The Lake County Planning Commission sat in session at 5:00 p.m. on this date and conducted hearings and other business.
The hearing was opened by the Planning and Zoning Administrator with the first order of business being the election of Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary for the 2025 Planning Commission term. Motion by Bathke to nominate Michael Hoops to a one-year appointment for Chair. All in favor, none opposed. Motion by Ellefson to nominate John Bathke to a one-year appointment as Vice-Chair. All in favor, none opposed. Motion by Bathke to nominate Planning and Zoning personnel as Secretary. All in favor, none opposed. Nominations carried.
I-25-001i– Initial interim use application for a vacation rental home filed by Louise & Jason Hanson at 276 E 2nd Street, Knife River MN 55609 was withdrawn. The property is described as: Lots 21-24 Block 25 McPhee’s First Addition Knife River in Section 31, Township 52, Range 11, 13,496 ft2, zoned shoreland (NSMZ), R-4/Residential District, 10,000 ft2 minimim, Unorganized Territory #2. PID: 25- 5240-25240.
C-25-001– Motion by Bathke supported by J. Ernest to approve with conditions a conditional use application to establish a two bedroom Bed and Breakfast filed by James & Lori Cardinal at 1497 N Cardinal Road, Two Harbors MN 55616. The property is described as: W 1/2 of SE 1/4 of SE 1/4 in Section 27, Township 53, Range 11, 20 acres, zoned non-shoreland, R-1/Residential District, 10 acre minimum, Unorganized Territory #2. PID: 25-5311- 27920. Motion carried; Hoops, Bathke, J. Ernest, and Ellefson voted in favor; none opposed. (PCR-25-001)
Motion by Hoops supported by Bathke to approve the December 16, 2024 minutes with corrections. Motion carried, Hoops, Bathke, J. Ernest, and Ellefson, voted in favor, none opposed.
Motion by Hoops supported by Bathke to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried; Hoops, Bathke, J. Ernest, and Ellefson voted in favor, none opposed. Meeting adjourned at 6:15 p.m.