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HomeNewsFrom the desk of Rep. Natalie Zeleznikar

From the desk of Rep. Natalie Zeleznikar

April 2023

Dear Friends,

I am not sure if it is a record, but over 3,000 bills have been introduced on the House floor this session to date. I pulled my first all ses­sion all nightery, when we heart the bill to have MN become a sanctuary state for trans­gender affirming care. After listening and reading the bill, I was a no vote.

This bill was written to allow someone other than a parent to bring a child to MN for procedures that would be life changing. Procedures that include mastectomy, removal of genitalia, and hormone blockers for kids, with no age defined as a minor. When I re­searched this I learned some kids changed their mind as an adult. Truly, kids do change their minds many times and on many things. Therefore, my position is I fully support in­dividuals choosing their path as an adult, but as a Representative of the State of Minnesota, I will not vote for any measure that could do irreversible harm to a minor child.

When a pediatrician testified in one of my committees, he reminded us all that a child’s brain does not fully develop till the age of 25. Therefore, it did not make any sense to me to allow procedures that could have lifelong consequences for children from other states.

To date, the Republicans in the House and the Senate have brought the vote to the floor regarding eliminating social security taxes once and for all, and the Democrats have vot­ed it down every time. I believe, the bonding bills will move forward, if Democrats follow through with eliminating social security tax­es as many campaigned on. I authored two bills HF 2181 to eliminate the public pension taxes & HF 1217 to eliminate the social se­curity taxes once and for all. In addition, I signed onto HF 1377 that recalculates local government aid to allow Two Harbors to re­ceive $401,408 more than they currently re­ceive. I also support bills to reduce property taxes, and to allow child tax credits. These bills would help individuals, families, and the community.

Currently the Minnesota DFL budget pro­posal is 71.9 billion, and the last budget was 51.6 billion, reaching a 28% increase at a time we have billions in a surplus. Many ask why we are not saving any of this surplus, and concern that this increase in programs will result in an increase in personal taxes for everyone.

Currently, many parents have notified me regarding the proposed mandates on teacher to student ratios. If this bill passes, districts statewide have confirmed that many other program cuts will be necessary, or other cuts will occur as it is cost prohibitive. In addi­tion, many districts do not have the space to have such mandates to increase the number of classrooms, and there is already a teacher shortage. Many pointed out that this elimi­nates the ability at a district level to see the classes needed, class level such as Algebra I or II, Photography I or II, and these mandates will reduce choices for students. I believe in local control, as the districts know the needs of the district better than anyone in St. Paul.

The next Town Hall will be April 16, 2023 3:30-5:30 at the Two Harbors Auditorium. Representative Roger Skraba, 3A will join me as he represents Silver Bay and Lake County and I represent only Two Harbors, and some of the surrounding townships, and unorganized areas. I invited Senator Grant Hauschild and he is unable to make it this time.

Please contact me at Rep.Natalie. Zeleznikar@house.mn, and follow me on my Facebook Page@ https://www.house. mn.gov/members/profile/15624 . Feel free to write me at 100 Rev. Drive Martin Luther Kind Jr. Blvd., St. Paul, Mn 55155 or call at 800-890-5428. I appreciate your feedback and suggestions.

Let your light shine,

Rep. Natalie Zeleznikar, 3B

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