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Lake Superior School District 381
Meeting Minutes

The regular meeting of the School Board of Lake Superior Independent School District No. 381 was held Tuesday, January 10, 2023, 6:00 p.m.; Community Room, Two Harbors High School, 1640 Highway 2, Two Harbors, Minnesota.

1.0 Chair Tiboni called the meeting to order at 6:15 p.m. and led the audi­ence in the Pledge of Allegiance.

2.0 MEMBERS PRESENT: Mark Broin, Harriet Hagedorn, Dean Korri, Alan Ringer, Tracy Tiboni, Steve Van­House MEMBERS ABSENT: Jeff Radle ALSO PRESENT: Superin­tendent, Jay Belcastro; Business Manager, Tanner Spawn; Com­munity Education Director, Bruce Remme; Principal, Brett Archer; Principal, Joe Nicklay; Principal, Julie Benson; Assistant Principal, Gina Kleive; Curriculum Director, Dan Johnson; Recording Secretary, Debbie Peterson


3.1 Additions or Corrections to the Agenda:

Motion by VanHouse, second by Ringer to approve the agen­da with following additions: 9.5 Accept with Regret, the Res­ignation of Ann Ferrari, Title 1 Teacher, Minne, 1.20.2023, 7 ½ years; 9.6 Authorize Super­intendent Belcastro to hire a lobbyist firm to work with the Coalition of School Districts, at no more than $10,000 for our District, to secure state funding. (Carried Unanimously)


4.1 Additions or Corrections to the Consent Agenda:

Motion by Hagedorn, second by Korri to approve the consent agenda as follows: Minutes: November 29, 2022, Regular Meeting; December 6, 2022, Special Meeting. Personnel: 4.2.1 Approve the following leaves: Medical, Teacher; Com­munity Ed Employee; Teacher, 1.3.2023; Teacher, 3.27.22-5.4.2023 4.2.2 Approve recom­mendation to hire the following employees: Danette Hendrick­son, Housekeeper, THHS, 12.5.2022; Kim Graden, LMCC; Cassidy Sullivan, LMCC; Brooke Velcheff, LMCC; Amy Goerdt, LMCC. 4.2.3 Accept the following resignations: Mercedes Moulton, KIDS& Co. SB, 12.23.2022; Brice Hansen, Girls Soccer Coach, THHS. (Carried Unanimously)

5.0 Staff Spotlight: None

6.0 Delegations/Open Forum:

6.1 All American Cheerleaders

6.2 Jay Cole, Introduction Ma­chine Learning

7.0 Old Business

7.1 Approve Financial Reports:

6.1.1 Approve Bills ~ Novem­ber & December Bills:

Motion by Ringer, second by Hagedorn to approve payment of the December bills in the amount of $584,535.83 (Car­ried Unanimously)

6.1.2 Approve Electronic Fund Transfers ~ November & De­cember 2022:

Motion by Ringer, second by Hagedorn to approve the No­vember & December Electron­ic Fund Transfers: (11/2/22) $290,000.00 to the general ac­count; (11/10/22) $227,997.00 to the operating account; (11/15/22) $624,000.00 to the payroll account; (11/30/22) $631,000.00 to the payroll ac­count; (12/15/22) $651,000.00 to the payroll account; (12/30/22) $624,000.00 to the operating account. (Carried Unanimously)

8.0 Committee Report

8.1 Personnel Committee – Report. Mr. Belcastro reported.

8.2 Policy Committee – No Report


9.1 Approve to Solicit Bids for the Wm. Kelley School 2023 Renovations, ICS/Wold:

Motion by VanHouse, second by Korri to approve ICS to solicit bids for the Wm. Kelley School 2023 renovation proj­ect. (Carried Unanimously)

9.2 Approve Federal Mileage Rate: Motion by VanHouse, second by Ringer to approve the federal mileage rate for re­imbursement. (Carried Unani­mously)

9.3 4-Day School Week 23/24 and 24/25 School Years: Motion by VanHouse, second by Korri to approve the 4-day school week for the 23/24 and 24/25 school years. (Carried Unanimously)

9.4 Approve MSBA Policy #534: Motion by Hagedorn, second by Ringer, to approve the MSBA Policy #534, Unpaid Meal Balances. (Carried Unanimously)

9.5 Accept with Regret, the Resignation of Ann Ferrari, Title 1 Teacher, Minnehaha, 1.20.2023, 7 ½ years: Motion by Ringer, second by Hage­dorn to accept the resignation with regret, from Ann Ferrari, Teacher, Minnehaha. (Carried Unanimously)

9.6 Authorize Superintendent Belcastro to Hire a Lobbyist Firm to work with the Coali­tion of School Districts, at no more than $10,000 for our District, to Secure State Funding: Motion by VanHouse, second by Korri to approve no more than $10,000 to secure a lobbyist to work with the Coa­lition of School Districts. (Car­ried Unanimously)



11.1 Community Education ~ Director Bruce Remme: Mr. Remme updated the Board on Community Education activi­ties.

11.2 Minnehaha Elementary ~ Principal Brett Archer: Mr. Archer updated the Board on Minnehaha activities.

11.3 Wm. Kelley Elementary & Secondary ~ Principal Joe Nicklay: Mr. Nicklay updated the Board on WKS activities.

11.4 Two Harbors High School ~ Principal Julie Benson:

Ms. Benson updated the Board on THHS activities.

11.5 Curriculum Director ~ Dan Johnson: Mr. Johnson updat­ed the Board on curriculum.

11.6 Superintendent: Mr. Belcas­tro updated the Board on Dis­trict activities.

12.0 Motion to Adjourn Meeting: Mo­tion by Ringer, second by Korri at 7:58 p.m.

Minutes taken by Debbie Peterson

Adopted: February 14, 2023


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