Thursday, March 6, 2025


The Lake County Planning Commission sat in session at 5:00 p.m. on this date and conducted hearings and other business.

I-24-026r– Motion by Hoops support­ed by Bathke to recommend to County Board 1-year approval with conditions of a renewal interim use application for a vaca­tion rental home filed by Jared McGriff at 6803 Salveson Road, Finland MN 55603. The property is described as: NE¼ of SE ¼, Section 18, Township 57N, Range 7W lying north and east of the Baptism River 2.5 acres, zoned shoreland (Baptism Riv­er), R-3/Residential District, 2.5 acre-min­imum, Crystal Bay Township. PID: 27- 5707-18730. Motion carried; Hoops, Sve, Bathke, and J. Ernest voted in favor; none opposed. (PCR-24-032)

I-24-027r– Motion by Hoops support­ed by J. Ernest to recommend to County Board 1-year approval with conditions of a renewal interim use application for a vaca­tion rental home filed by Derk & Barbara Gibson (Agent: April Schultz) at 1806 Hwy 12, Two Harbors MN 55616. The property is described as: N 330 ft of NW 1/4 of SW 1/4 in Section 22, Township 53, Range 11 9.99 acres, zoned non-shore­land, R-1/Residential District, 10-acre minimum, Unorganized Territory #2. PID: 25-5311-22555. Motion carried; Hoops, Sve, Bathke, and J. Ernest voted in favor; none opposed. (PCR-24-033)

Revocation of C-93-007, C-03-004, & C-11-002– Motion by Sve supported by Bathke to table until November 25, 2024 at 6 pm in the Lake County Law Enforcement Center, 613 Third Ave, Two Harbors, MN 55616 for the revoca­tion of Conditional Use Permits C-93-007, C-03-004, & C-11-002 issued to Timber Trail Lodge for operations of resort units, campground, and lodge due to failure to rectify land use violations. The property located at 629 Kawishiwi Trail, Ely MN 55731 and legally described as: That part of N 1/2 of SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 as desc in BK 52 of Titles pg 43; That part of N 1/2 of SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 as desc in BK of 53 of Titles pg 86; That part of Lot 1 as desc in Bk 53 of Titles pg 85; 1.96 acres out of Gov Lot 1 lying W of CO Rd 16 & 2.7- acres out of Gov Lot 1 lying E of CO Rd 16 exc 0.80 acres all as desc in Bk 53 of Titles pg 42; S 25 ft of Lot 1 lying 100 ft W of Farm Lake in Section 4, Township 62, Range 11, 12.42 acres, zoned shoreland (Farm Lake), RR/Residential-Recreational District, 1 acre minimum, Fall Lake Town­ship. PID: 28-6211-04130 / 04131 / 04072 / 04075 / 04080. Motion carried; Hoops, Sve, Bathke, and J. Ernest voted in favor; none opposed.

I-24-028i– Motion by Sve supported by J. Ernest to recommend to County Board 1-year approval with conditions of an initial interim use application for a vacation rental home filed by Gabriel & Kelly Sweet at 758 Whippoorwill Lane, Two Harbors MN 55616. The property is described as: 10.2 acres out of SW 1/4 of SE 1/4 as desc in BK 60 of Titles pg 147 (doc T39282) in Section 17, Township 52, Range 11 10.2 acres, zoned non-shoreland, R-3/Resi­dential District, 2.5 acre-minimum, Unor­ganized Territory #2. PID: 25-5211-17856. Motion carried; Hoops, Sve, Bathke, and J. Ernest voted in favor; none opposed. (PCR-24-035)

Motion by Hoops supported by Bathke to approve the August 19, 2024 minutes as submitted. Motion carried, Hoops, Sve, Bathke, and J. Ernest voted in favor, none opposed.

Motion by Hoops to table the Septem­ber 4, 2024 minutes.

Motion by Hoops supported by Bathke to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried; Hoops, Sve, Bathke, and J. Ernest voted in favor; none opposed. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.


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