Monday, February 24, 2025


Attendance: Honor Schauland, Ran­dy Josephson, Jack Nelson, Danielle Hefferan,Mike Nikula, Rachel Flem­ing, Terri Perfetto,Douglas Perfetto, Paul Hartshorn, Vaughn Hoff, Gordon Thorne, Nancy Anselment-Olson, Gary Olson, David Geist, Jonathan Beauchane.

II. Paul called the Regular Meeting of the Crystal Bay Town Board to order at 7:00pm with the Pledge of allegiance.

A. MOTION: To approve the Agenda. Motioned by: Paul, Seconded by: Mike, Passed by unanimous con­sent.

B. MOTION: To approve the Regular December Meeting Minutes. Mo­tioned by: Mike, Seconded by: Paul, Passed by unanimous consent.

C. Treasurer’s Report:

● Income

The rest of our Levy came in ~57600

Intergovernmental income ~10000

● Expense

Payroll- ~1900 Supervisors, ~5400 Clerk, ~2700 Road Supervisor

~500 Clerk supplies- office shelves & other supplies

10000 Q3 & Q4 Finland Fire Con­tract

5000 Q4 Friends of Finland Con­tract

~3500 Insurance MATIT

● Supervisors- you have a detailed Income Expense that lists out ven­dors and specific payments for your reference

December things to note in the Bal­ance Sheet:

● General fund has a much lower EOY this year than previous years

● Road and Bridge at -31800

● Our general checking is 46000 lower than last year at this time more details in EOY reports

Other Treasurer notes:

● Stacy and I did EOY tax forms, quarterly tax forms; W2 & 1099s

● I’ve drafted Annual Reports for you to review

Statement of Activities

Balance Comparison

2024 Budget

Levy Summary & proposal for 2025

Biggest take away is that spending in 2024 should be as conservative as possible. In 2023, we will spend ~40,000 more than we made, if that trend continues we will start 2025 off in a bad spot. We should all be practicing mutual responsibility to stay within budget and cut spending wherever possible to accommodate expected expenses in 2024 (septic, grader loan, payroll).

MOTION: To approve the Trea­surer’s Report. Motioned by: Paul, Seconded by Mike Passed by: unanimous consent.

D. MOTION: To approve paying all bills and claims due. Motioned by: Paul Seconded by : Mike Passed by unanimous consent.

E. The board reviewed correspon­dence received by the Town.

F. Board looks over minutes from Fin­land Home Solutions project and initials

III. Public Concerns

● Inquiry into whether we need to continue to pay to continue publishing minutes in the North Shore Journal.

● Inquiry into seeking support from County Commissioners for septic

IV. Reports (5 minutes each)

A. Monthly Clerks Report:

● Russ resigned effective January 8th, 2024. A letter was read.

MOTION: Crystal Bay Township Board accepts Russ Vance resig­nation from the Township Board Citing work conflicts as a reason. Mo­tioned by: Mike, Seconded by Paul Passed by: unanimous consent.

● Honor and Stacy mailed a letter re:Septic to Commissioners (copies available on the back table)

● Paul, Honor and Stacy met with Joe Baltich on Jan 9th at 10:00 a.m. to dis­cuss steps to take Re: funds for the septic. He noted mailing a letter to Roger Scarba and Grant Hauschild, so Honor and I will be tackling that this coming month.

● Stacy Posted Notices for the An­nual Meeting to be held on March 12th at 7:00 p.m. here at the Clair Nelson Center. Also for April 16th Meeting of the whole with Lake County at 6:00 p.m. at the Clair Nelson Center, regular board meeting to be held after at 7:00 p.m. Updated Notices on our Website and Facebook Page

● The Following Reports have been done and submitted:

A. SAFES Annual Lobbying ex­penditures to the Office of the State Auditor.

B. Boundary Annexation Survey (BAS) – making sure the Census has our current and accurate le­gal boundary, name and status information.

C. MATIT Workers Compensation Survey – Payroll and Payroll Verification

D. PERA 2023 Q4 Reporting and Annual 2023 Employer Exclu­sion Report

E. Unemployment 2023 Q4 Report Detail

● Next month, the board needs to look at the ESST Resolution again. There was a small change made that we need to reflect on.

● Also, next month the clerk will have the amended compensation resolu­tion for you to sign noting the cur­rent clerk’s wage.

