Monday, March 3, 2025


The Lake County Planning Commission sat in session at 5:00 p.m. on this date and conducted hearings and other business.

I-23-008r– Motion by Bathke sup­ported by Sve to recommend to County Board 1-year approval with conditions for renewal of an interim use application for a vacation rental home filed by Karen and John Adams for the property located at 603 Scenic Drive, Two Harbors and legal­ly described as: That part of Gov’t Lot 2, Sec 16, Twp 52N, Rge 11W, lying N of the N ROW of the St Louis & Lake Counties Regional RR Authority, formerly the ROW of the D.M.&I.R.Railway Company accord­ing to the map or plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Lake Coun­ty Recorder; 5 acres, zoned Shoreland, RC/Resort-Commercial, UT#2 Township. PID 25-5211-16880. Motion carried, Sve, Bathke, Shelerud, Unzeitig, and Hoops voting in favor; none opposed. (PCR-23- 010)

I-23-009r– Motion by Bathke support­ed by Unzeitig to recommend to County Board 5-year approval with conditions for the renewal of an interim use application for a vacation rental home filed by, M. Sar­ah Breckenridge for the property located at 1860 Hwy 61, Two Harbors and legally described as: That part of Gov’t Lot 1, Sec 21, Twp 53N, Rge 10W, lying s’ly of US Hwy 61 and e’ly of Silver Creek as said hwy was laid out and the course of said creek existed on Nov 21, 1966; 3.2 acres, zoned R-4, Silver Creek Township. PID 29- 5310-21240. Motion carried, Sve, Bathke, Shelerud, Unzeitig, and Hoops voting in favor; none opposed. (PCR-23-011)

C-23-001– Motion by Shelerud sup­ported by Unzeitig to approve with condi­tions a Conditional Use Permit application filed by Lake Cty Forestry for the re-rout­ing of 11,000-feet of snowmobile trails located in Silver Creek and known as the Big Noise Pit Snowmobile Trail. The on property in question includes portions of (14) parcels, 40-acres each, within Sec­tions 4, 5, 29 and 32; Townships 54 and 55, Range 10W, Zoned F-R/Forest-Rec­reational, 10-acre minimum; all in Silver Creek Township. PIDs: 29-5510-29490, -29670, -32250, -32310, -32430, -32670, -32370, -32490, -32850, and 29-5410- 05010, -05070, -04370, -04310, and -04430 560, zoned FR/Forest-Recreation­al, Silver Creek Township. PID 29-5510- 29490, -29670, -32250, -32310, -32430, -32670, -32370, -32490, -32850, and 29-5410-05010, -05070, -04370, -04310, and -04430. Motion carried, Sve, Bathke, Shelerud, Unzeitig, and Hoops voting in favor; none opposed. (PCR-23-012)

C-23-002– Motion by Unzeitig support­ed by Shelerud to approve with conditions a Conditional Use Permit application filed by Mike Swanson to develop a mini-resort at 539 Stanley Road in Two Harbors, MN 55616. The property in question is legally described as: The NW ¼ of the SW ¼; Sec 4, Twp 52, Rge 11; and SW ¼ of the SW ¼ except that part lying south and west of the centerline of County Highway No 9; Sec 4, Twp 52, Rge 11; 39 acres and 37.7 acres, zoned R-2 and R-3, UT#2 Township. PIDs 25-5211-04610 and 25-5211-04550. Mo­tion carried, Bathke, Shelerud, Unzeitig, and Hoops voting in favor, Sve recuses; none opposed. (PCR–23-013)

Motion by Sve supported Bathke to approve the March 20, 2023 minutes as corrected. Motion carried, Sve, Bathke, Shelerud, Unzeitig, and Hoops voting in favor; none opposed.

Motion by Bathke supported by Un­zeitig to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried, Sve, Bathke, Shelerud, Unzeitig, and Hoops voting in favor; none opposed. Meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.


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