Friday, February 14, 2025


Tuesday, November 22, 2022. Lake County Board of Commissioners’ meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m. by Board Chairperson Rich Sve. Chair Sve led the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance. Unless otherwise stated, all actions have been approved by unanimous yea vote. Lake County Board members present in the Lake County Service Center, Split Rock River Room, 616 Third Avenue, Two Harbors, Minnesota: District 2 Commissioner Derrick “Rick” L. Goutermont, and District 5 Commissioner Rich Sve. Board member(s) present via remote video communications: District 1 Commissioner Peter “Pete” R. Walsh. Board member(s) absent: District 3 Commissioner Richard “Rick” C. Hogenson and District 4 Commissioner Jeremy M. Hurd. Also present in the Split Rock River Room: County Administrator Matthew Huddleston, Clerk of the Board Laurel D. Buchanan, County Auditor Linda Libal, County Sheriff Nate Stadler, Environmental Services Director Christine M. McCarthy, Information Technology (I.T.) Director Dan Lackore and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Analyst Amy Lewis.

Board Chair Rich Sve opened the floor for public comments. No public comments were made

MOTION GOUTERMONT, SECOND WALSH: 01 – Approval of the agenda. Yea: Walsh, Goutermont, Sve. Nay: None. Absent: Hogenson, Hurd.

Lake County Environmental Services Director Christine M. McCarthy provided an annual update for her department focusing on data review over a period of several years, in areas such as planning and zoning permits, septic permits, septic system compliance inspections, administrative subdivisions, and wetland permit applications. She discussed the current capacity of Lake County’s demolition landfill, the current landfill footprint, and plans for landfill expansion. She also discussed the status of the Moccasin Mike Landfill located off the South Shore of Lake Superior, and regional planning and projections as the Superior landfill nears closer to capacity. Ms. McCarthy’s report included an overview of recycling revenue and volatile market conditions. She discussed initiatives such as the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR) One Watershed One Plan (1W1P). Cook and Lake counties have an updated Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) with respect to the Lake Superior North 1W1P

Lovin Lake County Executive Director Janelle Jones provided an annual report on the marketing year of November 1, 2021, through October 31, 2022. Ms. Jones provided an overview of the marketing plan for the hospitality tourism sector of Lake County. She reviewed destination and points of interest (POI) data. She discussed updates to grant guidelines and provided a recap of the events grant allocations that have been distributed by Lovin Lake County. Ms. Jones advised on the volume of sales that local businesses receive from non-residents and discussed this vital support to the local economy. Tourism funding is not only lodging but also grocery stores, medical facilities, and other businesses. Additionally, Ms. Jones presented the annual budget proposal, for the proposed 2023 Lodging Tax Budget for the Lake County Event and Visitor Bureau.

Lake County Administrator Matthew Huddleston provided an update on several items of county business, including updates from the Personnel Committee. County Sheriff Nate Stadler was present for the discussion. Administrator Huddleston advised that Capitol Days are planned for February 7-9, 2023. Lake County Auditor Linda Libal provided an update for her office. Lake County Attorney Russ Conrow joined the meeting via remote video communications at 3:30 PM.

Lake County Information Technology (I.T.) Director Dan Lackore presented two items for board action, including annual renewal of the Microsoft 0365 licenses and a transition to ArcGIS Pro for the County’s Geographic Information System (GIS) parcel fabric. GIS Analyst Amy Lewis explained that with the recent server upgrade, now is a good time to update to the newer GIS software. Currently the County’s parcel fabric is managed, edited, and deployed using Esri’s ArcMap application. Esri will continue to support ArcMap until March 1, 2026. After this date ArcMap will no longer be supported. As a result, it is necessary that the parcel fabric is transitioned to ArcGIS Pro before March 1, 2026. The Information Technology department is requesting to use ProWest’s services for this transition from ArcMap to ArcGIS Pro. These services include upgrading the parcel fabric from ArcMap to ArcGIS Pro, training for editing and maintenance within the parcel fabric, nightly script for publishing, plans for a single geodatabase deployment, and integrating the parcel fabric into the GIS Enterprise Portal. ArcGIS Pro also offers a more advanced parcel fabric editing toolset that will increase productivity and accuracy. Transitioning the County’s parcel fabric from ArcMap to ArcGIS Pro is an essential step that needs to be taken. This transition will ensure the County’s parcel fabric is up to date and functioning with peak performance.