● This month the clerks average hours were 23 hours a week with the Holidays in there. The Clerk will be working more this month to get all papers filed for year end, and the records report will be finished before the Annual Meeting and then Annual Meeting Prep. It is my goal to get the workable hours down to around 20 hourrs a week by Spring since I know budgeting is key for the next year.

B. Road and Bridge:

● Surgery went well, 4 days to heal before snow came

● Colin getting train in to help

● Things will be going slower – try­ing to hold back on hours, if I am not there within the first day or two that is why

● Let’s discuss on the road tour how much hours I should be working

C. Community Center:

( See Attached Report)

● Beargrease is canceled

● Maintenance at Clair Nelson Center

○ The cost for upkeep at the cen­ter is higher that what FoF receives from the township, county – so far we have been able to make up for in dona­tions but as we grow we are not able to keep up

○ Ball field, tennis court, main­tained by volunteers

○ Unfortunately grants don’t really cover basic mainte­nance

○ Request a small levy in­crease to be considered for the future to create a long term maintenance plan for the center

● Many events taking place

D. Cemetery:

a. Solar light installed, Mike going to call power company to see if we can cut the power there

E. Housing Project Update:

Second Steering Committee met Wednesday, January 10th at 5:30 p.m. @ Clair Nelson Center. Finland Home Solutions was the name the group decided on for the Project.

● Focusing on realist project-keeping people here, fixing up areas that already exist

○ Focus on young working families, regular working families, and veterans-working on process on how to prioritize who gets to live in any finished projects

● Rachel Present- have been looking at places we could pos­sibly get money from

V. Old Business

A. Septic Update:

● Russ contacted Scott on Jan 2nd asking for a bid for a re­design. Scott corresponded through Email to the town: He flat rates his designs with com­mercial/advanced at $2500. If the installation requires over­sight, or confirmation of proper procedures, he will bill that out at $150 per hour. Stacy emailed Scott asking for a formal bid.

● Stacy contacted Chase asking for October’s Winterization bill here is what he said: The alarm wire got cut after the initial in­stall, therefore there were two electrical bills. He plans To bill in February.

● Leave the clerk as the point per­son for the septic for now.

VI. New Business

A. MOTION: to hire Kevin Breden as part time Town Hall Worker shov­eling/snow blowing/ @ $15.00 an hour while Paul’s knee is recov­ering. Reminder to the board that Kevin has a full Time job and his shift. It will be done as soon as he can tend to it.

VII. Close Meeting:

MOTION: to adjourn the meeting at 7:57 p.m. until January 16th, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. at the Finland Community Center. Motioned by Paul, Second­ed by Mike Passed by unanimous consent.

Public Notice

Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State

Assumed Name | Certificate of Assumed Name

Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 333

The filing of an assumed name does not provide a user with exclusive rights to that name. The filing is required for consumer protection in order to enable consumers to be able to identify the true owner of a business.

ASSUMED NAME: DeVos Drafting




Name: Heidemarie DeVos

Address: 3244 SHADY RST ELY MN 55731 USA

By typing my name, I, the under­signed, certify that I am signing this document as the person whose sig­nature is required, or as an agent of the person(s) whose signature would be required who has authorized me to sign this document on his/her behalf, or in both capacities. I further certify that I have completed all required fields, and that the information in this document is true and correct and in compliance with the applicable chapter of Minnesota Statutes. I understand that by signing this document I am subject to the penal­ties of perjury as set forth in Minne­sota Statutes section 609.48 as if I had signed this document under oath.

SIGNED BY: Heidemarie DeVos


Email Address for Official Notices:


Northshore Journal:

February 23 & March 1, 2024

DISCLAIMER: The news and opin­ions published in this newspaper, the Northshore Journal, are submitted and printed by autonomous, indepen­dent reporters and do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of owners, managers, editors or any staff member of the Northshore Journal. The Northshore Journal acts solely as a resource for news reporters and writers to express their views, sub­mit stories and provide information on the latest current news, Worldwide, on Environmental issues, etc. Any trade­marks, images or patents referred to in this newspaper are the property of their respective owners. The author listed for each article is solely respon­sible for the content of the items submit­ted. The owners, managers, editors or any staff member of the Northshore Journal assume no responsibility or accept liability for the content of any article posted in this newspaper or any errors or omissions in submitted materials that may apply.


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