous consent.

MOTION: to resolve immediately the MN Unemployment invoices being sent monthly. Motioned by Russ, seconded by Mike Passed by unan­imous consent.

E. The board reviewed correspon­dence received by the Town.

Public Concerns: Dave Geist asked what the invoices were for, to which Russ stated this is the first the board has been notified. Lise Abazs noted that years past when she was treasur­er Crystal Bay was self insured. She advised that typically Unemployment will negotiate to come to a common ground. Stacy will gain access to the accounts and resolve or have an up­date by August 15th Meeting.

III. Reports (5 minutes each)

A. Monthly Clerk Updates: Stacy

1. All Past 2022 Insurance Claims have been closed and paid out. Three Current Claims out are on the Dump Truck Push Pull Arm/Frame, Septic, and work­mans comp.

3. Clerking Supplies- Clerk asked where supplies were typically gotten and how they are paid for. Board advised there is an account at the Finland Coop to utilize or online at office sup­plies stores. As long as orders are within the Spending Policy there is no reason to bring it to the board ahead of time. Board advised the use of the Visa for Clerking Supplies.

4. Question on Raising the Visa Limit from 3,000 to 8,000 from past Clerk Notes. Board Ad­vised this was something that was passed and needs to be taken care of, no need for a new motion. Stacy will take care of or have an update for the Au­gust 15th Meeting.

5. Cleaning up the filing room will take a lot of time and effort. No filed minutes since 2020 found. Per Conversation with MAT-There must be a paper copy and minutes book designated approved minutes. Anyother copies held via online or at home are not the official copies. MAT agent Nicole advised that we get everything printed out and in a binder.

7. I’ve held 3 clerk days, I’ve had to stay longer than 4 hrs due to the transition workload. It’s going well in spite of the long hours. I currently set up a mo­bile office in the side room so far it’s been fine. The bulk of my workload is mostly done at home right now. If the workload continues to be 50-60 hrs a month the township will have to look into appointing a deputy clerk as I will be coaching from Nov-March and unable to dedi­cate that many hours over those months.

8. Email from Kari Hedin in Cor­respondence re: Cooper Road Culvert was delayed and they will start Monday July 31st. Completion Date of September 15th so they still have plenty of time according to Matais.

9. I sent in the approved May minutes for the gravel crush­ing contract with Lake County. Jason said that they are a bit behind but hope to open abid­ding up August 14th. He will get me the information Monday August 14th, so I will have bids for approval at our August 15th meeting. Doug may have more information in his report.

10. Sent off a ST-3 for Doug to order culverts from Contech Engineered Solutions LLC out of TX. Doug may have more information in his report.

11. I will not be holding Office Hours on Tuesday Aug 1st as I will be gone that week with my family.

B. Road and Bridge: Doug Opted out of Trenching Class Silver Bay held in July on the 12th. Dump Truck is down at the frame shop, hopeful for a quote this Friday. Culverts should be on the way after Stacy sent in the ST-3. Try to get the driveway culverts in after we receive them. Dust Control on roads mentioned by some residents. It is expensive and we do not provide that service as of now.

C. Community Center: Honor

( See Attached Letter)

Cemetery: Vaughn

1. 14 Plots Sold this month totalling 2200.00

8 plots sold to Rosemary Welch 1600.00

4 plots sold to Peter Gravett 400.00

2 plots sold to Judy Linman 200.00

2. Lot Marking on the East Side-

Corner markers not extended out that far on the east end, we need to put in square corner markers for the people who bought plots. Paul has extra markers.

3. Three burials in the last month, Sinderman, Roger Hudyma, Marv Christiansen

4. Mike makes a motion to fix the Veterans Memorial that is falling apart at the Cemetery. MOTION by Mike, Seconded by Paul Mo­tion Fail

5. Vaughn will bring ideas, pricing for a shed, cost for possibly moving the arch since it crosses one of the driveways to Sep­tember’s meeting.

D. Housing Project/ Next Steps: Honor

1. Erik steps back as lead – (See attached document)

2. MOTION: Permission to post job descriptions before August 15th’s meeting. Run Ad for 2 weeks for:

A. Housing Grants and Part­nerships Coordinator.

B. Housing Project Local Community Engagement Coordinator Motioned by Russ, Seconded by Mike _, Passed by unanimous con­sent.

3. Mike Volunteered to Officially Represent Crystal Bay Town­ship in the Steering Committee for the Housing Project. Clerk Asked No Motion Needed be­cause Mike Volunteered.