MOTION WALSH, SECOND GOUTERMONT: 02 – Approve Consent Agenda as follows:

1. Approve Board of Commissioners’ regular meeting minutes of November 8, 2022.

2. Approve Health and Human Services claims payments in the following amounts:

a. Administrative payments $ 77,762.47
b. Region III Adult Behavioral Health Initiative payments $ 130,077.79

3. Approve and authorize the County Board Chair to sign the Memorandum of Agreement with the Lake Superior School District for Garden Coordinator Services for the period of October 20, 2022, through October 31, 2023, using HealthPartners Funding, in an amount not to exceed $2,500.00.

4. Authorize the Sheriff’s Office to sell the following surplus vehicles and equipment utilizing the Do-Bid / Oberfoell Auctioneers:

a. 2000 Ford Ambulance (VIN #1FDXE45F5YHB64471)
b. 1994 Chevrolet Cheyanne Rescue Truck (VIN # 1GBKC34N7RJ113947)
c. Snowmobile trailer (homemade)
d. 2011 Aluma 8610 Snowmobile trailer
e. 2004 Floe single place trailer
f. 2004 Bombardier Rotax Seadoo (Mot #M5764295)
g. 1996 Arctic Cat Tiger Shark 640 Jet ski (Mot #PJ640A, Ser #06201J-653995)
h. 1990 Karavan 2 place jet ski trailer
i. 1994 Arctic Cat Bearcat (VIN #9533938)
j. 1995 Arctic Cat Bearcat (VIN #9638177)
k. 2002 Polaris 600 Classic Touring Snowmobile (VIN #4XAST6E542B263216)
l. 2002 Ford Super Duty F-350 (VIN #1FTSW31F82EC04465)
m. 2 sets Ranger tires with rims
n. Dodge bumper from 2021 RAM Classic
o. 2001 North Country Trailer (VIN #488LP06171G608384)
p. Rescue Pod (homemade)

5. Approve an additional payment of $2,000 to Holden Logging LLC for work done on Hut 2 forest access road.

5. Approve the Resolution to Request Waiver of State Aid Regular Construction Fund Balance Limit.

6. Authorize Highway Department purchase of winter road salt from Morton Salt, Inc. through State CPV Contract 177615 (Contract Release S-763(5) in the amount of $68.97 per ton delivered to the Two Harbors highway shop and $76.76 per ton delivered to the Finland highway shop payable upon delivery through May 31, 2023.

7. Approve an increase of the total contract cost of SAP 038-626- 007, CSAH 26 Resurfacing, to a cost not to exceed $1,250,000.00, an increase of $123,000.00.

8.  Authorize the Board Chair, Auditor, Engineer, and Attorney to sign an agreement with St. Louis County for which St. Louis County will advertise, bid, and contract for Chip Seal and Fog Seal work in Lake County during the 2023 construction season.

9. Authorize the Highway Engineer to sign the Cedar Drive Excavating utility permit for residential sewer line at 274 E. 2nd St., Knife River MN.

10. Authorize Highway Department payment to Nuss Truck & Equipment at a cost not to exceed $7,181.71 for a new muffler for Truck #4100, Mack plowtruck.

11. Authorize the purchase of a BOS9.2XT Steel V plow for the new 2022 Ford F250 solid waste truck in an amount not to exceed $9,343.

12. Approve and authorize the Board Chair to sign the Arena Naming Rights Agreement, by and between Sonju Two Harbors, LLC (“Sonju”), the County of Lake (“County”), and the Two Harbors Youth Hockey Association (“THYHA”).

13. Accept bid proposal and hourly rates from JBL Trucking and Excavating LLC for the 2022-2023 snow season; further, authorize the Board Chair to sign Snow Removal Contract effective November 14, 2022, to April 30, 2023, between Lake County (“the customer”) and JBL Trucking and Excavating LLC (the “service provider”).

14. Approve a one-time contribution in the amount of $62,500 for the Ely Area Ambulance Service Joint Powers Board. This payment will be sent to the City of Ely per invoice #2022-043 for its role in handling these funds on behalf of the joint powers board. Authorize payment in the amount of $63,100 to the City of Ely, for the one-time contribution / operation subsidy of $62,500 and $600 for taxes and insurance.

