Tuesday, February 25, 2025


The Lake County Board of Adjustment sat in session at 8:00 a.m. on this date and conducted hearings and other business.

V-24-019– Motion by Fogelberg sup­ported by Brodigan to approve the request with conditions for relief from the shoreline setback to construct an addition to a non­conforming home. Motion by Hippert sup­ported by Brodigan to deny the request to allow a deck to remain within the shoreline setback. Motion by Fogelberg supported by Hippert to deny a deck expansion within the shoreline setback (Land Use Ordi­nance #12, Section 7, Article 7.03a) filed by Rod & Barbara Kinny. The property in question is located at 328 Moss Island Drive, Knife River MN 55609 and is le­gally described as: 1.05 acres out of Govt Lot 3 as desc in Bk 62 of Deeds pg 360 in Section 29, Township 52, Range 11 1.05 acres, zoned shoreland (Lake Superior), R-4/Residential District, 2 acre minimum, Unorganized Territory #2. PID 25-5200- 29570. Motion carried, Fogelberg, Hip­pert, and Brodigan voted in favor; none opposed.

V-24-020– Motion by Hippert support­ed by Fogelberg to approve the request as submitted for relief from the sideyard set­back to construct an addition to a garage and relief from structure setback for Hwy 61 (Land Use Ordinance #12, Article 13, Section 13.01e) filed by Kim & Kathleen Hovey. The property in question is located at 1785 Hwy 61, Two Harbors MN 55616 and is legally described as: Outlot 20 of Lot 2 in Section 21, Township 53, Range 10 0.53 acres, zoned shoreland (NSMZ), R-4/ Residential District, 2 acres minimum, Sil­ver Creek Township. PID 29-5362-21200. Motion carried, Fogelberg, Hippert, and Brodigan voted in favor; none opposed.

V-24-021– Motion by Brodigan sup­ported by Fogelberg to approve the re­quest with conditions for relief from the shoreline setback to construct a basement and an addition to a nonconforming struc­ture with a height expansion (Land Use Or­dinance #12, Section 7, Article 7.03a) filed by Thomas & Augusta Karow. The prop­erty in question is located at 14133 Ojib­way Shores, Ely MN 55731 and is legally described as: Lot 8 ex those parts desc in BK 31 of Deeds pg 147, 68 of Deeds pg 295, 70 of Deeds pg 621 & 623 & Ex 7.2 acres c/d as desc in Bk 90 of deeds pg 26 in Section 11, Township 63, and Range 10 4.65 acres, zoned shoreland (Ojibway Lake), RR/ Residential- Recreational Dis­trict, 1 acre minimum, Fall Lake Township. PID 28-6310-11730. Motion carried, Fogel­berg, Hippert, and Brodigan voted in favor; none opposed.

V-24-022– Motion by Fogelberg sup­ported by Hippert to table the request for relief from bluff setback requirements for an existing unpermitted screen porch and to expand an existing deck (Land Use Or­dinance #12, Section 7, Article 7.03a) filed by Robert & Elizabeth Weil. The property in question is located at 2450 Cliff View Circle, Two Harbors MN 55616 and is legally described as: Lot 1 Block 1 in Sec­tion 1, Township 53, Range 10 0.5 acres, zoned shoreland (NSMZ), R-4/Residential District, 2 acres minimum, Silver Creek Township. PID 29-5315-01010. Motion carried, Fogelberg, Hippert, and Brodigan voted in favor; none opposed. The hear­ing will reconvene on December 9th at 1:30 pm in the Lake County Law En­forcement Center, 613 Third Ave, Two Harbors, MN 55616.

V-24-023– Motion by Fogelberg sup­ported by Hippert to approve the request with conditions for relief from shoreline and road setback requirements for a pro­posed, to be built, year-round structure (Land Use Ordinance #12, Articles 6 and 7) filed by William Bulinski. The property in question is located at TBD Snow Bank Lodge Road, Ely MN 55737 and is legally described as: Lot 7 desc as Tract I in 88 of Deeds pg 317 exc 1.12 acres desc in BK 90 of Deeds pg 1 in Section 34, Township 64, Range 9 3.25 acres, zoned shoreland (Snowbank Lake), R-R/Residential Recre­ational, 1-acre minimum, Fall Lake Town­ship. PID 28-6409-34910. Motion carried, Fogelberg, Hippert, and Brodigan voted in favor; none opposed.

V-24-024– Motion by Hippert support­ed by Fogelberg to approve the request with conditions to allow construction of two resort cabins within the shoreline setback and relief from the sideyard setback for one of them (Land Use Ordinance #12, Article 7, Section 7.03a & Article 18, Sec­tion 18.01 E2) filed by Jamie & Clinton Macfarlane (Castle Haven Cabins). The property in question is located at 3067 E Castle Danger Road, Two Harbors MN 55616 and is legally described as: That part of Govt Lot 4 desc in Exhibit A of Doc A000203635 in Section 27, Township 54, Range 9 0.89 acres, zoned shoreland (Lake Superior), RC/Resort Commercial, 2-acre minimum, Silver Creek Township. PID 29-5409-27565. Motion carried, Fo­gelberg, Hippert, and Brodigan voted in favor; none opposed.

Motion by Brodigan supported by Hippert to approve the October 21, 2024 minutes as submitted. Motion carried, Fogelberg, Hippert, and Brodigan voted in favor; none opposed.

Motion by Brodigan supported by Fo­gelberg to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried, Fogelberg, Hippert, and Brodigan voted in favor; none opposed. Meeting adjourned at 11:23 p.m.


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