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HomeNewsCensorship Threats Impact Local Newspapers and Communities

Censorship Threats Impact Local Newspapers and Communities

A story published the evening of February 19th in “The Indepen­dent,” a daily news site in the Unit­ed Kingdom, said, “Without even conducting a hearing, a Mississippi judge ordered a local newspaper to remove an editorial criticizing local officials over a lack of transparen­cy.”

The Clarksdale Press-Register in Clarksdale, MS, deleted the editori­al following an order handed down by Hinds County Chancery Court Judge Crystal Wise Martin.

The editorial, which rightful­ly criticized Clarksdale municipal leaders for their lack of transpar­ency about a hearing on proposed tax increases, was met with an un­just order from Judge Martin. Her accusation of the paper’s ‘reckless disregard of the truth’ is a clear in­justice.

The editorial read, “The notice was posted at city hall as required by law and said stated the city would ‘give appropriate notice thereof to the media. This newspa­per was never notified. We know of no other media organization that was notified.”

Seth Sterns, Director of Advocacy for the Freedom of the Press Foun­dation, told The Independent, “It’s hard to imagine a more unconstitu­tional order than one compelling a newspaper to take down an editori­al critical of the government. “

Causing the Press-Register to de­lete an editorial critical of the gov­ernment comes from the highest form of censorship.

Community newspapers, like the Northshore Journal, focus on local news and information. They cover local government, schools, busi­nesses, and community events. At its best, newspapers act as a watch­dog and a platform for community dialogue. Good journalism empha­sizes the stories, issues, and people that directly impact the lives of res­idents, fostering civic engagement and a sense of belonging.

According to a 2023 Northwest­ern University study, Minneso­ta has lost 34% of its newspapers since 2005, making it one of the states with the most newspaper losses per capita. More than 12% of local news outlets in Minnesota have closed since 2018.

The closure of community news­papers is a serious issue with sig­nificant consequences nationwide. The pace of closures has increased in recent years, leading to “news deserts,” communities with limit­ed or no access to local journalism. Plummeting ad revenues, staffing shortages caused in no small part by declining revenue, and compe­tition from other media have left community newspapers reeling and people without a vital source of in­formation about local issues. Stud­ies suggest newspaper closures can lead to lower voter turnout and less civic engagement. With fewer jour­nalists, local government and other institutions have less scrutiny.

Censorship and intimidation of newspapers don’t help, but it isn’t new.

In August 2023, local police raid­ed the Marion, KS, Marion Coun­ty Record newspaper office and the homes of its staff. They seized computers, cell phones, and doc­uments. The raid was initiated af­ter Kari Newell, a local restaurant owner, accused the newspaper of illegally obtaining personal infor­mation about her. She allegedly had a DUI and DWS (driving while suspended) and was applying for a liquor license, and she didn’t want those charges to interfere with that application.

Eric Meyer, the newspaper’s pub­lisher, acknowledged they had re­ceived information about Newell’s driving violations (she admitted to them in a meeting) but chose not to publish it.

Following the raid, Meyer’s res­idence was also searched. Tragi­cally, Meyer’s 98-year-old mother, who was a co-owner of the newspa­per, passed away the next day, with Meyer suggesting the stress from the raid might have been a factor.

Concerns were raised about po­tential police overreach and its chilling effect on journalism. The Kansas Bureau of Investigation and the Colorado Bureau of Investiga­tion investigated the raid, and spe­cial prosecutors were appointed to review the case. The investigation concluded that the newspaper had committed no crimes.

The case highlighted the impor­tance of protecting journalists’ abil­ity to report on matters of public interest without fear of intimidation or retaliation. It underscored the vi­tal role of small, local newspapers in holding power accountable and keeping communities informed.

The raid on the Marion County Record is a significant event in the ongoing debate about press free­dom and the relationship between local government and the media. Journalists should do their work without fear of reprisal.

In these conflicted times, the threat to journalism, a vital public service, endangers its vitality and very sur­vival. Government employees are forced to sign so-called “Confi­dentiality Agreements” that make them reluctant to share information with journalists and, thus, the pub­lic. Good government requires the bright light of public scrutiny. With fewer newspapers and journalists, the light is dim, at best.

Steve Fernlund
Steve Fernlund
Typically these “about me” pages include a list of academic achievements (I have none) and positions held (I have had many, but who really cares about those?) So, in the words of the late Admiral James Stockwell, “Who am I? Why am I here?” I’m well into my seventh decade on this blue planet we call home. I’m a pretty successful husband, father, and grandfather, at least in my humble opinion. My progeny may disagree. We have four children and five grandchildren. I spent most of my professional life in the freight business. At the tender age of 40, early retirement beckoned and we moved to Grand Marais. A year after we got here, we bought and operated the Cook County News Herald, a weekly newspaper in Grand Marais. A sharp learning curve for a dumb freight broker to become a newspaper editor and publisher. By 1999 the News Herald was an acquisition target for a rapidly consolidating media market. We sold our businesses and “retired” again, buying a winter retreat in Nevada. In the fall of 2016, we returned to Grand Marais and bought a house from old friends of ours on the ridge overlooking Lake Superior. They were able to move closer to family and their Mexico winter home. And we came home to what we say is our last house. I’m a strong believer in the value of local newspapers--both online and those you can wrap a fish in. I write a weekly column and a couple of feature stories for the Northshore Journal. I’m most interested in writing about the everyday lives of local people and reporting on issues of importance to them.

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