15. Authorize payment not to exceed the amount of $43,223 to SHI International Corp (SHI Invoice No. B16059559 dated October 31, 2022) for the renewal of the County O365 services, extending the renewal date to October 30, 2023.

16. Authorize payment not to exceed the amount of $17,250 to Pro-West and Associates, for Lake County to use ProWest’s services for the transition from ArcMap to ArcGIS Pro. These services include upgrading the GIS parcel fabric from ArcMap to ArcGIS Pro, training for editing and maintenance within the parcel fabric, nightly script for publishing, plans for a single geodatabase deployment, and integrating the parcel fabric into the GIS Enterprise Portal.

17. Authorize payment to Veterans on the Lake (VOTL) in the amount of $94,316 for cabin renovation / reconstruction (VOTL Request Number 5 / LCCMR). Lake County is the fiscal agent for the project which is funded in part by an IRRRB Grant and LCCMR appropriation, which will reimburse Lake County.

18. Approve and authorize the Board Chair to sign the Amended JPA Agreement between Lake and Cook County and approve the reallocation of FY2020 Septic Survey Project Clean Water Funds from Lake County to Cook County.

19. Authorize the Environmental Services Director to sign the Agreement with the State of Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources Watershed-Based Implementation Funding to extend the Clean Water Funds FY2020 Septic Survey Project Grant Agreement until December 31, 2023. Yea: Walsh, Goutermont, Sve. Nay: None. Absent: Hogenson, Hurd.

MOTION GOUTERMONT, SECOND WALSH: 03 – Approve the resignation of Cirena Trigas, Accounting Technician, effective November 22, 2022. Yea: Walsh, Goutermont, Sve. Nay: None. Absent: Hogenson, Hurd.

MOTION GOUTERMONT, SECOND WALSH: 04 – Approve the 67-day temporary appointment of James Larsen, Snow Plow Operator for Highway Department, at $19.50 per hour including first year return incentive effective November 28, 2022. Yea: Walsh, Goutermont, Sve. Nay: None. Absent: Hogenson, Hurd.

MOTION GOUTERMONT, SECOND WALSH: 05 – Approve the 67-day temporary appointment of Kean Raygor, Snow Plow Operator for Highway Department, at $19.50 per hour including first year return incentive effective November 28, 2022. Yea: Walsh, Goutermont, Sve. Nay: None. Absent: Hogenson, Hurd.

MOTION WALSH, SECOND GOUTERMONT: 06 – Approve the resignation of Andrew Imes, Appraiser, effective December 6, 2022. Yea: Walsh, Goutermont, Sve. Nay: None. Absent: Hogenson, Hurd.

MOTION GOUTERMONT, SECOND WALSH: 07 – Approve the recruitment for one full-time Appraiser. Yea: Walsh, Goutermont, Sve. Nay: None. Absent: Hogenson, Hurd.

MOTION WALSH, SECOND GOUTERMONT: 08 – Approve the recruitment for one full-time Accounting Technician. Yea: Walsh, Goutermont, Sve. Nay: None. Absent: Hogenson, Hurd. Board Chair Rich Sve recessed the County Board of Commissioners meeting at 3:42 PM. A closed session was convened at 3:47 PM, pursuant to Minnesota Statute 13D.05 subd 3(b), attorney-client privilege to discuss Public Employees Retirement Association (PERA) Disability Appeal. The closed session adjourned at 3:59 PM. Board Chair Rich Sve reconvened the regular meeting of the Lake County Board of Commissioners at 3:59 PM, with all board members present except for Commissioners Hogenson and Hurd.

MOTION WALSH, SECOND GOUTERMONT: 09 – Adjourn meeting of the Lake County Board of Commissioners at 4:00 p.m. Yea: Walsh, Goutermont, Sve. Nay: None. Absent: Hogenson, Hurd.

The Lake County Board of Commissioners will convene for the following meetings in the Lake County Service Center, Split Rock River Room, 616 Third Avenue, Two Harbors, Minnesota.:

– County Board Work Session at 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 29, 2022.

– No County Board Meeting the first week of December, due to the Association of Minnesota Counties (AMC) Annual Conference.

– Regular meeting at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 13, 2022.

– Regular meeting at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 20, 2022.

– Regular meeting at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 27, 2022.

ATTEST: Laurel D. Buchanan
Clerk of the Board
Rich Sve, Board Chairperson
Lake County Board of Commissioner


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