Wednesday, February 19, 2025


The Lake County Board of Adjustment sat in session at 1:00 p.m. on this date and conducted hearings and other business.

V-24-015– Motion by Fogelberg sup­ported by Brodigan to approve the request with conditions for relief from the shore­line setback of a public water tributary to construct a cabin (Lake County Land Use Ordinance #12, Article 7, Section 7.03A) filed by Mike Ostman. The property in question is located at 1344 Presscamp Road, Two Harbors MN 55616 and is legally described as: W 1/2 of W 1/2 of NE 1/4 of NW 1/4 less that part desc in BK 80 of Deeds pg 174 in Section 30, Township 53, Range 10 2.5 acres, zoned shoreland (public water tributary), R-3/Residential District, 2.5 acre minimum, Silver Creek Township. PID 29-5310-30300. Motion carried, Hoops, Fogelberg, and Brodigan voted in favor; none opposed.

V-24-014– Motion by Fogelberg sup­ported by Hoops to deny the request to allow 2 unpermitted structures to remain in the bluff impacts zones and the structure setbacks of a designated trout stream & trout stream tributary (Lake County Land Use Ordinance #12, Article 7, Section 7.03A) filed by Shireen Ghanatabadi. The property in question is located at 723 Hawk Hill Road, Knife River MN 55609 and is legally described as: 15.00 acres out of the N1/2 of the SE 1/2 of SW 1/4 as desc in doc no A000161583 in Section 18, Township 52, Range 11 15 acres, zoned shoreland (Knife River & an unnamed trout stream tributary), R-1/Residential District, 10 acre minimum, Unorganized Territory #2. PID 25-5211-18670. Motion carried, Hoops and Fogelberg voted in favor; Brod­igan voted in opposition.

V-24-013– Motion by Hoops supported by Fogelberg to table the request for re­lief from the shoreline and bluff setback to construct an addition onto a grand­fathered cabin (Lake County Land Use Ordinance #12, Article 7, Section 7.03A) filed by Gregory & Cynthia Heinemann. The property in question is located at 2093 Cliff House Drive, Two Harbors MN 55616 and is legally described as: Unit Two, Cliff House Commons, Common Interest Community NO. 15 in Section 15, Township 53, Range 10 0.18 acres, zoned shoreland (Lake Superior), RC/ Resort Commercial District, 2 acre minimum, Sil­ver Creek Township. PID 29-5357-00200. Motion carried, Hoops, Fogelberg, and Brodigan voted in favor; none opposed. The hearing will reconvene on October 21, 2024 at 1:30 pm in the Lake County Law Enforcement Center, 613 Third Ave, Two Harbors, MN 55616.

V-24-016– Motion by Hoops supported by Fogelberg to table the request to allow an unpermitted deck to remain in the bluff impact zone and erosion hazard area of Lake Superior (Land Use Ordinance #12, Article 7.0, Sections 7.06 and 7.11) filed by Cliff Pointe Ventures LLC. The property in question is located at 1825 Cliff Point Road, Two Harbors MN 55616 and is legally described as: E 200ft of W 650 ft of Govt Lot 3 lying S of Centerline of US Hwy NO 61 in Section 22, Township 53, Range 10 2 acres, zoned shoreland (Lake Superior), R-4/Residential District, 2.0 acre minimum, Silver Creek Township. PID 29-5310-22400. Motion carried, Hoops, Fogelberg, and Brodigan voted in favor; none opposed. The hearing will recon­vene on October 21, 2024 at 2:00 pm in the Lake County Law Enforcement Center, 613 Third Ave, Two Harbors, MN 55616.

V-24-017– Motion by Fogelberg sup­ported by Hoops to approve that part of the request for relief from unclassified watercourse setback requirements to al­low an existing deck and railing to remain and to deny that part requesting relief for a screened porch to on a non-conforming dwelling to remain (Land Use Ordinance #12, Article 7, Section 7.04 & 7.06 and MN Statute 394.36) filed by Milton & Sharon Ropes. The property in question is located at 726 Old North Shore Rd, Two Har­bors MN 55616 and is legally described as: That part of the NW ¼ of NW ¼ and Lot 2; S15, T52N, R11W (also known as Lots 7 and 8, Cragsmere Outlots) and that part of Gov’t Lot 2 of NW¼ of NW¼, S15, T52N, R11W (or Lot 6 of Cragsmere Outlots) as described in Doc T000044136 11.39 acres, zoned shoreland (Lake Su­perior and an unclassifired watercourse), RC/Resort-Commercial District, 2.0 acre minimum, Unorganized Territory #2. PID 25-5270-15060 / 15070 / 15080. Motion carried, Hoops and Fogelberg voted in fa­vor; Brodigan voted in opposition.

Motion by Hoops supported by Fogel­berg to approve the August 12, 2024 min­utes as submitted. Motion carried, Hoops, Fogelberg, and Brodigan voting in favor; none opposed.

Motion by Fogelberg supported by Hoops to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried, Hoops, Fogelberg, and Brodigan voting in favor; none opposed. Meeting adjourned at 4:42 p.m.


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