Monday, March 10, 2025


The Lake County Planning Commission sat in session at 4:00 p.m. on this date and conducted hearings and other business.

I-24-011r– Motion by Hoops supported by Bathke to recommend to County Board 5-year approval with conditions of a renew­al interim use application for a vacation rental home filed by Jay & Nancy Diley at 4267 Hwy 61, Two Harbors, MN 55616. The property is described as: That part of Lot 1 N & W of SH No 61 exc .01 acres as described in BK 115 of Deeds pg. 386 & that part of SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 as desc in BK 53 of Titles pg. 84 in Section 28, Township 55, Range 8; 21 acres, zoned shoreland (Lake Superior NSMZ), R-4/Residential District, 2-acre minimum, Beaver Bay Township. PID: 26-5508-28205. Motion carried; Hoops, Bathke, Unzeitig, J. Ernest, B. Ernest, and Ellefson voted in favor; none opposed. (PCR-24-012)

I-24-012r– Motion by Bathke support­ed by J. Ernest to recommend to County Board 5-year approval with conditions of a renewal interim use application for a vaca­tion rental home filed by Kevin Wilkinson at 1696 Hwy 61, Two Harbors, MN 55616. The property is described as: Outlot 15 of Gov’t Lot 1 exc. That part lying N and W of centerline of US Hwy 61 in Section 28, Township 53, Range 10; 1.3 acres, zoned shoreland (Lake Superior), R-4/ Residential District, 2-acre minimum, Sil­ver Creek Township. PID: 29-5365-28300. Motion carried; Hoops, Bathke, Unzeitig, J. Ernest, B. Ernest, and Ellefson voted in favor; none opposed. (PCR-24-013)

I-24-013i– Motion by Hoops support­ed by B. Ernest to recommend to County Board 1-year approval with conditions of an initial interim use application for a vaca­tion rental home filed by Kartheek Koneru (Agent: Mona Linden) at 2839 Hwy 61, Two Harbors, MN 55616. The property is described as: W 208ft of E 33ft of Lot 2 lying NW of US hwy NO 61 as desc. in BK 69 of Deeds pg 469 in Section 32, Township 54, Range 9; 2.98 acres, zoned shoreland (Lake Superior NSMZ), R-4/ Residential District, 2-acre minimum, Sil­ver Creek Township. PID: 29-5409-32160. Motion carried; Hoops, Bathke, Unzeitig, J. Ernest, B. Ernest, and Ellefson voted in favor; none opposed. (PCR-24-014)

I-24-010i– Motion by B. Ernest sup­ported by J. Ernest to recommend to County Board 1-year approval with con­ditions of an initial interim use application for a vacation rental home filed by Joel Weber at 2009 Hwy 61, Two Harbors, MN 55616. The property is described as: Outlot of 16 and 15 of Govt Lot 4 W of TH NO 61 in Section 15, Township 53, Range 10; 4.75 acres, zoned shoreland (Lake Superior NSMZ), R-4/Residential District, 2-acre minimum, Silver Creek Township. PID: 29-5361-15350 / 15370. Motion car­ried; Hoops, Bathke, Unzeitig, J. Ernest, B. Ernest, and Ellefson voted in favor; none opposed. (PCR-24-015)

C-24-004– Motion by Unzeitig support­ed by Ellefson to approve a conditional use application for the development of a 6-site campground, 3 rental cabins with retail sales, and horse riding and boarding with conditions filed by Vern & Susan Hoff at 6425 Hwy 1, Finland, MN 55603. The property is described as: SE 1/4 of NW 1/4, SW 1/4 of NW 1/4, and NW 1/4 of SW 1/4 in Section 29, Township 57, Range 7; 120 acres, zoned non-shoreland, FR/ Forest Recreation District, 10-acre mini­mum & R-3/Residential District, 2.5-acre minimum, Crystal Bay Township. PID: 27- 5707-29550 / 29370 / 29430. Motion car­ried; Hoops, Bathke, Unzeitig, J. Ernest, B. Ernest, and Ellefson voted in favor; none opposed. (PCR-24-016)

C-24-005– Motion by Unzeitig support­ed by J. Ernest to approve a conditional use application for the development of a 3 unit lodging establishment with con­ditions filed by Christy Illig (Agent: Rick Badeaux) at 5258 Klinker Road, 6251 Hwy 1, 6249 Hwy 1, 6247 Hwy 1, Finland, MN 55603. The property is described as: S 165ft of N 330ft of SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 lying W of SH no 1 & N 165ft of SE 1/4 of NE 1/4W of MSH no 1 in Section 32, Township 57, Range 7; 6.28 acres, zoned non-shoreland, R-3/Residential District, 2.5-acre minimum, Crystal Bay Township. PID: 27-5707-32190 / 32196. Motion car­ried; Hoops, Unzeitig, J. Ernest, B. Ernest, and Ellefson voted in favor; none opposed. Bathke abstained. (PCR-24-017)

Motion by Unzeitig supported by Ellefson to approve the May 20, 2024 min­utes as submitted. Motion carried, Bathke, Unzeitig, J. Ernest, B. Ernest, and Ellefson voting in favor, none opposed. Hoops ab­stained.

Motion by J. Ernest supported by Ellefson to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried; Hoops, Bathke, Unzeitig, J. Er­nest, B. Ernest, and Ellefson voted in fa­vor, none opposed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:19 p.m.


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