IV. Old Business

A. Grader Repair Payment: NSF­CU Terms are as outlined in the Resolution and COI Drafts from Peter: Loan Amount 161,593.08 (62,654.94 Current Loan and 98,938.14 new money) ( the amount reflects no sales tax since we are exempt and ZIEGLER CAT has our ST-3 on File.( Interest Rate 7.99% for 10 years Monthly Payment of 1,960.65 beginning 1 month after the loan closing date. Late Fees to be charged on the 10th day late with a 25.00 mini­mum or 5% of the monthly payment whichever is more.

1. MOTION: to accept draft CRYS­TAL BAY TOWNSHIP GEN­ERAL OBLIGATION CERTIF­ICATE OF INDEBTEDNESS POTENTIAL INDEBTEDNESS: $161,593.08 MONTHLY PRIN­CIPAL AND INTEREST PAY­MENT: $1,960.65 Motioned by_Russ, Seconded by Paul_, Passed by unanimous consent. Stacy will Let Peter know to fi­nalize the draft and send it off.

2. MOTION: to accept draft RES­OLUTION No. 230718C PRO­VIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE, SALE, AND DELIVERY OF UP TO $161,593.08 OF OUT­STANDING INDEBTEDNESS, BY GENERAL OBLIGATION CERTIFICATES OF INDEBT­EDNESS; Motioned byRuss_, Seconded byPaul_, Passed by unanimous consent. Stacy will Let Peter know to finalize the draft and send it off.

3. MOTION: to print, sign, mail ZeiglerCAT once the COI is complete if it falls before the next board meeting on August 15th, 2023 Motioned by Russ_, Seconded byMike_, Passed by unanimous consent.

B. Cartway

There was some question about .45 cents from the check issued by the law office of Kelly Klun who represents Ms. Rothbart. Our law­yer advised us that they will reduce our bill by .45 cents so we can proceed with closing this cartway. Danielle will be depositing checks this week and we can proceed with the instructions from the attorney to fulfill the end of the process. Since this will be taking place between meetings could I have a MOTION: to print, sign and mail the checks. One to Michael and Sue Wartmann in the amount of 5,015.00 and another delivered in person to the Lake County Auditor and Recorder for 92.00 (46.00 per document) and signed by necessary officers.

Motioned byMike, Seconded by Russ, Passed by unanimous con­sent.

C. Community Center Septic: Honor

Paul advised the board to get a Septic Bid to move onto the next phase of the project.

MOTION: Crystal Bay Township needs Two individual bids from li­censed Lake County Septic Install­ers. Motioned by Russ, Seconded by Paul, Passed by unanimous consent.

D. Housing Project Survey: Stacy

1.Housing /Voter Survey

MOTION: to amend the survey to break out the housing to stand alone and the in person voting sur­vey to township residents Motioned by Russ_, Seconded byMike_, Passed by unanimous consent.

E. Airport Feasibility Study: Paul

Information read from the Airport Authority Development Executive Report.

1. Crystal Bay is one of 6 taxing districts who at one time ex­pressed interest In taking part in the formation of an airport authority.

Chart Shows Population of Crystal Bay Township of 607, with 214 households, Net Tax Capacity of 819,508.

2. Should the Airport have 10,000 of expenses that are not grant funded

The following financial respon­sibility by Crystal Bay is esti­mated:

@15.05%, Expense for 4 mem­bers= $1,504.97

@ 7.69%, Expense for 5 mem­bers=$769.37

@ 6.97% , Expense for 6 mem­bers= $697.23

Clerk will look into putting the re­port online for Township residents to read.

V. New Business

1. MOTION: Adopt Resolution NO. 071823 that write-ins will only be tallied individually if the number of total write-in votes for the election is greater than or equal to the few­est number of votes cast for a filed Candidate. Motioned by Mike, Sec­onded by Russ Passed by unani­mous consent.

2. MOTION: Adopt Resolution 071823A the Minnesota Townships General Records Retention Sched­ule for filing records properly. Mo­tioned by Russ, Seconded by Paul Passed by unanimous consent.

3. MOTION: to amended Resolution (#202101 Compensation Plan) to reflect the current wage of our Road Supervisor. Current one on file 2021

Motioned by Paul, Seconded by Mike Passed by unanimous con­sent.

4. Renewal for (SAM) System of Award Management Board decided it is not needed at this time.

5. MOTION: to appoint Russ as Vice- Chair in Karls absence.

Motioned by Mike, Seconded by Paul, Passed by Unanimous Con­sent

6. Clerk Office Hours

Winter Hours:

Nov- February hours will be Thurs­day’s from 10am-2pm.

IV. MOTION: to adjourn the meeting at 8:47 pm until August 15th, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. at the Finland Community Center. Motioned by Mike , Seconded by Paul

Paul Hartshorn- Board Chair

Stacy Breden – Clerk

Russell Vance- Vice Chair

Michael Nikula- Supervisor


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